昨夜はhiroroが帰宅した時にまだ夕飯ができておらず、作っている最中でした。でも、hiroroもお腹がすいていたのでしょう。一言、「なんだ、まだできてないの??奥様、ダラダラね。」そして、しばらく「お腹、すいた!」を連呼してました。いつもならば、そんなことを言われても適当に聞き流す私も、昨夜は女の子の日になったところでしんどかったのと疲れていたせいもあり、ちょっとむかついた。そして、出た一言が「私はスーパーマンじゃなーい!私だって1日働いて、寒い中、チャリで帰ってきて、一休みもせずに夕飯を作っているの!私だってこれでも一生懸命やってるの!もう少し理解してよ!?」キレた私にびびったのか?!お風呂のお湯がもうすでに入っていたこともあり、そそくさと彼は風呂場に消えました。hiroroがお風呂から上がった頃には夕飯はできていました。夕飯を食べる前に、風呂場で少々反省したのか?!「さっきはごめんね。」とhiroro。「私だってしんどい日もあるから、一生懸命やるけれど毎回てきぱきできないってことをわかってね。」と話しをしました。やっぱりまだまだ私達は発展途上よねぇ~。(苦笑)Last night, when hiroro came home for dinner, it wasn't ready yet and I was still cooking.Maybe hiroro was hungry. He said, "It isn't ready yet?! You're a bit lazy." Then he repeated, "I'm hungry!" for a while. Usually I ignore him. But maybe I had my PMS and I was also bit tired,too. I couldn't resist ignoring him,because it made me mad. So I said, "Well, I'm not superman,you know! I work all day,too. And I come home on my bike despite the cold weather. I'm cooking dinner without taking any rest at all! I'm doing the best I could! You've got that?!" I guess he was surprised to see me mad. Because the hot bath was ready, he went to take his bath. And by the time he was out from his bath, dinner was ready. Maybe he thought about what had happened earlier, before having dinner, he said "I'm sorry." And I forgave him and told him, "Sometimes I have tired out days. It takes longer time to do something when I'm tired out, but I'm doing the best I can." Well, we have a long way to go to be a perfect married couple, huh!?