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Jun 24, 2024

魔法使いの家 075-681-5227​​​​

 Am8-Pm10, Over Offer:"At anytime." ​​

​​ロータス in Kyoto​​​今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
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魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

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魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

open, sign, lights, relationship

My elderly mother fell.
She went to an orthopedic clinic for back pain, and since the X-ray showed no problem, she was given a two-week supply of painkillers.
It's been three days, but the pain doesn't seem to have subsided at all.
Is the medicine not working?
Is there nothing we can do for a while yet?
​​​​Should I just continue to wait and see?


​保存的治療の場合、コルセットを装着して安静にし、痛み止めの内服薬を使用することが一般的です。通常、数週間で改善しますが、痛みが強く持続する場合は医師に相談するべきです。2 また、リハビリを行うことで回復を促すことが重要です。

ROM訓練: 関節可動域を広げるための運動
下肢の筋力強化: 足の筋力を保つためのトレーニング
椅子に座れるようになったら: 座位保持訓練
注意点と禁忌: 前かがみの姿勢を避ける、重い荷物を持たない、しりもちをつかない2
コルセットの装着: 痛みを和らげるためにコルセットを付けて安静にすることが一般的です。
痛み止めの内服薬: 自宅療養中に痛みを管理します。
リハビリ: 骨折から回復するためにリハビリが必要です。2
脊椎固定術: 背骨を金属の棒やねじで固定する手術です。入院が必要で、リハビリも行います。
椎体形成術: 骨折した部位に骨セメントを充てんして安定化させる手術です。入院期間は短く、リハビリは不要です。2
リハビリでは、ROM訓練や下肢の筋力強化が重要です。また、前かがみの姿勢を避け、重い荷物を持たないように気を付けましょう。2 早期のリハビリを行うことで、日常生活の回復をサポートできます。3
年寄りや高齢者が転ぶ、転倒した後の腰痛は要注意 | 症状別解説一覧 (yoshida-jusei.com)
高齢者に多い腰椎圧迫骨折!治療とリハビリのポイントを解説 | 腰痛メディア|zen placeが発信する痛みの情報サイト

転びやすくなる原因は? | 国立長寿医療研究センター (ncgg.go.jp)
腰をぶつけて痛みが続いているけれど、これって本当に打撲なの??まさか骨折?? - NS整骨院 (nss-labo.com)


If an elderly person develops back pain after a fall, lumbar compression fracture should be suspected. Especially for those over 60 years old, even a simple fall or tumble can cause a compression fracture. This symptom often becomes severe, and in some cases, it may be a compression fracture, so caution is required1. Compression fractures usually heal within a few weeks, but if there is numbness down to the toes or the pain does not subside, hospitalization and surgery may be required2. Below is a summary of the key points for treatment and rehabilitation of lumbar compression fractures.
For conservative treatment, it is common to wear a corset and rest, and take oral painkillers. It usually improves within a few weeks, but if the pain is severe and persistent, you should consult a doctor. 2 It is also important to promote recovery by performing rehabilitation.
The following are the key points for rehabilitation of lumbar compression fractures:
ROM training: Exercises to increase the range of motion of the joints
Strengthening the lower limbs: Training to maintain leg strength
Once you are able to sit in a chair: Sitting position maintenance training 

Conservative treatment (without surgery):
Wearing a corset: It is common to wear a corset and rest to relieve pain.
Oral pain medication: Pain management while recuperating at home.
Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is required to recover from the fracture. 2

Surgical treatment:
Spinal fixation: Surgery to fix the spine with metal rods and screws. Hospitalization is required, and rehabilitation is also performed.
Vertebroplasty: Surgery to fill the fractured area with bone cement to stabilize it. Hospitalization is short and rehabilitation is not required. 2
​​In rehabilitation, ROM training and strengthening of the lower limbs are important. Also, be careful to avoid leaning forward and carrying heavy loads. 2 Early rehabilitation can help you
recover your daily life. 3 First, consult with a hospital to find the appropriate treatment. 12
範囲運動 (ROM訓練):
It is important to start rehabilitation for lumbar compression fractures in the elderly as early as possible. Below, I will share some points for rehabilitation.
Range of movement (ROM training):
To increase the range of motion of the lumbar spine, exercises are performed to bend and stretch the waist forward, backward, left and right. This can be done while lying in bed or on the floor.
Strength training:
Strengthening the muscles of the lower limbs improves balance and restores walking ability.
Especially train the muscles around the lumbar spine (abdominal muscles, back muscles, and gluteal muscles).
Improve posture:
Avoid slouching and try to sit, stand, and walk with your back straight.
Daily life training:
Practice daily movements such as getting up from a bed, standing up from a chair, and walking.
Instruction on safe movements:
Avoid carrying heavy luggage and avoid movements that put strain on the lower back.
Incorporate deep breathing and relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
Rehabilitation should be adjusted to individual symptoms and physical strength. Please consult with your doctor or rehabilitation specialist to create an appropriate program.
魔法使いの家​​​​​​​​​​  http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html?​​




Last updated  Jun 24, 2024 12:00:16 AM
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