これは、ボクシングのスタイルを取り入れた、エアロビクスのようなものです。 動きは、ボディパンチ、アッパーパンチ、なわとび、袋たたき、のポーズなど。 私がすると、 ボディパンチ→もちつき アッパーパンチ→聖子ちゃんのブリッコポーズ なわとび→みつばちぶんぶん ・・・みたいになるんだよなぁ(^~^;)ゞ イヤァ~ このクラスは、シェイプアップが目的(とくに腰まわり)なのですが、ちょっと強くなった気になります。オハズカシイ (* ̄Θ ̄*) ちかんよ、うけてたつぞ!!(←悲しいかな?いまだ、一度も縁はなく) ちなみに、先生曰く、汗を出すには、スポーツ飲料「バーム」(高橋尚子さんや高木ブーさんが宣伝してたやつね)が一番らしい(レッスン30分前に飲んでおくと効果的らしい)!! ・・・うーん、まとめ買いしてみようかな? ***今日のお勉強*** リーディング10枚 ***Hamil's diary*** This morning I was at the beach by 7am taking photos of the surfers. The light is beautiful so I should have some nice shots. Trouble is the 70-300 lens means I have to crop a lot. I talked to another photographer there. He has a 600mm lens. It is huge. He asked if my camera would fit on his lens. Since we both have Canon it is a fit (>_<). I didn't ask but he seemed to hint I could try with his lens. That would be nice. Hopefully I could get some nice shots. It is so big it is on a tripod. I am not exactly sure but I think they run about $6,000US at BHphotovideo.com. Maybe a birthday present /(*o*)/ It is the hottest part of the day now. I will probably hit the hotel pool. The water at this beach is too dangerous and I don't want to walk to the calm beach as it is about 1km away. The sunset from here is beautiful. I missed it last night as I was still getting to the hotel. I will take a photo tonight. ●Hamil's diary back number→こちら ●ハミルの日本滞在奮闘記?→こちら お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2005.04.02 00:42:14