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Sep 19, 2024

魔法使いの家 075-681-5227​​​​

 Am8-Pm10, Over Offer:"At anytime." ​​​​

​​ロータス in Kyoto​​​今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 -
​ YouTube​
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

I received the quarterly report from the securities company.
The main stock, sub-main stock, and Shin-Nippon Rika are all expected to see increased profits in the next fiscal year.

Main stocks: Starting to rise from the 17th to the 19th... Will our luck bring results from now on??
NHK, other TV stations and newspapers are all talking about the USS issue... If they refuse to accept this as an international issue, it will be the same as not recognizing us as an ally!!
What does this mean when they approve the US Steel acquisition plan again...?
It is unclear whether the decision has simply been postponed or if they intend to approve it if the situation is corrected...?
However, could the fact that they accepted the reapplication be an attempt to show leniency?
open, sign, lights, relationship

Wireless power supply begins. However, it is limited to 50cm.​

神経の圧迫: 長時間の正座や不適切な姿勢によって神経が圧迫されることがあります。
血行不良: 冷えや長時間の同じ姿勢によって血流が悪くなることがあります。
ビタミン欠乏: 特にビタミンB群の不足が末梢神経に影響を与えることがあります。
病気: 糖尿病や脳卒中、腰椎椎間板ヘルニアなどの病気が原因となることもあります。
姿勢の改善: 長時間同じ姿勢を避け、適度に体を動かすことが大切です。
マッサージ: 足のしびれを感じたら、軽くマッサージして血行を促進しましょう4.
ストレッチ: 足の筋肉を伸ばすストレッチを行うことで、神経の圧迫を緩和することができます5.
ビタミンの摂取: ビタミンB群を含む食事を心がけることが重要です。
温熱療法: ぬるめのお風呂にゆっくりとつかることで血行を促進し、しびれを和らげることができます6.
Numbness in the legs can have many causes. The main causes are as follows123:
Nerve compression: Nerves can be compressed by sitting upright for a long time or in an improper posture.
Poor circulation: Blood flow can be poor due to cold or maintaining the same posture for a long time.
Vitamin deficiency: A lack of vitamins, especially B group, can affect the peripheral nerves.
Disease: Diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and lumbar disc herniation can also be the cause.
How to cure numbness in the legs
Improve your posture: It is important to avoid maintaining the same posture for a long time and to move your body moderately.
Massage: If you feel numbness in your legs, give yourself a light massage to promote blood circulation4.
Stretching: Stretching the muscles in your legs can relieve nerve compression5.
Vitamin intake: It is important to eat a diet that contains B group vitamins.
Heat therapy: Taking a long, warm bath can promote blood circulation and relieve numbness6.
If numbness in your legs continues or you have other symptoms, we recommend that you visit a medical institution as soon as possible

しびれが長期間続く: 数日以上続く場合は、専門医の診察が必要です。
痛みや筋力低下を伴う: しびれとともに痛みや筋力低下がある場合は、神経や血管の問題が考えられます。
突然のしびれ: 突然のしびれは、脳卒中などの緊急事態の可能性があります。
既往症がある: 糖尿病や心血管疾患などの既往症がある場合は、しびれがこれらの病気と関連している可能性があります。
Numbness lasts for a long time: If it lasts for more than a few days, you should see a specialist.
Accompanied by pain or weakness: Numbness accompanied by pain or weakness may be a sign of a nerve or blood vessel problem.
Sudden numbness: Sudden numbness may be an emergency, such as a stroke.
Pre-existing conditions: If you have a pre-existing condition, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, your numbness may be related to these illnesses.
Seeking medical help early will allow you to receive proper diagnosis and treatment. If you are concerned, do not push yourself and consult a specialist.

整形外科: 足のしびれに腰痛を伴う場合や、体を動かすとしびれが増す場合。
脳神経内科: 両手両足の先端がしびれる場合や、体の半分(片足のみ等)がしびれる場合。
循環器内科: 足の冷えとしびれから始まり、歩くとしびれや痛みが増す場合。
心療内科: 心因性によるしびれや、障害や病変の原因が見当たらない場合。症状が続く場合や心配な場合は、早めに医療機関を受診して適切な診断を受けることをおすすめします。
The department you should visit depends on the cause of your foot numbness. Choose the appropriate department based on the following symptoms:
Orthopedics: If your foot numbness is accompanied by lower back pain, or if the numbness worsens with movement.
Neurology: If the tips of both hands and feet are numb, or if half of your body (only one foot, etc.) is numb.
Cardiovascular: If your feet start to feel cold and numb, and the numbness and pain worsen with walking.
Psychosomatic: If the numbness is due to psychological causes, or if no cause for a disorder or disease can be found.
If the symptoms persist or you are worried, we recommend that you visit a medical institution as soon as possible to receive a proper diagnosis.
姿勢の改善: 長時間同じ姿勢を避け、定期的に体を動かすようにしましょう。特に正座や足を組む姿勢は避けると良いです。
マッサージ: 足のしびれを感じたら、軽くマッサージして血行を促進しましょう。特に足の裏やふくらはぎを重点的にマッサージすると効果的です。
ストレッチ: 足の筋肉を伸ばすストレッチを行うことで、神経の圧迫を緩和することができます。例えば、ふくらはぎや太もものストレッチを試してみてください。
温熱療法: ぬるめのお風呂にゆっくりとつかることで血行を促進し、しびれを和らげることができます。また、温かいタオルを使って足を温めるのも効果的です。
ビタミンの摂取: ビタミンB群を含む食事を心がけることが重要です。例えば、魚、肉、卵、乳製品、豆類などを積極的に摂取しましょう。
There are a few things you can do at home to relieve numbness in your legs. Try the following:
Improve your posture: Avoid sitting in the same position for long periods of time and move your body regularly. It is especially good to avoid sitting upright or crossing your legs.
Massage: If you feel numbness in your legs, give them a light massage to improve blood circulation. It is especially effective to focus on the soles of your feet and calves.
Stretching: Stretching the muscles in your legs can relieve pressure on the nerves. For example, try stretching your calves and thighs.
Heat therapy: Taking a long, warm bath can improve blood circulation and relieve numbness. It is also effective to warm your feet with a warm towel.
Taking vitamins: It is important to eat a diet that contains B vitamins. For example, actively consume fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, and beans.


Last updated  Sep 19, 2024 10:32:48 AM
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