=======================へそ出し、ミニスカートはダメ=女性店員の服装規定導入で物議-マレーシア (時事通信) 【クアラルンプール11日時事】マレーシア・クランタン州の州都コタバル市の市議会が発表した小売店やレストランで接客する女性従業員の服装規定が物議を醸している。露出度が高い服は一切禁止で、違反者には最大500リンギ(1万5500円)の罰金を科すという内容に閣僚からも反対意見が出ている。 地元紙によると、具体的には、へそが見えるシャツ、ミニスカートのほか、ジーンズなど体に密着した服は着用禁止。同州は宗教政党、全マレーシア・イスラム党(PAS)が政権を握り、イスラム教の戒律には厳格なことで知られている。 ただ今回は、イスラム教徒だけでなく非イスラム教徒も対象に罰金制を設けたことが問題視された。ナジブ副首相は「個人の自由を侵害する」と渋い顔。シャリザット・ジャリル女性・家族・社会開発相も「女性蔑視(べっし)だ」と憤る。 [時事通信社][ 2006年12月11日6時15分 ] =======================ホントか?とオンライン検索したら本当だった。笑マレーシアではモスリム教徒たちが、新しい法律を作ったそうな。インド系、中国系と色んな人種が混じった国では、顔と手以外は露出できないモスリム教徒の女性たちが、まさかセクシーな服を着て歩いてるとは考えられないけど、もし居たとしたら罰金制度はしかたがないと思う。しかし、モスリム教徒じゃない女性たちを巻き添えてはいけないと思うわ~。モスリム教徒が政権を握る国柄、モスリム教徒じゃない女性も、セクシーな格好は禁止されている。宗教へのリスペクトを示す形で、政府からのお願いなのらしい。あああ、マレーシアンの女の子たちはワイルドで可愛いのに可哀そうだなぁ。下がオンライン検索結果です。Malaysian state backs down on 'sexy' outfit ban Thu Dec 7, 12:14 PM ET KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysia's Kelantan state has backed down on a threat to fine non-Muslim women for wearing skimpy outfits, but warned it could crack down if they continued to dress "indecently" by Islamic standards. The fundamentalist Islamic party that governs the state triggered a furore with plans for 500-ringgit (140-dollar) fines for women working in shops and restaurants who wear revealing clothes such as mini-skirts and see-through blouses."We have never targeted the non-Muslims, but we have set our standards for dressing, which apply to all women in the state," said Kelantan's chief of local government Abdul Aziz."If they (non-Muslim women) continue to oppose the rules then we will impose fines on them as well, but not right now," he said."We just do not want bad things to happen to them. By exposing their flesh and figure in public, they are just inviting trouble."The clothing ban has been widely criticized by the national government, which said it was insulting to women and could damage race relations in Malaysia, which has large ethnic Chinese and Indian communities.Kelantan is the only state to be ruled by the Islamic opposition, PAS, while all other states and the national government are governed by the National Front, a multi-ethnic coalition.Abdul Aziz said the rules on decent attire applied to all Muslim businesses."For the non-Muslim our approach is to be more tolerant because our aim is to achieve a peaceful state where everyone lives in harmony among the different religions and races," he said."We will continue to encourage them to comply with the decent dress code according to Muslim standards which means you cannot expose your flesh or wear anything sexy. That is our approach.""We want to be better prepared to face the increasing social ills in our state and to curb Western influence from seeping in."Recently PAS has undergone leadership changes and other reforms designed to tone down its hardline reputation and woo young voters.It recently lifted a 15-year ban on public concerts, and is considering allowing cinemas to operate.SEXYだわクリスマスに着れそう!!これ欲しい~掲示板です!CHICHI's Fan SiteBellibuttonz BBS