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セブの青い空 SKYANGELさん
Happy-Go-Lucky yuki4732さん
こがめの目 ちびカッパさん
luの生活。 shika00luさん



Sep 5, 2006
アメリカのドラマ。ナンバース。シーズン2 第1話から

-This is in my world due to studying.
-If you want to study English with me, let's see these expressions together.

***American drama "NUMB3RS "season2-1***

n,adj.........試み、公判(He was right in the middle of a ー)
n...............前もって計画すること(That's ー)
(We searched the criminal histories and the psych profiles
that might have a ー towards ー and the ー to act on it)
v...............憶測する想定する(Now, are you -ing that Alison Trelane's killer)
adj,n.........指数の、急上昇の(The possibilities are ー)

(exponential would mean that the growth rate is ー to its size)
n................標準、基準(複数形は?)(I can creat a filter that uses your ー)
n.................法廷、裁判所(someone has been on - - 18 years)
....................連邦検察官, Threat assessments.
n.................殺人(...figured very well into a ー investigation)

n..................社会病質者(not all -s have bad childhoods)
(some law ー personal exhibit the same characteristics)
v,n..............がやがや騒ぐ、ガーガー鳴く(If it ーs like a Duc...)
n,adj............被告(の)(ー facing the death penalty in front of Trelane)
v,n...............強く打つ(Sort of fits the profile of a guy who want to ー his judge)

n...................奴、仲間 n園芸(a ー member of her ー club?)
v....................-を割り当てる、分配する(I ー them values)
n...................深い悲しみ、悲願(your - is worth five years, here is worth 20.)
adj................管轄する、議長を務める(the ー judge is Franklin Trelane)
v...................ーを誤って扱う(I may have ーed my learner's permit )

n...................方法論 v-を利用する n発見、探知
(Although I still take issue with the ー ーd in rader speed ー)
.....................How about a (今でなくあとで受ける約束2words), okey?
adj,adv.........後退、積極性にかける(you got it -)
v....................当惑させる、悩ます(That has always ーed me)
adj................誤信して(it ー implies that---)

adj................あいまいな、無定形の(...that can't be observed is some ー)
.....................She had a crush on me in fifth grade.
adj................接近できる、影響されやすい n追撃、追跡
(I just moved on to more ー ーs)
n,v..................雌犬、不平(he was just in here ーing about you,,)
v,n...................だます、はったり(It's a bad ー, you know?)

adj...................気楽な、くつろいだ(you were too ー)
n,adj...............開始、主導権、自発性(Took you too long to take ー)
(I just ran Trelane's address through LAPD ー database)
v.....................指図する, v辞任する、空ける n前の物件、記述事項、前提
(Trelane was ーed to ー the ーs)
(Thing is, you ーed to mention your history of domestic disputes)

n,adj...............やつ(..and then find the ー that killed my wife)
(A ー ーing over time, new developments ーing it?)
( ..then a ー approach would be no more effective than ....)
adj,n................対角線, adj今にも起こりそうな v-の量をはかる,adj限界のある
(Each fold is a simple, ー, ー-ー action)
adj....................理性の、道理にかなった(your behavior is not that ー)

n........................仕返し、返却(We just got a tip that JFM are looking for ー)
adj.....................思慮のある、慎重な(well, he wants everything as ー as possible)
adj.....................取るに足りない、はしかの(Amita's not satisfied with just one ー PhD)
n........................対称、調和 adj,n度を越した、執拗な
(ー is also a term we use in behavioral science to explain ー behavior)

adj......................関連がある、適切な(a 3D scatterplot distribution of all the ー case?)
n.........................地形、地勢,v見極める、評価する(He's constantly -ing his ー)
n.........................えじき、獲物 n略奪者、捕食動物(his available ー and rival ーs)
n,adj....................最適条件(until he makes what he considers an ー decision)
v.........................-を抜き出す、抽出する(Charlie's work ーed our suspects down to two)

adj......................十分な量の、適した n描写、代表者(My lawyer didn't give me ー ー)
adj,n..................無能な(I got stuck with an ー underpaid public defender)
adj......................不完全な、部分的な(but you had, like, , ー fingerprint?)
n.........................用心、警戒(and we just would like to ー ーs)
n.........................近所(I was ー ー ー ー the shooting)

n,v......................正当な理由、令状、保証 nチーム、一団(I jhust got back from the LAPD - -)
n.........................情報提供者(We're basing all of this on the word of a career -)
n..........................比率 n円周率(The ー of ー to the diameter of a circle)
adv......................無造作に(but did you know that if you ー drop deedlws onto a sheet of lined paper)
n.........................量子(Pi appears in ー mechanics)

............................You left out a detail or two,man.
n,v......................激しい襲撃、rape(Yeah, like the fact that he ーed you last year.)
v,n.......................自慢する(Hardee is a sociopath who ーs about killing a cop)
n..........................鋭さ、洞察力(He files legal documents to prove his legal ー..)
n,adj....................意思、決意(His - would be to let us know)

n..........................もつれ、困難な状況(quantum ー)
adj.......................即座の、瞬間の(but always in ー)
adj........................説明のつかない(- communication)
v..........................賠償する、穴埋めする(more than ーed for by the rewards)
............................Nothing 空想、想像, :分母 : 分子

v...........................ーに反対する、却下する(Trelane ーed them)
v,n.......................告げ口をする(I think she got his name out of one of his old ー books)


最終更新日  Sep 7, 2006 03:26:49 PM
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07年10月以降 luの生活。は↓こちらまで




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重雄@ はじめまして 変なブログからリンクが貼られていますね…
むぎ@ ありがとう 参考になります。
しゅうべー@ その通り!! いやー久しぶりですね。 しかしながら…
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