C'est La Vie!



My Family(1)

我が家の元気なご長寿さん。 私の母方の祖母。 幾つに見えますか?? 来年、90歳になります。 頭もぼけておらず、目も白内障の手術のおかげで私達よりも はるかにいいです。 高血圧以外は病気知らず! むしろ、私や母の方が病弱かも?! 健康の秘訣... それは朝夕の1時間のゆっくりした散歩だそうです。 この日は母のカントリラインダンス同好会の1周年記念日パーティー。 このような華やかな場に遊びに行くのも、ボケ防止にいいそうですよ。 私の家族は家族の結束力が固い。 子供の頃から転勤族で、家族同士で助け合うという結束力が子供の頃から 自然とあった。 だから家族の誰かが何かをやるというと、暇な家族が助ける。 我が家では自然な構図である。 この日は妹は海外なんで、私と父が設営の手伝いやカメラマンを担当した。 祖母も最初はカメラマンをしてた私の横に座って、ステップを座りながら 見よう見真似で踏んでいた。 しかし、「ビューティフルサンデー」という曲がかかった瞬間... 突然席から立ち上がり、部屋の片隅で踊り始めた。 なんともかわいらしくて、思わず自分の携帯でも撮ったわけ。 何歳まで健在かわからないけれど、何歳になってもチャレンジする気持ちは 忘れちゃいけないなと思いました。 Here's our eldest member of our family. She is my grandma on my mom's side. How old do you think she is?? She will be 90 years old next year. Her mental health is still alright and she can see better than we can after she had her eyes operated. She has no illness except for high blood pressure. Maybe my mom and I get more sick than her. The secret of her health. It's taking an hour walks every mornings and every evenings. It was my mom's country line dancing club's 1st anniversary party. Going to these kinds of parties are also good for grandma's mental health. My family has a strong family bond. We had been moving around all over due to my dad's transfers since I was little. So it was natural for us to help each other out in times of need. If a family member needs help and the other family member has no schedules, than that one helps the other. That's our natural family style. My sister is abroad no and isn't home. So my dad and I help things get setted up and became cameramen. At first, grandma was sitting next to me, who was the cameraman. She was enjoying dancing as she was sitting down. But when a song, "Beautiful Sunday" came on, grandma suddenly stood up and started dancingin the corner of the room. It was so adorable that i had to take it on my mobile, too. I don't kno how much longer she will live. But I know that I should never forget to challenge no matter how old I get.


