

Movie25 Grease Movie Watch

. liked It - 225739 Vote. writed by - Warren Casey. duration - 110 minute. Director - Randal Kleiser. year - 1978 ⦂✧ ✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫ ⦂✧ Alternative ⦂✧ download film indonesia ⦂✧ ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧   This is undoubtably the best song in the entire musical. I wanted Corny and Mabelle to get together. Was I alone with that thought. Who wishes that Kevin, John Travolta, Patrick Swayze all had a dance off in the 80s Definitely have to agree the 80's version. The. Best Kevin Bacon is the man! 🤘🏻😎🔥. At age 12 I fell in love with Stockard Channing. Hormones raging, high school just around the corner, and a genetic predisposition toward fast cars and faster girls, what chance did I have. And here comes Channing as Rizzo, the tough, smart mouthed, experienced femme fatal with a voice like one of God's fallen angels. It was and remains love. I'm going to be working on a production of Grease working as the master sound engineer (if something goes wrong I'm the only one who can fix it. I needed to re-watch the movie and re-listen to all the tracks. I forgot how damn fun this song is. You can't stop the beat. Anyone tired of going through the comments of old songs and seeing the words Anyone still listening to this song in 2019? In case you didn't know - Yes, we're still listening to these songs and will be doing so in the future. Is a great song in 1:58 is my favorite part. From THE greatest movie everrrrrrrrr. Biggest grease fan in history. You just can't stop me knife and fork when I see a Christmas ham 😂😂😂😂😂. The best thing about John Travolta's acting here is that you don't see him playing a woman in a gay way. He is so convincing. I can really see a woman in his acting and the way he sways his hands. One of the most beautiful faces of the world😘. Love it😍😍💓💓😍2020 and still listening to it💓💓😍😍😍. The best movie of the70's🤣. Once I die and get buried I'm going to put motion sensors around my grave so everytime someone passes next to me, this song will be played :D. The brilliant and amazing Stockard Channing no less. Not a singer on her own admission but she does justice to this song and how. Female Elvis. Totally unique, powerful voice. Awesome. When I was 14 years old in the 9th grade back in 1998, in my drama class, the teacher gave us an assignment/project to pick a song to lip sync to in front of the class. I had always loved this song so I decided that this was the song I was going to do. I got my mom to take me to a vintage clothing store and I bought an awesome disco outfit to bell bottom pants with platform shoes, and a brown yellow and orange polyester disco shirt with a big butterfly the day came and it was my turn to perform, I walked into the classroom in my disco outfit and started lip syncing and dancing to Staying Alive and the whole class went crazy, everyone was clapping and loved it and my performance was voted everyone's edless to say I got an A, lol. I was nervous as heck to do it because I had always been shy at school, but I'm so glad I did, I will remember it for the rest of my life. 😁. OUR 5L's Like LIfe Live Love; Prefferably By God HEAVEN LAKE. 1984- when no bamba comes on at a party.      


