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today, I went to school JUST to get my results!!
I knew that'd be terrible, so I didn't wanna go there.
but, you know, I had no choice.
anyway, I went there.
first, I got the result of another test.
I almost forgot that I took it!!
maybe it's because that was too difficult and I didn't wanna think about it.(´・ω・`)
yeah, that was not good. I mean really bad.
my English score was just like a fuc*in hell!!
wat happen to me???

after that, I got the result of final exam!!
I thought my history test's score gonna be bad,
but that was not so bad that I expected.d(・ω・*)
My science and grammar's score was the same!!
I was so surprised.
I thought Grammar's whould be 60 or around.
but it was more.
HOWEVER, my modern Japanese test was soooooooooooo terrible!!
I had never got such a baaaad score after I entered high school!!!
It was under the average, of course.
I was nearly cring.(´;ω;`)

finally, I got another test's result!!
(how many test did I take anyway? lol)
That was really good!!
I was no.1!!!!(゚ロ゚屮)屮
soooooooooo surprise!!
my English score was after returnees.
More surprisingly, my Japanese score was pretty good!!
I was so happy about that.(*´∀`*)ノ
but....I wish I could have get such a good score in the finals...
to get a good score in the finals is more important for me.
hmmm...... how can I study Japanese????? 


Last updated  2007.03.09 14:05:09
[学校] カテゴリの最新記事


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