KLからバス3時間でクアラテンベリン(kualaTembeling)へ このテンベリンで休憩と公園入場料を払ったあとボート2-3時間でクアラ・タハン(Kuala Tahan)へ。 ボートを2-3時間乗るだけでちょっとした冒険をした気分。 こんな感じ。(picture1) 夕方に到着。 ここは観光地で「安宿」と「リゾート」が川によってはっきり分かれている。 ツアーで行く人はだいたい「リゾート」に泊まる。 もちろん自分は貧乏人なので、自分で安宿を探して宿泊。 ボートを運営している安宿エリアのAgencyが宿一覧とアクティビティ-を一覧を渡してくれる。 すごいわかりやすいのだ^^ この時、日本人の子,2人と出会い一緒にRM40 の部屋に泊まりました^^(TAHAN GUEST HOUSE.) 1人だったらRM10-20 でドミトリーの部屋があるので、バッパーでも問題なし。 でも、ここは2-3人以上で来るのがBESTでしょう。 なんたって、ボートで2-3時間。何をすればいいの?って感じです^^ (See Picture2) 夜はアクティビティーの「Night Jungle Walk-RM20-1.5h」を体験。 これは夜昆虫などを観察しながら歩くというもの。 自分、疲れて眠くて眠くて。。。 ガイドのおっちゃんが言っている英語が子守唄に聞こえましたzzzzzz。。。 (たまに専用用語が特にわからない;;) 今日はここまで^^ Sixth day-To TamanNegara National Park (Malaysia) I went to TamanNegara where a jungle still exists. At first, it took me 3 hours by bus to go to KualaTembeling. Next, I transferred to a boat and went to Kuala Tahan.It took 2-3 hours. While riding a boat, I thought it was very adventurous. I saw a few water buffalos and blue birds and I felt "The Jungle ".,.,.^^ (See picture1) I arrived at Kuala Tahan. There are two places for an overnight stay. One is a hotel with a resort.Usually, people who seek an adventurous tour stay there. Another site across the river are some cheap accomodations. Of course, I stayed on the cheap one. When I arrived there, one travel agency prepared " Hotel&Travel sheet" for guests. It was very useful.(see pictuer2) When I went there, I met two Japanese and stayed together at TAHAN GUEST HOUSE. It was RM40 with a rest room.I think it was good.There were a lot of Eropean guests. You can stay there alone.Maybe a guest house fee is RM10-20 without a rest room. But when you go to TamanNegara, I recommend you take a few friends with you. So the more you take your friends to TamanNegara, the more you enjoy playing in the jungle.^^ If you are alone..., You'll be lonely..especially when you are in a boat.... At night, I participated in the "Night Jungle Walk".It is RM 20.It takes one and a half hours.^^ This is a night jungle walk. We try to see some insects and the guide explains about it.. While I took part in it, I was so sleepy..Actually, I didn't catch his words due to sleepiness and some special works... His talk was like a lullaby,,,,Zzzzzz............ That's all ,.,. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Nov 28, 2006 06:55:33 PM
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