

舛添都知事 自らの言葉なぜ語らぬ


--The Asahi Shimbun, June 9 EDITORIAL: Masuzoe must explain spending with own words, not legal babble (社説)舛添都知事 自らの言葉なぜ語らぬ Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe is grossly mistaken if he thinks he has offered convincing answers to questions about his qualifications to head the capital’s government and the administration itself. Serious doubts still remain following revelations about his spending of taxpayer money for personal use. In recent sessions of the Tokyo metropolitan assembly, Masuzoe was bombarded with questions about his dubious expenditures on hotels, meals, books and artwork. (過剰英訳です)  東京都知事としての資質への疑念や都政への不信感が、これで解消できたと舛添要一知事は思っているのだろうか。 Tokyo citizens wanted to hear Masuzoe’s own thoughts concerning his moral responsibility for using public money for personal purposes, not the opinions of the lawyers who have scrutinized his questionable expenditures and drawn up a report on their findings.  都議会の代表質問と一般質問が終わった。都民が聞きたかったのは、さまざまな公私混同の道義的責任などを、調査報告書をまとめた弁護士ではなく、舛添氏自身はどう考えているのかという点だっただろう。「自分の言葉で語って」と都議たちは何度も促した。 Assembly members who questioned the governor repeatedly urged him to speak with his own words.  しかし舛添氏は、判で押したような「反省」を繰り返した。 But Masuzoe only reiterated cookie-cutter comments about his “soul-searching” over the spending. He refused to offer the related details he must have discussed with the lawyers or specific measures to fix the problem. 弁護士らには語ったはずの詳細な事実や、具体的な改善策を尋ねられても答えを避けた。 Still, he dared to say, “I wish to regain public trust by fulfilling my responsibility to explain in this way.” This comment sounds like nothing but an expression of defiance.  それなのに「このように説明責任を果たしていくことで信頼を回復したい」と言うのでは、開き直りにしか聞こえない。 Masuzoe liked to say the metropolitan assembly represents the capital’s public. But his remarks in the assembly sessions suggest his disrespect for the assembly.  「都議会こそが都民の代表」と繰り返していたはずが、こんな答弁ぶりでは議会軽視の姿勢も問われるべきだろう。 He appears unable to even recognize what is the real issue.  舛添氏は、何が問題なのかも認識していないのではないか。 If he really spent part of his political funds, including public money, for personal purchases, he should at least be accused of betraying the trust of taxpayers.  公金を含む政治資金の一部を私生活に流用したとすれば、納税者に対する背信である。 He has worsened matters by failing to fulfill his responsibility to answer the questions raised, causing confusion and disruptions in the work of the metropolitan government. その上に説明責任を果たさない混乱が都政の停滞を招いている。 After seeing how he has responded to the scandal, most citizens of the capital are naturally unwilling to support his desire to retain his post.  これで知事続投の意欲を示されても都民は納得できまい。 The lawyers announced their report on his spending on June 6, the day before the metropolitan assembly started its session. The report said millions of yen in Masuzoe’s expenditures on hotel stays with his family, meals and artwork were “inappropriate.”  代表質問の前日に公表された報告書は、家族同伴のホテル宿泊費や、飲食費・美術品代などの一部を「不適切」と認定した。その重みを舛添氏は深刻に受け止めねばならない。 Masuzoe needs to take this judgment seriously. The report includes some telltale signs of his stance toward political funds. When he was asked about his purchase of a book on making soba (buckwheat noodles), for example, Masuzoe reportedly tried to justify the spending by saying, “I once discussed politics while making soba, and the book has been useful for my political activities.”  報告書からは、政治資金をめぐる意識が透けて見える。例えば、そば打ちの本を買ったことについて「そばを打ちながら政治談義をしたこともあり、政治活動に役立っている」と述べたという。 As for his purchase of historical novels, he said he had bought it “for studying Edo Period customs,” according to the report. 時代小説の購入は「江戸時代の風俗研究のため」。 He made it sound like all aspects of his life were related to politics.  生活のすべてが政治であるといわんばかりだ。 Masuzoe described the report as a “harsh” assessment of his expenditures. But most ordinary citizens don’t share his view. 舛添氏は報告書を「厳しい」指摘というが、ふつうの市民感覚から見れば、そうとは言えない。 The report didn’t question the appropriateness of his purchases of many calligraphy works, saying they also served both his hobby and his interests as a politician.  多くの「書」の購入について報告書は「趣味と政治家としての実利・実益を兼ね備えている」ので問題なしとした。 As for a silk Chinese outfit he bought in Shanghai, Masuzoe reportedly claimed he could move his ink brush smoothly in calligraphy when he wears the robe. The lawyers accepted Masuzoe’s explanation as “specific and convincing.” 上海で買ったシルクの中国服は「書道の際に着ると筆をスムーズに滑らせることができる」という舛添氏の説明を、「具体的で説得力がある」と評した。 Does the governor intend to continue such expenditures now that they have judged to be “appropriate?”  適切とされたこれらの支出を今後も続ける気なのか。 What does he think about assembly members’ call for him to make a “painful decision?” Masuzoe needs to offer honest and straightforward answers to these questions. 都議から求められた「身を切る決断」をどう考えるのか。舛添氏は正面から語らねばならない。 The metropolitan assembly, for its part, is responsible for making an exhaustive inquiry into the governor’s dubious expenditures.  都議会には、審理を尽くす責任がある。 Members of the assembly’s general affairs committee should rigorously investigate the scandal during an intensive session on the topic expected to be held as early as next week. 来週にも見込まれる総務委員会での集中審議で、きちんと追及すべきだ。


