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いいね! --/--
カテゴリ:イタリア - Torino 

朝 9:30、T家を出発。


搭乗手続きを済ませて 最終待合室で出発時刻を待っていると、時間になっても飛行機は現われず、30分以上遅れて出発準備が整いました。

空港で待ち合わせ予定の アレックスとは無事に携帯電話のメールでやり取りができた携帯電話


イタリア時間の 4:30p.m. 到着飛行機。ロビーのドアのすぐ前で、アレックスが待っててくれた。

「10ヶ月ぶりだ~(^____^)。」 うれしかった。


イタリア滞在を楽しむことができるように・・・と、イタリア語←→日本語 の辞書をプレゼントしてくれました!


Last updated  2006/09/29 08:31:55 PM
コメント(8) | コメントを書く
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トリノ。。。   ALEX - アレックス さん
hey 真理!!!uauauaua.... yeah I got that maybe you wrote about Torino above... but I can't undestand HAHAHA^_^!!! I just got a few words... uhm let me have look can recognize just トリノ, アレックス, イタリア, 日本 right...?!?!? I hope that the dictionary let you enjoy the italian stay as well!!! .
I saw that also Minami wrote here a few days ago.... uuuuuu... give my regards to her when you'll keep in touch with her next time... Ciauz.. (2006/09/29 02:26:06 AM)

Dear Ale,   mari★mario さん
Buon giorno!! Come stai?
I haven't write my diary in English for so many days. haha.

You got some Japanese words (^-^!
>トリノ, アレックス, イタリア, 日本 right...?!?!?
Yeah! They are perfect.

I'll say your regards to Minami :D
Ciao ☆from Mari
(2006/09/29 08:29:02 PM)

Re:★ 7月 4日 イタリア・トリノへ出発 ★(09/25)   ayamlin さん
Wow! I'm jealous of you!
I like Italy very much. I've been to Italy twice! I wanna go there again!!!!
And you have a friend of Italian?
Hello! Alex! Nice to meet you!

By the way I wanna see your pictures that you took in Italy more!! I'm looking forward to seeing them! (2006/09/29 10:26:03 PM)

ayamlinさんへ   mari★mario さん
You've been in Italy twice! wow!
Which part did you visit? I've been in Torino and Mirano. When I was in Mirano (It was about 8years ago.), I was with my grandfather. It is one of my cherished memory (^-^)  (2006/09/29 10:45:33 PM)

Ciao!!!   ALEX さん
uuuu you're so kind people you wrote in english now ^_^...ありがとうーーーーー Ciao Mari!!! ...sto bene (^_-), e tu? (it simply means "and you?")...
Ciao Ayamlin, I'm also nice to meet you, and glad to know that you love Italy (^_-) I got from your blog that you're living in Canada for 1 year... Wow I wanna go there!!! but I'm really really curious to visit Japan oneday... unfortunately it's soooo far from here (-_-)... by the way...ciao ciao (2006/09/30 12:02:26 AM)

Buon giorno,Ale♪   mari★mario さん
I got up early (it was around 7a.m.) in the morning,I chated with you untill late last night though. (^-^)v

Well, you've thought about visiting Japan. If you come to Japan, what would you like to see?
(2006/09/30 09:44:37 AM)

今日は真理!!!   アレalex さん
uhm you woke up early yesterday(O_o)!!! uuu... I'm really drunk now!!!...I was been to a party^_^... ah you asked me about japan!!! uhm I would like to visit Tokyo in particoular... but there are many japanese place where I'd like to go but I can't perfectly remember now...VERRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYY DRUNK(?_?)uu it's so hard to write hahahahaha by the way さよなら(is it right??!?!?) ciauz....uauauauauauauauuauauauau..haha (2006/10/01 09:45:00 AM)

アレalexさんへ   mari★mario さん
You made me lough, Ale(^▽^). Were you alright at the night? I am glad that you might have a good time.
Well, you said "さよなら" that is correct! Good job!! from Mari (2006/10/03 02:13:27 AM)


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