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published october 3, 2007

1、Woman missing in Somalia
Boyfriend worried she may be in jail
2、Getahun said he last spoke with Jama on Aug. 1, after she said she bribed a guard to use his cellphone. A telephone bill of that conversation shows a 27-minute call to a Somali cellphone.
3、The mysterious disappearance of a 23-year-old Toronto woman in Somalia has Canadian officials looking for her, and her boyfriend worried she’s being punished for their relationship.
4、Najah Jama has not been heard from since August when she called her boyfriend at the Toronto apartment they share, telling him she was jailed for refusing to marry a local Somali. Jama had left Toronto with her mother in March for a six-month vacation in northern Somalia. It was the first time she had ever visited her mother’s homeland.
5、The couple stayed in touch during her vacation, but in July a distraught Jama called her boyfriend, Seifu Getahun, to say she had been taken into custody. She said her mother had asked her to marry a Muslim man from her hometown and became upset and called police when Jama insisted she wanted to wed Getahun, a Canadian of Ethiopian Christian heritage. Ethiopia and Somalia have a long history of war, most recently exacerbated by the presence of Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu, the country’s anarchic capital.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2007(新聞から抜粋。)

1、Woman missing in Somalia
Boyfriend worried she may be in jail

1’、Woman who is missing in Somalia
Boyfriend worried that she may be in jail
that:省略・・・・worry that S+V :S+Vじゃないかと心配する。




2、Getahun said he last spoke with Jama on Aug. 1, after she said she bribed a guard to use his cellphone. A telephone bill of that conversation shows a 27-minute call to a Somali cellphone.

2’、Getahun said that he last spoke with Jama on Aug. 1,
Getahun Jama:聞いたことないし大文字で始まるしきっと名前なはず♪ってことで訳さない^^
thatの省略・・・・said that S+V:S+Vと言った。

after she said that she bribed(=cheat) a guard in order to use his cellphone.

A telephone bill of that conversation shows a 27-minute call to a Somali cellphone.




3、The mysterious disappearance of a 23-year-old Toronto woman in Somalia has Canadian officials looking for her, and her boyfriend worried she’s being punished for their relationship.

3’、The mysterious disappearance of a 23-year-old Toronto woman in Somalia(←ここまで主語) has Canadian officials which is looking for her,


★23 years old=23-year-old

ex)a 4-door-car

and her boyfriend worried that she is being punished for their relationship.

頭の中:不思議な消失は、23歳のトロント女性の、ソマリアでの、カナダが公式的に彼女を探している 。そして彼女の彼は心配している。彼女が罰せられたのではないかと。彼らの関係のために。


4、Najah Jama has not been heard from since August when she called her boyfriend at the Toronto apartment they share, telling him she was jailed for refusing to marry a local Somali. Jama had left Toronto with her mother in March for a six-month vacation in northern Somalia. It was the first time she had ever visited her mother’s homeland.

4’、Najah Jama has not been heard from since August when she called her boyfriend at the Toronto apartment they share,


telling him that she was jailed for refusing to marry a local Somali.

marry 人:人と結婚する

be jailed for -ing:-のために刑務所に入れられる。

Jama had left Toronto with her mother in March for a six-month vacation in northern Somalia.

It was the first time that she had ever visited her mother’s homeland.

that 以降はtimeの説明。

頭の中:Najah Jamaは聞いていない。8月から。彼女が彼に電話した、トロントのアパートで、彼らがシェアしている。彼に言うことは、彼女が刑務所に送られたということを、断ったために結婚することを地元のソマリ人と。Jamaはトロントを離れた。彼女の母親と。3月に6ヶ月間の休み期間。北ソマリアで。初めてだった。彼女が尋ねた。彼女の母親の故郷を。

日本語:彼らが一緒に住んでいるトロントのアパートで彼に彼女が地元のソマリ人との結婚を断ったことで刑務所に送られたことを彼に伝えようと電話をした8月以来Najah Jamaは消息を絶っている。

5、The couple stayed in touch during her vacation, but in July a distraught Jama called her boyfriend, Seifu Getahun, to say she had been taken into custody. She said her mother had asked her to marry a Muslim man from her hometown and became upset and called police when Jama insisted she wanted to wed Getahun, a Canadian of Ethiopian Christian heritage. Ethiopia and Somalia have a long history of war, most recently exacerbated by the presence of Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu, the country’s anarchic capital.

5’、The couple stayed in touch during her vacation,

stay in touch=keep in touch:連絡を取る

but in July a distraught(=confused) Jama called her boyfriend, Seifu Getahun,

in order to say that she had been taken into custody.

be take into custody=監視下にある

She said that her mother had asked her to marry a Muslim man who is from her hometown

and her mother became upset

and called police

when Jama insisted that she wanted to wed Getahun,


a Canadian of Ethiopian Christian heritage. (←Getahunの説明)

Ethiopia and Somalia have a long history of war,

most recently exacerbated by the presence of Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu,

the country’s anarchic capital.(Mogadishuの説明)

頭の中:そのカップルは連絡を取っていた。彼女の休暇中 。でも7がつ、(distraught?な)Jamaが電話した。彼に。Seifu Getahun。言うために。彼女が監視下に入れられていると。彼女は言った。母親が彼に頼んだと。結婚するようにMuslim男性と。彼女の地元出身の。そしてがっかりした。そして警察に電話をした。Jamaが主張したとき。彼女はGetahunと結婚したいと。エチオピアカナディアンでキリスト教の家系。エチオピアとソマリアは長い歴史がある戦争の。最近のexarbated存在によるエチオピア軍隊のin Mogadishu 国の無政府状態の首都。

日本語:彼女の休暇中、そのカップルは連絡をとっていたが、彼女が監視下にあることを彼、Seifu Getahunに言うために7がつ、Jamaは彼に電話をした。そして母親に地元出身のMuslim男性と結婚するように母親に頼まれて、Jamaがキリスト教の家系でエチオピアカナダ人であるGetahunと結婚したいと主張したとき、母親は落胆して警察へ電話した。エチオピアとソマリアの間には長い戦争の歴史があり、無政府状態の首都であるMogadishuにエチオピア軍隊が最近存在している。

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