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The following was addressed to an academic meeting for graduation.
On 11th February every year, we have an academic meeting to read student’s papers
for graduation in a civil hall. This day is a national foundation holiday of Japan. It
is thought easy for OG and OB to gather to learn what their own junior students read.
Sorry for those who don't worship idol, but I have nowadays sculpture three statues.
a)the Anglo-Saxon race may think that they only have an absolute prestige of a
preemptive attack right against any country which they don't like. This fact perhaps
is connected with the fact that the Anglo-Saxonian economics is dominating all over
the world. Therefore, I contribute some money to publish a protest advertising paper
on the most famous newspaper AHSAHI-SHINBUN in jp, on 27th February. I am
happy for you to find my name” KOICHI SHIMAOKA” on the corner of the advertising.
b)Next, I am going to talk about a real Buddha statue. There is a peace KUANNON
(Buddha goddess of mercy) in my city HIGASHIMUARAYA, in Tokyo. On 2nd April 1945,
a strongest and giant bomber B29, strategic bomber of USA, referred as to “flying
fortress”, was shot down onto the village of HIGASHIMURAYAMA. Then all of 11 clues
of USA were dead. In doctrine of Buddhism, all the dead shall become equally Buddhas.
The villagers gathered the lumps of the bodies and articles left by the deceased and
buried the dead reverently in a haste, before the military policemen coming. 1945, 15
year later since the B29 bomber was shot down, the peace KUANNON statue was
sculptured and built by the people of HIGASHIMURAYAMA town just where the 11
American soldiers were buried. Now when the America and UK are going to attack Iraq
to kill the civil people, we, volunteering members of my seminar, are supposed to
translate the Japanese document about the peace KUANNNON into Englsish.
c)I am going to publish a book where an big effort to fuse economics and education
as a result of my own career of 33 years as a teacher of university is included. It is
scheduled to be published in March or in April. The title of the book is “Your
seriousness can change the world in fact, believe us!” when you find it at any book
shop, will you do me a favor to get it into your hand to read it. If you want to
explain it much further by me, I am sure to fly to you anywhere. This book is a
statue engraved by me.
Thank you."


Last updated  2004.04.29 22:07:54
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