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Aug 13, 2024
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Does the growth investment allowance refer to capital gains?

成長投資枠: 年間240万円
つみたて投資枠: 年間120万円
成長投資枠: 上場株式、投資信託、REIT、ETFなど幅広い商品
つみたて投資枠: 長期の積立・分散投資に適した一定の投資信託
成長投資枠: いつでも可(スポット購入)
つみたて投資枠: 定期かつ継続的な買付

成長投資:ステップバイステップガイド |The Motley Fool
スタートアップへの投資方法:総合ガイド - Crunchbase
2024年にお金を投資し始める方法|The Motley Fool
非課税投資枠: 年間240万円まで投資可能。
投資対象商品: 上場株式、投資信託、REIT、ETFなど幅広い商品。
購入方法: いつでも可(スポット購入)。
非課税投資枠: 年間120万円まで投資可能。
投資対象商品: 長期の積立・分散投資に適した一定の投資信託(金融庁が選定)。
購入方法: 定期かつ継続的な買付。

The "growth investment limit" of the New NISA refers to the profits that can be made from the rise in the value of assets such as land, stocks, and public bonds. For example, if the stock price of a stock purchased for 300,000 yen doubles and you sell it for 600,000 yen, your profit will be 300,000 yen (excluding fees, etc.)1. The growth investment limit covers "individual stocks" (excluding some stocks), "investment trusts," "REITs (real estate investment trusts)," and "ETFs (exchange-traded funds)." On the other hand, the "tsumitate investment limit," which is mainly for investment trusts, is limited to 293 investment trusts and ETFs that meet certain standards set by the Financial Services Agency (as of July 2, 2024)1. People who should use the growth investment limit are those who have annual investment funds that exceed the tsumitate investment limit, those who want to choose financial products from a wide range of investment targets, and those who have not yet decided on their annual purchase schedules.2
The New NISA system has two types of "growth investment limit" and "tsumitate investment limit." Let's summarize the differences between them below.
Tax-free investment limit:
Growth investment limit: 2.4 million yen per year
Accumulated investment limit: 1.2 million yen per year
The growth investment limit has a larger tax-free investment limit.
Investment target products:
Growth investment limit: A wide range of products such as listed stocks, investment trusts, REITs, ETFs, etc.
Accumulated investment limit: A certain amount of investment trust suitable for long-term savings and diversified investments
The growth investment limit has a high degree of freedom, while the accumulated investment limit is limited to selected products.
How to purchase:
Growth investment limit: Possible at any time (spot purchase)
Accumulated investment limit: Regular and continuous purchases
The growth investment limit can be purchased at any time you like.
Which one to use? If you want to invest with a lump sum of money, the growth investment limit is recommended, and if you want to invest steadily over the long term, the accumulated investment limit is recommended. 1234
To get started with growth investing, consider the following steps:
Prepare your finances:
Save 20% of your income and create an emergency fund that is equivalent to 3-6 months of normal living expenses.
Invest the rest of your money.
Open an investment account:
Open an investment account, such as a brokerage account.
You can deposit cash into this account and buy stocks, bonds, and other investment assets.
Choose your investments:
Growth investing includes publicly traded stocks, mutual funds, REITs, and ETFs.
Choose an asset that fits your investment goals.
How profits and losses work:
You make a profit or loss based on the purchase price and the sale price.
If you buy a stock for $10 and sell it for $15, you will make a profit of $5.
Growth investing is a strategy for growing your wealth over the long term. When you start, consider your risk tolerance and goals and proceed carefully. 1234

The New NISA system has two types of investment: the growth investment limit and the cumulative investment limit. It is important to decide which one to choose based on your investment goals and style. Below is a summary of the features of each.
Growth investment limit:
Tax-free investment limit: You can invest up to 2.4 million yen per year.
Investment target products: A wide range of products, including listed stocks, investment trusts, REITs, and ETFs.
Purchase method: Anytime (spot purchase).
Currency investment limit:
Tax-free investment limit: You can invest up to 1.2 million yen per year.
Investment target products: Certain investment trusts suitable for long-term savings and diversified investment (selected by the Financial Services Agency).
Purchase method: Regular and continuous purchase.
The growth investment limit has a high degree of freedom and allows you to invest in a wide range of products. On the other hand, the cumulative investment limit is limited to selected products. If you want to manage with a lump sum of money, we recommend the growth investment limit. If you want to manage steadily over the long term, choose the cumulative investment limit1234. Whichever you choose, proceed in a style that suits your investment goals. 5
Capital gains are profits obtained when you sell assets you have invested in. Specifically, this applies when you make a profit by selling stocks you have purchased. This profit is also called "transfer income" or "capital gains". On the other hand, if you incur a loss, it is called a "capital loss". When you sell, you are taxed on the profit. For example, if the capital gain is 1 million yen, 203,150 yen will be collected as tax1. The specific calculation method is to subtract fees and taxes from the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. Capital gains can also be obtained from stocks, investment trusts, real estate, etc., but the calculation method is different. 123
On the other hand, income gains refer to the profits you earn continuously while holding assets. Stock dividends, ordinary distributions from investment trusts, interest on deposits and bonds, and rental income from real estate are examples of income gains. While income gains can be expected to provide stable profits, they have the characteristic that the amount does not fluctuate as much as capital gains. 13
The advantage of aiming for capital gains is that you can expect large profits. With stocks and investment trusts, you can earn double or triple your profits in a short period of time. On the other hand, the disadvantage is the risk of losing your principal. Consider ways to invest with reduced risk and use them to help build assets. Those aiming for capital gains are suitable for those who want high returns or want to increase their assets in a short period of time. 13
The advantage of income gains is that you can expect stable profits, but you need a reasonable amount of capital. It is suitable for those who want to earn profits little by little through long-term investments. 13


Last updated  Aug 13, 2024 10:44:22 AM
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