フランソワから先日のラベンダーのレシピが到着しました。Apricot ears in lavender jelly4 apricots, l/2リットルwater, 50 g sugar, 50 g lavender flowers, 1 g agar-agar ; For the crumble : 30 g hazelnuts, 20 g wheat flour, 20 g sugar, 20 g butterSeparate lavender flowers in three equal parts Boil water with sugar and add the first part of lavender. Mix and filter out. Cut each apricot in half and take away the stone. Poach the apricot halves in lavender syrup for three minutes. Take the apricot halves away and put them two by two in ramequins. Put the syrup back on the stove and add the agar-agar. Take away from heat and add the second part of lavender. Let cool off. When the liquid has reach 60°C or less, add the third lavender part. Mix and filter. Pour the syrup on the apricot halves in the ramequins. Crush hazelnuts and mix with flour, sugar and butter. Lay on a sheet, brown in the oven and let cool. Spread on the ramequins when ready to serve Enjoy !大久保一彦の本もよろしゅう「カフェ」の始め方・儲け方増補改訂版寿司屋のカラクリ