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My English Organizer  December - Change & Self-Improvement -


年末にはちと早いですが、 December 12月:師走(しわす)/極月(ごくげつ) のまとめです。 My English Organizer  December - Change & Self-Improvement - My English Organizer 執筆者の神田昌典さんのお父さんの話が感動的です。 The universe is very playful. When you play with the universe, it will play with you. 宇宙はとっても遊び好き。あなたが宇宙と遊べば、宇宙はあなたと遊んでくれる。 My English Organizer  December - Change & Self-Improvement - Self Development Question What was your most disappointing experience in 2007? What was your most successful experience in 2007? What will you do differently next year? Who will you catch up with during the holiday? How will you celebrate Xmas? What are your goals for 2008? Sample Answers What was your most disappointing experience in 2007? - I wasn’t encouraged at all by my boss. I wish I had implemented more of my ideas. I didn’t take time to reflect about my goal. What was your most successful experience in 2007? - I had the courage to quit my unispiring job. I made a big effort to cultivate better relationships. I learned from my failures. What will you do differently next year? - I will learn from my past and won't be so needy in love next time. I will be more independent and celebrate myself more. I will stay on track with my goals. Who will you catch up with during the holiday? - I'm going to meet for drinks with my friends from high school. I will catch up with my grandparents at their house. I'm going to drop in on my family. How will you celebrate Xmas? - I will go shopping for holiday bargains with my single girlfriends. I'm going to have a romantic dinner with my boyfriend. I will put up decorations in my house and sing Christmas carols. What are your goals for 2008? - I hope to be more goal oriented. I have a brilliant strategy to help me save 500,000 yen. I want to focus on self-improvement. My English Organizer  December - Change & Self-Improvement - memo disappoint/ reflect/ implement/ consider/ encourage/ rejuvenate/ evaluate がっかりさせる、再考する、実行する、考える、励ます、リフレッシュする、評価する effort/ standard/ peace of mind/ longing/ courage/ victory/ failure 努力、基準、心の平和、憧れ、勇気、勝利、失敗 turn over a new leaf/ learn from the past/ celebrate oneself/ stay on track/ visualize success/ obstacles/ initiate change 再出発する、過去から学ぶ、自分を褒める、順調に進める、成功を思い描く、障害、変化を起こす catch up with/ ask out/ meet for drinks/ drop in on/ cheer up/ take out/ call back 久しぶりに会う、デートに誘う、一緒に飲む、ちょっと立ち寄る、元気になる、デートする、電話を折り返す wrapping paper/ Xmas/ ornament/ Christmas carols/ romantic dinner/ holiday bargains/ decoration ラッピングペーパー、クリスマス、飾り、クリスマス・キャロル、ロマンチックな夕食、年末バーゲン、飾り付け My English Organizer  December - Change & Self-Improvement - memo あなたの意見は聞いてない。 ところで、ここに教訓がある。 聞きたいのは、私たちは失敗から学べるのか、ということだけ。 あなたが世界で一番大切。 乾杯! 乾杯! すべての教訓は教えられるものではない。経験しないとわからないものがある。 I didn’t ask your opinion.. (24) You know, there’s a lesson here. (Bulworth (1998)) The only question is, will we be able to learn from our mistakes? (The Day After Tomorrow (2004)) You're the most important thing in the world. (One Fine Day(1996)) A toast! A toast! (It's a Wonderful Life (1946)) Some lessons can't be taught. They must be lived to be understood. (Elektra (2004)) My English Organizer  December - Change & Self-Improvement - Year Review e.g.) I enjoyed 2007 because_________________________________. In 2008 I am planning to_________________________________. One word description for: My Music:_________________________________ My Style: _________________________________ My Dream: _________________________________ My Voice: _________________________________ My Opinions: _________________________________ My Dessert: _________________________________ My English: _________________________________ e.g.) I enjoyed 2007 because I made an effort to use this book. In 2008 I am planning to initiate change in my life. One word description for: My Music: jazz My Style: elegant My Dream: creator My Voice: strong My Opinions: firm My Dessert: chocolate cake My English: excellent




