on the other side of the world


50 years on the road


last fall, they finally built a beat museum. it's at columbus and broadway, just down the street from city lights. and their phone number is 1.800.ker.ouac. (guess 1.800.gin.sberg was too long.) the first time i heard that 「on the road」had been written on one continuous roll of paper, i laughed out loud. that book is 50 today. things i love in north beach: ・the pizza joints ・the slight whiff of sewage in the basement of city lights books ・bagna calda at the stinking rose ・eating gelati in washington square ・saturday opera and the walls crammed with old photos at caffe trieste ・keeping an eye out for lawrence ferlinghetti (not that we'd recognize him, but still) ・crab sandwiches from palermo deli ・tea on the upstairs balcony at vesuvio cafe


