



大学も昨日ですべての授業・試験が終わった。早速僕は4日に東急電車を撮りに行った。珍しい回送列車や車両が撮れた。 Because of the lectures at my university had finished, I went photographing trains on Tokyu Lines. I could shoot rare carriages and operations. 8090系電車8095Fの回送列車。田園都市線あざみ野駅にて。朝の運用を終えて長津田の車庫へ帰るところと見られる。 An out-of-service train by 8090 Series running on Den-en-toshi Line and going back to Nagatsuta railyard. At Azamino Station. 2000系電車2102F。田園都市線あざみ野駅にて。2000系は3編成しか存在しない貴重な車両。ただし東武線に直通しない運用に限り使用されるため、ダイヤが分かれば簡単に遇える。 2000 Series, the rarest type on Den-en-toshi Line, existing just three sets, because 2000 Series can't go through Tobu Isesaki Line, it can be easy to see 2000 Series if you find the trains which don't go through Tobu Isesaki Line. At Azamino Station. 1000系電車1013F。中央に貫通扉がある唯一の1000系。池上線石川台駅~洗足池駅間にて。 Ikegami Line 1013F, equipping an emergency exit door on the middle of its front. Between Ishikawadai Station and Senzokuike Station on Ikegami Line. 7700系電車7715F。9000系電車・2000系電車に似た顔を持つ先頭車化改造車。池上線石川台駅~洗足池駅間にて。 Ikegami Line 7700 Series 7715F set, which is converted from the three middle carriages and whose front looks like that of 9000 or 2000 Series. Between Ishikawadai Station and Senzokuike Station on Ikegami Line. 田園都市線を走行中の5050系電車の回送列車。東横線の車庫は元住吉にあるが、大掛かりな4年に一度の重要部検査や8年に一度の全般検査は長津田車両工場で受けるため、東横線車両が田園都市線を走るという場面が時々見られる。走行経路は元住吉駅~(東横線)~田園調布駅~(目黒線)~大岡山駅~(大井町線)~二子玉川駅~(田園都市線)~長津田駅~(こどもの国線)~長津田車両工場。 An out-of-service train by 5050 Series running on Den-en-toshi Line and going back to Motosumiyoshi railyard. Though Toyoko Line carriages belong to Motosumiyoshi railyard, these carriages also have inspections, for example, important parts inspections every four years and whole inspections every eight years, at Nagatsuta Factory near Onda Station on Kodomonokuni Line. These carriages run to the factory via Toyoko Line, Meguro Line, Oimachi Line, and Den-en-toshi Line.




