


■ この暑い毎日!日々私の送迎を快く頑張っていただいている・・・玄関前の花たち。   今年の新種の花たちは「此れ見よがしに」咲き誇っておりますが、残念なことに「日日草」が元気がありません。   このように玄関前の花たちから、元気と勇気をいただいて30年になりました。花も愛を込めた手入れと、「綺麗だよ!」と花に聞こえる言葉が必要なのです。   昔から「花は人間の言葉が分かる」と言われます、返す返すも花のあるところでは、悪い言葉、花の悪態、人の悪口は禁物なのです(笑)。   心なしか!このごろの街並み・・少々花の姿が希薄と思われる、これもやはり78才という歳の目であろうか!・・・(笑)。 ■ This hot every day! Flowers in front of the front door where you're persevering in my pick-up service pleasantly every day.... Flowers of this year's new kind bloom "This is seen, by YO, to do.", but unfortunately "day grass" is languid. 30 years have passed since I received vigor and the courage from flowers in front of the front door this. The treatment in which a flower also included love and, "It's beautiful!", the word heard is necessary to a flower. You say "A flower understands a human word." from the past, it's returned, it's returned, floral, I'm going to have that, then a bad word, floral language and person's bad mouth are a taboo (warai). Slightly! Are these days'* of streets and this by which the form of the flower seems a little thin also an annual eye as 78 years old as expected!... (warai). 健康一筋 お!茶しま専科健康通販倶楽部を応援しています。 http://ww w.rakuten.co.jp/daiichi/


