カテゴリ:Living inJapan
今日は少し寒かった。 職場で一緒に働く地元人の話しによると、 今日は特別寒いらしい。 私の感覚としては普通の寒さだと思ったんだけど... ちなみに引っ越してきた県の観光キャッチフレーズは「晴れの国」だそうだ。 それだけ日照日数も多く、暖かいらしい。 ちなみに真夏は本当に暑いらしい。 どうする?私?? ちなみに私は晴れ女。 だいたい私が出かける時は晴れることが多い。 真夏は晴れの国 VS 晴れ女になりそうだ。(苦笑) I didn't think it was cold at all after we moved. But today was bit cold. From what I heard from my local colleagues at work, today was extremely cold. I just thought it was cold. Anyways, the sightseeing promotional phrase for the prefecture that we just moved to is "The Sunshine prefecture". There are many sunny days and it gets very warm, too. And it gets extremely hot in the mid summer. What will I do?? By the way, I'm a sunshine person. When I go out, the weather is usually nice and sunny. It seems like it'll be the sunshine prefecture VS the sunshine person in the mid summer. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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