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全て | 報徳記&二宮翁夜話 | 二宮尊徳先生故地&観音巡礼 | イマジン | ネイチャー | マザー・テレサとマハトマ・ガンジーの世界 | 宮澤賢治の世界 | 五日市剛・今野華都子さんの世界 | 和歌・俳句&道歌選 | パワーか、フォースか | 木谷ポルソッタ倶楽部ほか | 尊徳先生の世界 | 鈴木藤三郎 | 井口丑二 | クロムウェル カーライル著&天路歴程 | 広井勇&八田與一 | イギリス史、ニューイングランド史 | 遠州の報徳運動 | 日本社会の病巣 | 世界人類に真正の文明の実現せんことを | 三國隆志先生の世界 | 満州棄民・シベリア抑留 | 技師鳥居信平著述集 | 資料で読む 技師鳥居信平著述集  | 徳島県技師鳥居信平 | ドラッカー | 結跏趺坐 | 鎌倉殿の13人 | ウクライナ | 徳川家康




In no other respect, however, did Christendom appear to me more like heathendom than in a strong race prejudice still existing among its people. After a "century of dishonor," the copper-colored children of the forest from whom the land was wrested by many a cruel and inhuman means, are still looked upon by the commonality as no better than buffaloes or Rocky Mountain sheep, to be trapped and hunted like wild beasts. As for ten millions of Hamites whom they originally imported from Africa, as they now import Devon bulls and Jersey cows, and just for the very same purpose, there was shown considerable sympathy and Christian brothership some thirty years ago; and beginning with John Brown, that righteous Saxon, 500,00 of the flower of the nation were to be butchered to atone for the iniquity of merchandizing upon God's images. And though they now have so condescended themselves as to ride in the same cars with the "darkies," they still keep up their Japhetic vanity by keeping themselves at respectable distances from the race which they bought with their own blood. Down in the state of Delaware, whither I was astonished to find a separate portion of a town given up wholly to Negroes. Upon telling my friend that this marking a sharp racial distinction appeared to me very Pagan-like, his emphatic answer was that he would rather be a Pagan and live separate from "niggers," than be a Christian and live in the same quarters with them!


最終更新日  2013年05月20日 02時50分13秒
[広井勇&八田與一] カテゴリの最新記事

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