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癲狂院  Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

癲狂院 Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

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May 12, 2007
Funk-a-Licious !!!!!

くもり Satisfaction No Less: I Dig This Gray
Macy Gray has been regarded as many to be the "next [insert diva's name here] ".
I don't think that she's the next anybody... but she's the first Macy Gray ダブルハート
さくら To understand my appreciation for her, you have to go back to a day xxx when I went to the House of Blues in Orlando, Florida to see The Roots in concert.
Everlast (former lead of "House of Pain" ) was supposed to open for them, but due to his mother being ill, he had dropped out and been replaced by... Macy Gray .
I had heard her first single "Do Something ", but wasn't too impressed. 失恋
I ピンクハート her voice, but the music was just a sample of Outkast's "Git Up Git Out ".
Then she got up on stage... all I can say is amazing. びっくり

マイク She puts on a wonderful show, and sounds exactly like her CD (then again, with a voice as unique as hers, why wouldn't she? ).
Her band is awesome, and the songs were gr8 グッドttt... I knew I had to buy her CD.

Then it happened... the friend who I took with me to the concert had a few too many Grand Marniers to drink, and had to head outside.
By this time, The Roots had been on stage for about an hour, and the show was coming to a close.
I went outside to check on my friend, and saw her sitting at one of the tables outside, looking sick as a dog. 犬
I pulled up a chair to make sure she was alright.
What happened next shocked me !!ショック

Macy and some of her band members were coming out of the House of Blues and saw my friend (there's not a nicer way to put this ) "tossing her cookies ". りんごりんごりんご
Macy actually sat down with us and made sure that my friend was alright ぐー
Now how many people (famous or not) would just cast my friend off as some sort of lush and not even pay it any mind ?
I got her autograph and a promotional two-song tape ("Do Something" & "I've Committed Murder" ).

But back to the subject... the CD is wonderful.
It starts strong with "Why Didn't You Call Me", a track about mixed emotions after a first date, and continues all the way to the "The Letter" at the end (which is an up-beat song, but sounds an awful lot like a suicide note if you listen to the lyrics).....

"Caligula " is another good track on the CD, a sexually-toned look at what her man means to her ("He's somethin like my 7-11, he's got me open like an all-night store/ he's like the blue skies, he makes the heavens/ he give me some and then I want some more" ).
"Still " documents the trouble involved with trying to leave an abusive partner.
"I Try " is the popular single that you can currently hear on just about any radio station in the country.ピンクハート緑ハート青ハート赤ハート黄ハート
【 Macy Gray 】**** On How Life Is ****
電話 Your Crazy Auntie Macy Tells Us "How Life Is"..

On How Life Is is an deep collection of 10 of the funkiest songs you could ask for.
If Prince were a woman, he'd be Macy Gray. 右矢印マル左矢印
No one but those two can get away with lines like "Never lovin', but we're always f**kin' " (from "Caligula ") and "Love the life you've given but Im lookin' forward to the day I die, I can't wait to meetchu " (from "I Can't Wait to Meetchu ") on the same record. 音符音符
And in the midst of all this funk--and believe me, it's everywhere on this record, you can't come away from On How Life Is without knowing something in how you hear a bass guitar and drum combination has changed for the better--Macy Gray never lets herself take it too seriously. 台風台風台風台風台風

This album contains a total of ten tracks and provides a total of 42.55 minutes of listening pleasure.. 目がハート The album starts off with the newly released sing entitled "Why Didn't You Call Me" which has a real funky sound.. クール It kind of reminds me a little of the sounds of Dr. John, who just so happens to be one of my favorite singers of late.. 右矢印右矢印右矢印 The next track is entitled "Do Something" and it is a combination of a soft rap and psychedelic mood music.. Of course there's the ever popular "I Try" and my all time favorite "Sex-O-Matic Venus Freak".. スピーカ This albums consists of a complimentary combination of songs that insist you turn up the volume and dance..... えんぴつ

I do have one complaint about this album, though.
There are three songs ("Caligula" and "Sex-O-Matic Venus Freak" and "I've Committed Murder" ) that contain content not suitable for children to hear. ハート(手書き)
They speak of murder and sex and even contain the "F" word. 月
Seeing how both my little brothers love the music and beat of the album as much as I do, I have to be very careful to skip over those three songs when they are listening with me.

All in all, I 黄ハート this album.
The music is a refreshing change from the pop music that everyone seems to be hooked on. ダブルハートダブルハート
I can't help but dance and move around when listening to this CD. 女性靴
And, in the more than you really need to know category, some songs and the music do a gr8 deal at creating a "mood ". おとめ座
If nothing else, Gray's completion of all these feats in a single year are certainly an indication that she is worthy of your respect. 上向き矢印上向き矢印上向き矢印
Give her an hour.
Within her music she'll show you her world... and you won't believe the secrets her voice reveals.

手書きハート手書きハート手書きハート手書きハート手書きハート Funk-a-licious is Definitely a Great Word for It... 雫雫

Track Listings
01. Why Didn't You Call Me
02. Do Something
03. Caligula
04. I Try
05. Sex-O-Matic Venus Freak
06. I Can't Wait To Meetchu
07. Still
08. I've Committed Murder
09. Moment To Myself, A
10. Letter
11. Rather Hazy


Last updated  May 12, 2007 10:16:23 AM
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