カテゴリ:Working Housewife
先週から職場の暖房運転期間が終了し、ここ数日寒い日が 続いたせいか?! 昨日も仕事中に少しゾクゾク、そして咳き込んでいたので 仕事帰りにかかりつけの医者へ。 医者いわく、「また、扁桃腺腫れてますよ。」 いつものように薬をもらい、昨日は早めに寝ました。 でも今朝もゾクゾク、コンコン。 本当は休みたいねんけどなぁ~。 今日は4月から人事異動で私の部署にくる諸先輩方が引き継ぎ業務と 顔合わせにやってくる。 顔合わせがあるので、いないとまずい! つらいけど、気力で今週は乗り切ります。 週末、ぶったおれるぞぉ~!(涙) 2 days ago, I was feeling chilly. Maybe it was because the heating system of my office finished running this season and we have been having cold days. Yesterday while I was working, I was feeling a bit chilly and coughing. On my way home from work, I went to my family doctor. My doctor told me, " You have swollen tonsils again." I got my medications and went to bed early. But this morning, I'm feeling chilly and coughing still. I really want to take a day off! But today, the senior colleagues who will start working with me from April is coming for a meeting. I have to be there. Only 2 more days to go, so I'll some how get by. This weekend, I'll stay in bed! お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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