日本だとどうだったんだろう?ノートやえんぴつ、その他、やっぱり新学期前にそろえたよね?クノイチの中学では夏休みの間に新学期にそろえる物のリストがwebサイトに載る。今日はそのshopping。早い人はもうとっくにしていると思うけれど、我が家はハワイへ行ってたので(当分使えそうだな~この言い訳、ウフフ)さて、今年は全部彼女にまかせた。私はカートを押して後ろをくっついて行くだけ。リストの見直しも、指定されたものが何なのか、どこにあるのか、全部やらせてみた。これがね、意外と大変。お店の中を探すのが下手なのよ、クノイチ。ああ、あれだったらあそこらへんなのに~と思いつつ、がまんがまん。分らなければ自分でお店の人に聞け~と。だから何が大変かって私が口を出さないようにがまんすること、なのです。なが~いリスト、ちゃんと買えたのかどうなのか、それもチェックしていません。 学校に行って困るのは彼女です。ちなみに興味のある方、下にリストを載せてみました。最後にある計算機、これは事前にジイヤがネットで購入していたので(これが高いのよ、110ドルぐらいします)買っていませんが、それ以外は全部今日買ったはずです。しめて98ドルでした。GRADE 8 General ItemsBlue, black, green, red Pens #2 Pencils (Consider getting mechanical pencils with 0.7 leads, they don’t require sharpening!) Pink or gum Eraser 3 hole Pencil pouch (You will keep this in your assignment notebook with the supplies you need for all your classes.) 3 Textbook Covers (Please get the paper or cloth “sock” type: no adhesive covers.) At least 4 highlighters Loose-leaf notebook paper Graph paper-1/4” grid: 50 sheets Colored pencils Ruler- metric and English units (to be kept at home for homework) One box of tissues for homeroom BindersYour name should be clearly indicated on the outside front cover of this binder. The binder can be either soft or hard covered. It is suggested that binders have “locking” rings so that gaps do not develop. This will also help ensure that papers do not fall out accidentally. Social Studies 1½” -3 ring binder, preferably black, with 5 dividers. Science 1½” -3 ring binder, preferably green, with 5 dividers. Math 1½” -3 ring binder, preferably blue, with 15 dividers. English 1½” -3 ring binder, preferably white, with 5 dividers. **If possible, buy “durable” or “heavy duty” binders. “D”-rings work better than “O”-rings, if you can get that style. Science Green or manila pocket folder 3x5 index cards Social Studies 2 large packets of 4X6 index cards (Can be lined) 4 pocket folders clearly marked with your name (they can be the inexpensive kind, but they musthave double pockets) EnglishA double pocket folderA marble notebookA book that you are currently reading outside of class Math3-hole spiral notebook, 8½ x 11”, with 150-200 sheetsThe appropriate calculator for your math class:Math 8R students: Texas Instrument TI-30X IIS scientific calculator. (Most students already have this calculator from 6th and 7th grade.) Math IA students: Texas Instrument TI-84 Plus graphing calculator (preferred) or TI-83Plus graphing calculator. Texas Instruments products may be purchased at these stores: Best Buy, BJ’s, Circuit City, Kmart, Office Depot, OfficeMax, Sam’s Club, Staples, Target, Wal-Mart.