肝付さんは1935(昭和10)年生まれ、鹿児島県で生を享け、東京都で育った。最初は映画俳優を志し、帝京高校在学中に演劇部を設立。高校卒業後からラジオドラマやアニメの声優としての活躍を始めた。 声優として活躍する傍ら、舞台俳優としても活躍し、劇団21世紀FOX作品の主宰を務めた。 葬儀は近親者のみですでに執り行われ、訃報はその後の24日に、所属事務所である81プロデュースによって発表された。 西武池袋線大泉学園駅にある、肝付さんが声を吹き込んだキャラクターの1人で、同駅の「名誉駅長」である、「銀河鉄道999」の車掌さんの人形の前には、花や「肝付さんありがとう」と書かれた手紙が供えられていた。 ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 On 20th, a Japanese voice actor, Kaneta Kimotsuki, who was famous for the voice of Suneo Honekawa (Sneech) from "Doraemon" (1979 - 2005) and Conductor from "Galaxy Express 999", passed away at age 80 from pneumonia. Kimotsuki was born in 1935. He was from Kagoshima Prefecture, but grew up in Tokyo. At first, he aimed to be a film star and started drama club when he was a high school student. After his graduation, he started to work as a voice actor. He also kept his career as a stage actor and preside over a theatrical group. His funeral had been already done only by his close relatives and the news was announced on 24th by his talent agency, 81 produce. On the day after the announcement of his death, I saw some fans left a flower or letters in front of the figure of Conductor from "Galaxy Express 999" at Oizumi-gakuen Station on Seibu Ikebukuro Line. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Oct 29, 2016 11:18:34 AM
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