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La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita

いいね! --/--
December 24, 2010

If you are planning to overindulge this Christmas then it would be a good idea to stock up on bread and honey as well as booze.Scientists claim that the natural sweetener is a great way to help the body deal with the toxic effects of a hangover.…

Posted By The Telegraph, Friday, 24 December 2010 12:15 GMT

By:Richard Alleyne

If you are planning to overindulge this Christmas then it would be a good idea to stock up on bread and honey as well as booze.

Scientists claim that the natural sweetener is a great way to help the body deal with the toxic effects of a hangover.

The Royal Society of Chemistry claim that the fructose in the honey ? which is also found in golden syrup ? is essential to help the body break down alcohol into harmless by-products.

The reason why hangovers are so painful is that alcohol is first broken down into acetaldehyde, a substance which is toxic to the body, claimed Dr John Emsley of the Royal Society.

This is then converted ? using fructose ? into acetic acid which is then burned during the body's normal metabolic process and broken down into carbon dioxide which is breathed out of the body.

Serving the honey on toast adds potassium and sodium to the meal which is also helps the body cope with the alcohol.

Dr Emsley said: “The happiness comes from alcohol. The hangover comes from acetaldehyde. "This is the toxic chemical into which alcohol is converted by the body and it causes a throbbing headache, nausea, and maybe even vomiting.

"The hangover disappears as the acetaldehyde is slowly converted to less toxic chemicals."

Dr Emsley, author of the Consumer’s Good Chemical Guide, said that the time was the greatest healer of a hangover but there were also ways to minimise it.

He said that drinking a glass of milk first, sticking to clear alcohols such as gin and mixing in the occasional soft drink were helpful as was sinking a pint of water before you go to bed.

He said: "The milk slows down the absorption of alcohol, which means there is less acetaldehyde for the body to deal with at any one time.

"Gin is alcohol twice purified by distillation and the botanical flavours it contains are mere traces. Avoid dark coloured drinks which contain natural chemicals that can adversely affect you.

"Alcohol increases water loss, hence the frequent trips to the loo. This dehydration makes a hangover worse, so moderate your drinking with a soft drink now and again, and drink a large glass of water before you go to sleep."

He said that the traditional "hair of the dog" only worked if you have drank so much alcohol you suffer withdrawal symptoms, which suggests you are becoming addicted.


Last updated  December 25, 2010 02:25:10 AM
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