come to light (明るみに出る)
JAL cabin crews sue over personal info | The Japan Times OnlineThe data collection came to light in February, prompting JAL management in May to issue punishments to its current and former employees involved, ranging from work suspensions to reprimands.
ほかにbe brought to lightとかbe brought out into the openとも。
The Prime Minister's involvement in that incident came to light [was brought to light, was brought out into the open] after his death.(総理大臣がその事件に関係していたということが、彼の死後明るみに出た)。
明るみに出す だと、bring... to light
目的語が長い場合は、bring to light...のようにlightの後に目的語を持ってくる
○彼らは'60年代の公民権運動と自分たちの子供たちの積極的行動主義のおかげで自分たちの話が明るみに出たとしています。They credit the civil rights movement of the '60s and their own children's activism for bringing their stories to light.
○銀行のやみ取引が明るみに出たね。The bank's shady dealings were brought to light.