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Rating 34786 Vote /
genre Documentary /
94 M /
Country USA /
Directed by Jeff Orlowski

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The Social Dilemma - B- Fair but not Better)

A missed opportunity, Social Dilemma sees it's viewers as the tweens who just got their hands on social media for the first time or senior citizens who are forced to learn and make social media accounts to stay in touch with their children. The documentary skipped the generation inbetween altogether. It does brings awareness to important questions about the impact of social media but failed to address people who are between the above mentioned junior and senior citizen brackets. Users in current climate are lot smarter than this documentary gives them credit for, look at multimillion empire made by influencers exploiting the same algorithm presented by these platforms. Yes, there will always be non-believers, as there always has been people who didn't believe in Holocaust so they won't believe in climate change either even when we're amidst a pandemic and wildfires around the globe.

One of the tech guy said "Oh I am nervous I need to check with my lawyers first" but then failed to say anything which we haven't heard before. All these dramatic tropes to make it more dramatic "Oh something Salacious is coming" instead of giving something real substantial which can change the tech industry. Everything mentioned or dramatised you have heard, read or seen on an articles, YouTube, Ted talk or on Podcasts. They skipped past the biggest issue how these platforms are listening to you how you talk to your friends about something whether insurance, cars, vacuum cleaner or in my case once Compost Bin and once Spotify Premium Duo option and suddenly I got ads for Compost Bins on my Facebook and e-mail in already subscribed Spotify account about Premium Duo upgrade option. Both things I didn't googled but just talked to my friend about it. Now, that would have been really eye opening for viewers as you have all these insiders talking about the side effects but unfortunately noone goes beyond their Ted Talks bullet points.

The side effects of social media mentioned in this have been mentioned many times before anxiety, likes pressure, fake news, misinformation, body image, suicide rates gone higher, surgeries to get Angelina Jolie lips, photoshops, clickbait, stunts, gimmicks, first giving controversial statements, then fake apologies videos etc etc etc. Anyone would do anything for some "CLOUT. As Yuval Noah Harari said " Humans were always far better at inventing tools than using them wisely.

The makers just like the platforms they criticised merely gave about 5 minutes how to improve our experience using social media. I would have preferred if they had spend more time in giving ideas to big corporations on how to make their platforms better, how to change their algorithm in betterment of the society instead of disintegration of the society. I admire the need to bring to Netflix, make it more accessible for people who wouldn't otherwise would have known but I do feel it was a missed opportunity to call for an action and reform on larger scale.

Who else remembers when CD players and dvd players were the cool thing to have and dial up internet.
Isn't youtube social media? And even worse. its GOOGLE. shudders.

Aye is it me or does Mark Zuckerberg look strange af

I get the impression that this is some Deep Propaganda, put out by DNC-affiliates and targeted at PMCs.
Regardless of anyone's skepticism, think about this: if 1/10th of this is true, how bad will things be in 10 years.
⮚ The Social Dilemma (2020) f'ul'l M'o'V'iE ⮘.
I love seeing Russell so happy and grounded and with his soul mate. Laura is gorgeous and down to earth. Hollywood is such a toxic environment and I'm glad he rejected it and all of its craziness.
Trump should pardon Snowden. He did nothing wrong.
Its what happened in HK. No deaths from police in HK even after a year of protests, yet there is graffiti, slogans and news everywhere calling them murderers.
Thank you, you saved me a couple of hours from watching the movie 👍💪.

I used to be an avid reader. Since getting hooked on social media, I really have a hard time reading now. Okay, back to reading.
Yes, masons would have you believe masontre is nothing but a group of fairies tip toeing around waving their wands sprinkling fairy dust hither and yon, nothing evil about that! whyats all the fuss.
It's difficult to understand how bad a problem social media is. Especially when we are living in the times of fake news and propaganda all fueled by these websites. The Social Dilemma does an exceptional job of explaining how these websites are designed to keep us running like pigs on a hamster wheel.

The most important fact about the film is its credibility. It features top brass officials from Facebook, Instagram and other leading websites, including core people from their team. It's an eye opening conversation, watching people who might have helped built the AI behind the algorithms of these multibillionaire corporations acknowledging the monster they have created and how social media if uncontrolled will be an existential threat to humanity.

It is one of the most important documentaries I have watched in a long time which has completely reshaped my fundamental idea of using social media. It will make you aware of every scroll you take and every click you make and force you to have a conversation you've been ignoring for a long time.

If you live on the internet, this film is an absolute must for you.

Im not gonna wear a mask and I aint staying home.

Only your backgrounds can make me audibly gasp

Yes, I watched it and I was most disturbed by the suggestion that it is adding to our divisions. That was eye opening. I understand the addiction to it all and am glad it isnt something that Ive ever felt has had a hold on me. I do not have a smart phone that leaves the house. I know its weird in this day and age, but I just am not a phone person. I go on social media on my desktop computer ( school, I guess) Luckily my friends know I am this way and we can have real conversations that arent texts and instant. Being in my 40s, I think its easier because many in my generation do not care as much about social media as the younger generations do. Of any platform, I spend the most time on YouTube! I enjoyed your video on this topic. Thanks, Russell. (Also, PS my 70 year old step mother is the only one in my life who gives me grief about not communicating instantly and having a smart phone with me all the time. so I suppose its not all about our age. Im sure they have me profiled from my Google searches and some things I will like online, but I guess Im not the average person for them to toy with as much. Like others here have said, I also have no notifications or sounds turned on.

Nothing new: people were distracting themselves with whatever is possible since forever. Going home from bullying peers is RARELY safe, since parents apply violent parenting techniques (verbal or any) every day since. forever. Now there is something “new” to blame for their absence of proper parenting. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Jumping suicide and selfharm statistics are the result of having even more messed up parents than before. Trying to blame it on anything else IS just the usual way of avoiding responsibility (which is the example being passed from generation to generation.

Thank you for the soap making! My parents said that they used to make soap on the farm, in Italy, when they were young! This one looks like it is quick, and even more fun! Had an odd dream about you guys... 😂🙌😇🙏. Oo! 2:22 PM! Seeing #222 again here.
We all agree that masks save lives, or whatever. 🤣.
I've been saying this since March: Ya'll need to be praying for us huggers. I NEED my hugs.
Youre addicted to mooving hands while talking.
The lil speech about inequality did get me thinking about what good has come from the pandemic and in what time. Because, I remember at the start of this whole ordeal, for a few weeks, the nation was unified with goodwill. Before the pandemic, we as a society had been divided by belief and circumstance, so when coronavirus came along and turned our world upside down, I got the feeling that we were all in the same boat, and we would learn to be grateful and considerate of our neighbours and thankful for the nhs, and we would show corona whos boss and this one great nation would emerge victorious from this crisis as a more unified society. But then the goodwill disappointingly petered out. I started seeing fewer rainbows about, fewer zoom projects. When clap for Carers stopped that is when I feel we gradually slipped into this slump of low grade crappiness. Nothing so bad as too cause a news outrage or a unified song and dance, but not completely okay. Not completely back to normal, whatever normal is. I feel like going into this lockdown it was all so clear: do your bit, stay inside and social distance. Thank the nhs, clap for them, reflect on who is important to you. Now as restrictions are being relaxed, the message becomes more blurry: different rules for different people. We are once again divided by circumstance. We are slowly but surely heading away from the unity that came with the shock and restrictions at the start of lockdown, and heading towards our broken version of normal.

This is and was a hell of great interview. one of the best in JRE clips (at least in my opinion.
I heard about this topic from Jaron Lanier. He even wrote a book 10 reason why you should delete your account in social media. I agree that Facebook is behaviour modification software, algorithm create addiction to spend more time in platform. I am from Ukraine, and in 2014 Facebook uses for make colored revolution in my country. That sad.
Mmmmh Im not sure if hes joking bc hes a comedian on YouTube, however I DID know these things.
We are on the outer edge of the singularity. The fires in Oregon this past week, the BS about antifa setting the fires made people lose their shit. Militias had illegal checkpoints up stopping people escaping the fire trying to find the antifa thugs.

Been feeling and saying this for YEARSSSS. Society has progressively been becoming fragmented. Our poor children. I STATED THIS WITH DESPAIR, LONGGG AGO.
By habit, I would feel the urge to wash my hands with a regular soap bar after successfully having cleaned them with this play dough, simply because it's just play dough in my eyes.

This documentary film shows us how is social media evil. I'm 23 years old guy, but I feel like I'm 17 because the social media were just stealing my time. br>
Such an excellent documentary film! Be careful with kids.
Had to watch the Doc before proceeding to watch this. So yeah, i'm influenced.

Hey random person scrolling through the comments! Have an awesome rest of your day😉.
I deleted Twitter today Im so proud of myself. cant remember the last time I read a book! By posting this Im sharing with u how Ive been fooled with u guys.
Isn't it interesting that on many cell phones now days you cannot even remove the battery any longer. I believe this is to make sure that no matter what, they can keep track of where you are at on all times. unless you have a cell signal jammer. Let's not forget that your car can track you also as well the other devices that you have in your household and now they want to give us a vaccine for corona that may also have tracking capabilities. who knows how they want to alter our minds.

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Last updated  2020.12.09 13:09:01
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