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What is the difference between people who get dementia and those who don't?

1. 性格
責任感が強い: 責任感が強い人は認知症の発症リスクが低いとされています1。
自制心がある: 自制心がある人も認知症の予防に役立つとされています1。
勤勉な性格: 勤勉な人は認知症になりにくい傾向があります1。
協調性が低い: 協調性が低い人は認知症のリスクが高いとされています1。
イライラしやすい: イライラしやすい人も認知症のリスクが高いとされています1。
2. 生活習慣
適度な運動: 定期的な運動は認知症の予防に効果的です2。
バランスの取れた食事: 栄養バランスの良い食事も重要です2。
社会的なつながり: 家族や友人との良好な関係を保つことが認知症予防につながります2。
社会的孤立: 社会的に孤立している人は認知症のリスクが高いとされています2。
ストレスの多い生活: ストレスが多い生活も認知症のリスクを高めます2。
3. 遺伝的要因
遺伝子: 認知症のリスクには遺伝的要因も関与していますが、遺伝子だけで決まるわけではありません3。
There are several factors that influence the difference between those who develop dementia and those who do not. The main differences are listed below.
1. Personality
Personalities that are less likely to develop dementia:
Strong sense of responsibility: People with a strong sense of responsibility are said to have a lower risk of developing dementia1.
Self-control: Self-control is also said to help prevent dementia1.
Hardworking personality: Hardworking people tend to be less likely to develop dementia1.
Personalities that are more likely to develop dementia:
Poor cooperation: People with low cooperation are said to have a higher risk of dementia1.
Irritability: People who are easily irritated are also said to have a higher risk of dementia1.
2. Lifestyle
Lifestyles that are less likely to develop dementia:
Moderate exercise: Regular exercise is effective in preventing dementia2.
Balanced diet: A well-balanced diet is also important2.
Social connections: Maintaining good relationships with family and friends helps prevent dementia2.
Lifestyles that are more likely to develop dementia:
Social isolation: People who are socially isolated are said to have a higher risk of dementia2.
Stressful lifestyle: A stressful lifestyle also increases the risk of dementia2.
3. Genetic factors
Genes: Although genetic factors play a role in the risk of dementia, it is not determined solely by genes3.
Taking these factors into account and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prevent dementia.
認知症になりやすい人の性格とは?1万人の調査から見えた性格・生活習慣と認知症の関連とは|介護の教科書|みんなの介護 (minnanokaigo.com)
認知症になる人、ならない人の違いは?〜誰にもある脳の「結晶性知能」を刺激しよう〜|カラダネ (karadane.jp)
性格が関係する!? 認知症になりやすい人、なりにくい人 | グッドライフシニア|高齢者住まいと健康 (goodlifesenior.com)
最新科学でわかった「認知症になりやすい人」の意外な共通点 | うつは運動で消える | ダイヤモンド・オンライン (diamond.jp)
1. 記憶障害
同じことを何度も言う: 直前の出来事や言動をすぐに忘れてしまうため、同じ質問や話を繰り返すことが増えます1。
忘れ物や探し物が多くなる: 鍵や財布など、日常的に使う物を頻繁に忘れたり、探したりすることが増えます1。
2. 見当識障害
日時や場所を間違える: 約束の日時や場所を間違えたり、現在の時間や場所を認識できなくなることがあります2。
3. 判断力の低下
計画や判断が難しくなる: 物事を計画的に進めることが難しくなり、簡単な計算や料理などに時間がかかるようになります2。
4. 性格の変化
落ち着きがなくなる: 怒りっぽくなったり、頑固になることがあります1。
興味や意欲の低下: 趣味や活動への興味を失い、やる気がなくなることがあります2。
5. 実行機能障害
日常の作業が難しくなる: 料理を焦がすなど、日常的な作業で失敗することが増えます1。
There are some early signs of dementia. The main early symptoms are listed below.
1. Memory loss
Repeating the same thing over and over: Because you quickly forget what happened or what you said, you will often ask the same questions or repeat the same things1.
Forgetting things or looking for things more often: You will often forget or look for everyday items such as your keys or wallet1.
2. Disorientation
Getting the date and place wrong: You may get the date and place wrong for an appointment, or you may not be able to recognize the current time or place2.
3. Impaired judgment
Planning and judging becomes difficult: It becomes difficult to plan things, and simple calculations and cooking take a long time2.
4. Personality changes
Resting: You may become irritable or stubborn1.
Loss of interest and motivation: You may lose interest in hobbies and activities and become unmotivated2.
5. Impaired executive function
Difficulty with everyday tasks: You will often fail at everyday tasks, such as burning food1.
If two or more of these symptoms apply to you, you may have dementia or its precursor, mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Early detection and appropriate treatment are important, so 
if you are concerned, we recommend consulting a medical professional.

1. 前兆(軽度認知障害)
記憶障害: 物忘れが増えますが、日常生活に大きな支障はありません。
判断力の低下: 簡単な計算や計画が難しくなります。
2. 初期(軽度)
記憶障害の悪化: 直前の出来事を忘れたり、同じ質問を繰り返すことが増えます。
見当識障害: 日時や場所を間違えることがあります。
性格の変化: 怒りっぽくなったり、興味や意欲が低下します。
3. 中期(中度)
記憶障害の進行: 新しい情報を覚えられなくなり、日常生活に支障をきたします。
見当識障害の悪化: 住所や電話番号が言えなくなり、場所や日付がわからなくなります。
行動の変化: 食事や入浴などの日常的な作業が難しくなり、サポートが必要になります。
4. 末期(重度)
記憶障害の顕著化: ほとんどの記憶が失われ、家族や友人の顔も認識できなくなります。
身体機能の低下: 歩行や食事などの基本的な動作が困難になり、完全な介護が必要になります。
Dementia generally progresses through the following stages123.
1. Premonitory (mild cognitive impairment)
Memory loss: Forgetfulness increases, but does not interfere with daily life.
Impaired judgment: Difficulty with simple calculations and planning.
2. Early (mild)
Worsening memory loss: Forgetting recent events and repeating the same questions more often.
Disorientation: May get the date and place wrong.
Personality changes: Irritability and loss of interest and motivation.
3. Intermediate (moderate)
Increasing memory loss: Difficulty remembering new information, interfering with daily life.
Worsening disorientation: Difficulty saying addresses and phone numbers, and loss of place and date.
Behavioral changes: Difficulty with everyday tasks such as eating and bathing, and needing support.
4. End (severe)
Increasing memory loss: Most memories are lost, and the person is no longer able to recognize the faces of family and friends.
Deterioration of physical function: Basic actions such as walking and eating become difficult, and full care is required.
The rate at which dementia progresses varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as the environment, lifestyle, and genetic factors. In addition, early detection and appropriate treatment and care can slow the progression.
認知症の治療法には大きく分けて 薬物療法 と 非薬物療法 の2種類があります123。
アセチルコリンエステラーゼ阻害薬: アリセプト、レミニール、リバスタッチパッチ、イクロセンパッチなどがあり、アルツハイマー型認知症やレビー小体型認知症の症状を抑える効果があります12。
NMDA受容体拮抗薬: メマリーがあり、脳神経の損傷を抑える効果があります12。
認知リハビリテーション: 簡単な計算や音読、字を書き写すなどを行い、認知機能を維持・向上させます2。
音楽療法: 音楽を通じて脳に刺激を与え、感情の安定を図ります2。
回想法: 過去の思い出を語ることで、記憶を刺激し、感情の安定を図ります2。
アニマルセラピー: 動物とのふれあいを通じて感情の安定を目指します2。
適切な対応: 家族の適切な対応が、認知症の進行を遅らせるのに重要な役割を果たします2。
Dementia treatments can be broadly divided into two types: drug therapy and non-drug therapy123.
Drug therapy
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Aricept, Reminyl, Rivastacine patch, and Iclosen patch are effective in suppressing the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementia12.
NMDA receptor antagonists: Memantine is effective in suppressing damage to the brain nerves12.
Non-drug therapy
Cognitive rehabilitation: Simple calculations, reading aloud, and copying letters are performed to maintain and improve cognitive function2.
Music therapy: Stimulates the brain through music and aims to stabilize emotions2.
Reminiscence therapy: Stimulates memories and aims to stabilize emotions by talking about past memories2.
Animal therapy: Aims to stabilize emotions through contact with animals2.
Family care
Appropriate response: Appropriate response from family members plays an important role in slowing the progression of dementia2.
Although it is said that dementia is difficult to cure completely, by combining these treatments, it is possible to slow the progression of symptoms and improve quality of life.
1. 生活習慣の改善
バランスの取れた食事: 野菜や果物、魚や豆類を多く摂ることが推奨されています1。
適度な運動: 週に2回以上、30分以上のウォーキングや筋力強化トレーニング、有酸素運動が効果的です1。
2. 社会的な活動
他人との交流: 家族や友人との会話、地域活動への参加など、社会的なつながりを持つことが重要です2。
3. 脳の活性化
知的活動: 読書やパズル、ゲームなど、脳を使う活動を日常に取り入れることが効果的です2。
趣味や興味を持つ: ガーデニングや料理など、楽しみながら続けられる活動を見つけることが大切です2。
4. 健康管理
生活習慣病の予防・治療: 高血圧や糖尿病などの生活習慣病を予防・治療することが、認知症のリスクを低減します3。
定期的な健康診断: 自身の健康状態を把握し、早期に対策を講じることが重要です3。
There are several effective ways to prevent dementia. The main points are listed below.
1. Improving lifestyle habits
A balanced diet: It is recommended to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, and beans1.
Moderate exercise: Walking for more than 30 minutes twice a week, strength training, and aerobic exercise are effective1.
2. Social activities
Interaction with others: It is important to have social connections, such as talking with family and friends and participating in local activities2.
3. Brain activation
Intellectual activities: It is effective to incorporate brain-stimulating activities such as reading, puzzles, and games into your daily life2.
Hobbies and interests: It is important to find activities that you can enjoy and continue, such as gardening and cooking2.
4. Health management
Prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases: Preventing and treating lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes reduces the risk of dementia3.
Regular health checkups: It is important to understand your own health condition and take measures early3.
Practicing these methods in combination can reduce the risk of developing dementia. Incorporate it into your daily life and lead a healthier life.


Last updated  Oct 20, 2024 05:55:49 PM
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