カテゴリ:Working Housewife
目覚まし時計もどうやら無意識に止めてた様子。 なんとなくハッ!と目覚めて... 「あちゃぁー」 隣を見ると、すでにhiroroは起きていた。 「どうして起こしてくれないの??遅刻するでしょ!!」 「奥様、すごく気持ちよさそうに寝てたから、起こしたら かわいそうと思って...」 休日ならば、こういう気遣いはありがたいけど... 今日は平日!仕事、あるんですが....(涙) ...ってことで、今日はhiroroに送ってもらわないと間に合いません。 気遣いのTPOを学んで欲しいと、ちょっと思ってしまいました。 This morning, I overslept. It seems like I stopped my alarm clock unconciously again. And I just woke up and "Oh my god!" I looked at my side and found out that hiroro was already up. "Why didn't you wake me up?? I'll be late for work!" "You were slepping so peacefully that I thought it wouldn't be nice to wake you up!" Well, if it was a day off, I really like your thought. But it's a weekday and I have to go to work!! So hiroro will just have to drive me to work, because I just won't make it. I want him to learn the TPOs of when to be a little bit more thoughtfulness. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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