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癲狂院  Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

癲狂院 Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

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Aug 31, 2007
台風 Gripping Plot ; Good, Dark Atmosphere... 台風

晴れ Willis, Streep, and Hawn shine in this hilarious spoof !!!!
If you're in the mood for alot of laughs then "Death Becomes Her " is a gr8 film to check out.グッド
The all star cast includes Bruce Willis, as a nerdy plastic surgeon, Goldie Hawn as his scorned wife who he cast asides for the more beautiful and becoming Meryl Streep.

But what is Streep's secret to eternal youth ?
At first, she relies on Bruce Willis' services as a plastic surgeon but when that relationship becomes sour 青ハート赤ハート, Streep has to find another way to retain her youth, beauty, and vanity. きらきら
In the meantime, Goldie Hawn is making a few changes of her own and is determined to destroy the woman who she believes destroyed her beautiful marriage.
The sparks begin to fly as both women decide they will do anything to keep their looks and Bruce Willis is along for the ride to provide the touch ups.上矢印上矢印

かちんこ The wonderful thing about this film, is that it puts a gothic horror story into a gothic world, only occaisonally reminding us that it is infact set in the 20th century.
It's the kind of film that you could just watch, forgetting the comedy and being completely sucked into the story.
I wouldn't have cared if this film didn't provoke so much as a single giggle; the fact is that the story was so entertaining who needed humour !!!!

女性靴 Meryl Streep is a hoot as stuck-up, age denying "actress", Madeleine Ashton. ハート(手書き)
Throughout the first quarter of the movie, we see the character frantically going to any lengths to regain her long lost youthful looks, and pitting herself against friend-enemy, Helen Sharp.
Helen Sharp (Goldie Hawn) is bitter over losing her once-lover, Ernest Menville (Bruce Willis) and many before him, to Madeleine, and vows to get her vengeance. お化け
When Madeliene meets Helen, after a fourteen year "long time no see ", and finds her looking young and beatiful, she frantically tries to better her own appearance, and as a result falls into the hands of Liculle, a millionaire, living in a castle.ホテル
This woman sells her a potion which gives her eternal youth and immortality.
Only one snag, Madeleine has to look after herself.
As this happens, Helen and Ernest have a get together, and decide to remove Madeleine from the equation, in order to be together.右矢印マル左矢印
Hilarious movie with hilarious special effects and funny spoof of the lengths women will go to to obtain eternal beauty. 星星星星星
【Meryl Streep】Death Becomes Her【Bruce Willis】
どくろ Who Would Have Thought Death Could be Funny?
"Death Becomes Her " is your all time funny movie of the secret of staying young.
And who better to play the two women who want to stay young then Goldie Hawn and Meryl Steep. オーケー
The two together make the movie a hilarious show for everyone to view.
It all starts out so simple. ダッシュダッシュダッシュ

鍵 Meryl Streep who plays Madeline Ashton, is a broadway actress in shows that one has to aquire.. And Goldie Hawn who plays Helen Sharp a shy, yet angry woman.. The two who have known each other since college, and have always competed with one another, Madeline winning all Helen's boyfriends each time there is a slight chance that Helen thought she won.. Helen assuming her life was different, decides to go to one of Madeline's shows with her new fiance Ermest, who is played by the ever so talented Bruce Willis.. This is the test for her fiance.. If he can stay in love with her without falling for Madeline, then he is the one she will marry.. But as always, as soon as he lays eyes upon her, the love goes from Helen to Madeline instantly..... 左矢印左矢印左矢印

After years of Madeline being married to Ernest.
Time has taken it's toll on the best of both of them. 時計
Their looks are shot, and Ernest being a popular surgeon, can no longer perform because of his drinking problem.
Helen who is overweight and in a psycho ward vows that she will get back at Madeline for all the damage she has done.下向き矢印下向き矢印
She meets an enchantress (Isabella Rosselini) and changes Helen's life forever.
えんぴつ Helen writes a book, a the book becomes a best-seller.
She holds a party in the books honor, and invites Madeline and Ernest for the show of their life.
Madeline who thinks Helen is over-weight and grotesque, soon finds out that Helen looks 20 years young, and looks better than she will ever look.上向き矢印上向き矢印

Determined to look that good.
Madeline goes to her spa to get facial treatments. 雫
Instead of getting the normal treatment.
She is approached by a man with a business card.
Deciding to go or not, she decides to find out just what it is.
Her life will change forever, and so will your thoughts of ever lasting life. どくろ
右矢印 It's all going quite well, until Madeleine is pushed down the stairs by an angry Ernest. 怒ってる
Surprises come when, Madeleine survives the fall, despite a broken neck, and no pulse !!
Thinking it to be a miracle, Ernest suddenly regains all interest in Madeleine.
Helen arrives on the scene, and when Madeleine discovers of their plot to kill her, she takes it into her own hands to blow a gaping hole in Helens stomach with a rifle.いて座
Surprises come again when Helen survives this, despite a hole right through her body.ドレス
And then, the thread is found, it's not a double miracle, it's a case of two people who have taken Liculle's "eternal youth " potion. ダイヤダイヤダイヤダイヤダイヤ
Problem is, both parties have now suffered traumas which would usually have killed them, and now, thanks to the potion, they are decomposing alive. 手書きハート

トランプ(スペード) With a plot like that, you'd think that there would be no time for humour.泣き笑い
But there is, as it manages to naturally creep in. マル左矢印左矢印
Most of it comes from Madeleine Ashton, or the hilarious special effects (Titanic eat your heart out ).
But as the film doesn't make a point of being funny very often, it doesn't live up to its "black comedy " status. どくろ

............But What The Hell ???


Last updated  Aug 31, 2007 07:58:43 AM
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