Tier’s Bench




高校英語基本例文―1 1, His father is a manager of a trading company. 2, He got uneasy, but tried to keep quiet. 3, I found the book interesting. 4, His words made us happy. 5, It is no use of crying over spilt milk. 6, It is quite natural that he should get angry. 7, I found it easy to get along with him. 8, I think it important that we should tell the truth. 9, He will has his own way, he won’t listen to me. 10, Shall I help you with your homework? 11, Will you pass me the salt, please? 12, Where are you going to spend your holidays? 13, We are about to get on the bus when the accident happened. 14, My sister is to get married next spring. 15, We are having a party tonight. 16, My father is taking us Tokyo Disneyland next Sunday. 17, We will be flying over the Amami Islands in a few minutes. 18, I have already written the paper. 19, Hiroshi had already left for school when Kaori came. 20, She had intended to come earlier. 21, He will have finished the work by this time tomorrow. 22, She had been crying for some while. 23, Accidents will happen when they are least expected. 24, This window won’t open, however hard I try. 25, We would often visit our teacher on January 2nd. 26, He wouldn’t take my advice. 27, Would you be able to answer the question? 28, It is natural that he should think so. 29, I dare not jump down such a tall place. 30, There used be a small theater around here. 31, You ought to listen to your parents. 32, At your age you ought to know better. 33, He may have witnessed that murder case. 34, Something mysterious must have happened to him/ 35, She cannot have fallen in love with a man like that. 36, You should have done it by yourself. 37, They should have arrived there by now. 38, You need not have said such a thing to him. 39, She may well be proud of her daughter. 40, We cannot be too careful of our health. 41, All you have to do is to push the button. 42, She is looking for a lady to share the apartment. 43, There was nothing in particular for them to do. 44, He had a great wish to become a diplomat. 45, You have to hurry to catch up with them. 46, What a fol she must be to believe such a man! 47, Few people lives to be a hundred years old. 48, He is quick to make up his mind. 49, I have decided not to meet him any more. 50, I want you to do it at once. 51, She promised me not to tell a lie again. 52, He stepped aside for her to pass. 53, It was careless of you to make such a mistake. 54, He is said to have made a fortune in the mail-order business. 55, She intended to have come a little earlier. 56, He seems to be thinking of something else. 57, I heard the clock strike twelve midnight. 58, His father made him practice soccer before he went to elementary school. 59, He helped me carry the newspapers. 60, They are to get married next June. 61, I happened to see him in town. 62, Never fail to let me know when you get there. 63, How did you come to know the top secret. 64, It is never too late to mend. 65, To make matters worse, he met with a traffic accident. 66, This exploration will be expensive, to say nothing of the danger. 67, Would you mind moving over a little closer, please? 68, I remember going to see him on a rainy day. 69, Please remember to see him on your way home. 70, Would yo mind my smoking here? 71, Many of us repent of having done nothing good to our parents while young. 72, I don’t like being talked to while playing video games. 73, On his knocking, the door was instantly thrown open. 74, There is no accounting for tastes. 75, Don’t you feel like having a tea break? 76, You cannot see the documentary film without being deeply moved. 77, It goes without saying that health is above wealth. 78, A drowning man will catch at a straw. 79, I had my decayed tooth puled out. 80, he stood looking up at the moon. 81, I heard someone calling my name. 82, I heard my name called. 83, he kept his eyes fixed on the ground. 84, She was busy preparing dinner for her guests. 85, He spent a lot of time figuring out the crossword puzzle. 86, Seeing a police officer, the man wearing sunglasses ran away. 87, Having no money, I had to walk all the way to my house. 88, The boy listened to what his grandfather said, holding his breath. 89, Saying goodbye, Mary walked away. 90, Turning left, you will find the post office on your right. 91, Not knowing what to do, I asked him for advice. 92, Built of wood, old Japanese houses burned easily. 93, Having heard the story before, she didn’t want to hear it again. 94, Afraid of the dog, the boy took a different way. 95, It being hot, I turned on the air conditioner. 96, There being no bus service, we had to walk all the way to the spa. 97, he sat on the chair with his legs crossed. 98, It was very cold that day with a chilly rain falling. 99, Generally speaking, women live longer than men. 100, Taking everything into consideration her life was a happy one.




