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いいね! --/--
December 31, 2003
 大晦日。New Year’s Eveです。今年は自分にとってどういう年だったのか?過ぎ去ったことについて問いかけてもあまり意味はなさそうだし、何かの反省を得て明日の新年からは新たな気持ちで頑張るぞというようなことにもなりそうにはない。もうここまで生きてくると、先が見えるというか、あんまり明るい色ではない先だが、とにかくそれが見えるということが大事なのであって、そこにむかって逃げずに進むしかない。その途中で工夫はいろいろできるだろう。



Greetings to all of you, entering Class of 2002 and transfer students. Greetings to those of you who have traveled from the other side of the glove and to those of you who have spent all your lives in the city of Chicago. Greetings to those of you for whom this University was a first choice and those for whom it was a last choice. Greetings to those who know with clarity and conviction what you will do with your college education and to those who have no idea, absolutely no idea, of where these four years will lead.Greetings to those of you eager to get started on your roadmaps and those of you excited not to have one.And of course, greetings to you who are not quite sure that your goals are right for you-prehaps they are not exactly yours- and to you who are anxious about not having goals, whether chosen by you or somebody else. One of the few things I can say with confidence is, things will change.

...Lose yourself so that you can come to a deeper encounter with the world. What might that look like? I think of something a poetry teacher said in a class I took many years ago.He was a practicing poet, so he talked about the struggle of writing. He put it in terms of love.This is how I remember it: I love you so much, he started out- "you" being whatever it was that he wanted to get at or do in a poem, really, the unborn itself, I think- love you so much that even though I’m clumsy and don’t know enough, I can’t and won’t give you up.

Liberal education as animated by love:...
I wish each of you the experience of discovering and grappling with such a love while you are at the University of Chicago. That love will give you courage,animate your whole being,and help you learn what it is that "only you know" so that it can be shared and grow out into the world, whence it will return to you multiply transformed.

Thank you for listening to me today.


Last updated  December 31, 2003 08:47:45 PM
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