←,< https://shinichiwanko2000.livedoor.blog/archives/26923104.html >2024年10月28日 /wiki/Hopf_algebra
In probability theory, the support of a probability distribution can be loosely thought of as the closure of the set of possible values of a random variable having that distribution. There are, however, some subtleties to consider when dealing with general distributions defined on a sigma algebra, rather than on a topological space. More formally, if X : Ω → R is a random variable on ( Ω , F , P ) then the support of X is the smallest closed set R _X ⊆ R such that P ( X ∈ R _X ) = 1. In practice however, the support of a discrete random variable is often defined as the set R _X = { x ∈ R : P ( X = x ) > 0 } and the support of a continuous random variable X is defined as the set R _X = { x ∈ R : f _X ( x ) > 0 } where f _X ( x ) is a probability density function of X (the set-theoretic support ). Note that the word support can refer to the logarithm of the likelihood of a probability density function. In mathematics, the support of a real-valued function f is the subset of the function domain containing the elements which are not mapped to zero.ギョウレツ?!のなかみのことカナ?・?・、・, , If the domain of f is a topological space, then the support of f is instead defined as the smallest closed set containing all points not mapped to zero. This concept is used widely in mathematical analysis. < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Support_%28mathematics%29 >/wiki/support_(mathematics ) {集合に、あるいは圏の対象に構造を決めることで、その構造に対する準同型が構造を保つ写像として定義,(matrices行列だからisn't itネ! ?)・・ 数学の扱う対象は、基本的には全て構造として表すことができる.< https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B0%E9%9B%86%E5%90%88 >/wiki/gathering at the table(mathematical structure )台集合 } ↓ https://shinichiwanko2000.livedoor.blog/archives/27153189.html 2024年11月21日 Titchmarsh convolution theoremティッチマーシュの畳み込み定理(英語版 )---/wiki/Titchmarsh_convolution_theorem [20241031 halloween end! ??, ] (relevant?, ) https://shinichiwanko2000.livedoor.blog/archives/26660267.html 2024年9月23日 Sōgetsu-ryū (草月流いけばな ) Kochi prefectural commandery exhibition高知県支部展!?, ,[20240904] https://shinichiwanko2000.livedoor.blog/archives/26932823.html autumn term秋季, ikebanaいけばなprefecture's ex-[position?? ]hibition県展[20241005 ] https://shinichiwanko2000.livedoor.blog/archives/26942700.html お稽古wage(行う、遂行する?? )d[bunk(寝台、だぼら、ごまかし、逃亡?? )ed, faked? ] offサボッた! ?,,I only brought flowers home. o,花はモッテ♪帰ったガ、day日[20241001 ] e tc?? ?, , お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2024年11月21日 00時40分09秒
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