《One of the most popular sushi resutaurant》Sushi-Tsune Takumi at the Tama-Plaza Terace, Yokohama-shi
《One of the most popular sushi resutaurant》Sushi-Tsune Takumi at the Tama-Plaza Terace, Yokohama-shiMy business is Agency business for studying insted of owners of restaurants.I'm at Tama-Plaza ,Yokohama-shi.Certainly, Tama Plaza was the place where we met and arranged when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred.After the disaster, we aborted the meeting and went to the bus stopping and went to Kakio.After that, the road jammed and transportation of the bus train ceased.And a big blackout. Such memories stile revive.When I think of it, on midnight 17th December 2001, I was dug in a taxi near Takashimadaira IC.My car that was on board was a total loss, at that time, I did not know what it was, so I decided to do what I wanted to do. And, as a result of publishing a book in 2002, I changed my life to that, and moved to Mejiro, Tokyo. Since then, I asked myself what I wanted to do.And the answer to some extent came out at the time of the disaster.Today is the last supper part 6 with 'Numa - san' who is fighting the disease.We would like to meet together and study at "Sushi-Tsune Takumi at the Tama-Plaza Terace.First we start with a Shako. Shako of today is little small . Becase Shako is not peak on early autumn. Next, it is a Shin-Ika(baby ofsquid) and its lower leg.It is a shiny Shin-Ika and a shoe of new squid that has more texture.The Sushi Master of today is Ishii-san.He is 70 years old.It is 6 years younger than the principal of "Shimbashi Fishery Academy".Hera ara lively prawn shrimps that Mr. Ishii prepared.He boils five prawns and I will get two.The way to hold the miso is like Sugita-san when I was "Nihonbashi Tachibancho Miyako Sushi".It is sweetness and the handful of the miso's smoothness.It is slightly lovely that the way the peeling off of the shell of the head is slightly mixed and the shell hits. Next, we choosed Ebodai(Japanese butterfish) , becase of his recommendation of today.When I say Ebodai, I remember Fukuoka's "Gyoten".Sinko(very young fish )Summer is already finished, and now Shinko was here is a miracle itself.Today I got a half board.Next let's have Sanma(pacific saury).Oh, greacy!Red snapper with kelpI will get I will get flounder on the edge side.Good with texture and light fat.What's that?I cannot remember.botan shrimp (Pandalus nipponensis)Japanese jack mackerel;Well, skewer tempura is recommended, ...Mokomodake and lotus root and Kazunoko...Sardine is greasy and it is recommended.Ebodai, again!!Finaly Ana-KYu-Roll!We have agreat time and great study!Sushi-Tsune Takumi at the Tama-Plaza Terace@3rd Floor odthe Tama-Plaza Teracen Ⅱ, 1-1-2,Utsukushigaoka, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Tel +88 45-904-3857Today's recomend《在庫限り》越前岬 長期熟成大吟醸 福福(ふくふく) 720ml瓶 漆塗り木箱入り【田辺酒造:旧優勝】★黒龍石田屋とお間違えないようにお願いします。(外観が酷似してます。)◆900・720mlサイズなら、6本位まで混載配送OKです(60サイズ)!菊姫菊理媛(くくりひめ)720ml(化粧箱入)【クール便送料無料!!(北海道・沖縄除く)】【最新のものをお届けします】