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In the realm of video gaming, there are few titles that have captured the hearts and minds of gamers worldwide quite like the Uncharted series. Developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment, the Uncharted series has consistently delivered high-octane adventures, breathtaking graphics, and compelling narratives. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is no exception, and if you're here, you're undoubtedly curious about how many chapters this epic adventure holds. Look no further, as we provide you with an in-depth ​How Many Chapters in Uncharted 4 A Thief's End.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is the fourth and final installment of the Uncharted series, serving as the grand culmination of Nathan Drake's thrilling adventures. This action-adventure game, exclusively available on the PlayStation platform, takes players on a globetrotting journey filled with danger, mystery, and, of course, treasure hunting. As we delve into the game's chapters, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the story and the breathtaking environments it explores.

Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure

The journey begins with a captivating prologue that introduces players to a young Nathan Drake. This chapter, titled "The Lure of Adventure," not only sets the tone for the entire game but also provides valuable insights into Nathan's early life and the origins of his adventurous spirit. The prologue unfolds on a rainy night in a lavish mansion and serves as a glimpse into Nathan's tumultuous past.

Chapter 2: Infernal Place

As the story progresses, we transition into the second chapter, titled "Infernal Place." This chapter sees Nathan and his trusty mentor, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, embarking on an expedition in search of the long-lost pirate utopia known as Libertalia. The action ramps up as the duo encounters obstacles, adversaries, and the ever-present allure of hidden treasures.

Chapter 3: The Malaysia Job

Continuing our journey, "The Malaysia Job" introduces players to the charismatic and enigmatic character of Samuel Drake, Nathan's long-lost brother. This chapter brings familial dynamics into the mix, adding depth and complexity to the storyline. The Malaysia Job is a pivotal chapter that sets the stage for the grand adventure that lies ahead.

Chapter 4: A Normal Life

Amidst the action-packed sequences and treasure hunting, "A Normal Life" offers players a glimpse into Nathan's attempt at leading a more ordinary life. This chapter explores the challenges of balancing family and adventure, providing a well-rounded perspective on our beloved protagonist's character.

Chapter 5: Hector Alcazar

In "Hector Alcazar," players are introduced to a formidable antagonist who adds a layer of tension and urgency to the unfolding narrative. As Nathan's past catches up with him, players must navigate a web of alliances, betrayals, and heart-pounding action in their quest to uncover the truth.

Read More: ​Age of Wonders 4 Hidden Achievements

Chapter 6: Once a Thief...

"Once a Thief..." takes us deeper into Nathan's history, shedding light on his time as a treasure hunter and the events that shaped his destiny. This chapter seamlessly weaves together past and present, enriching the storytelling experience and keeping players engrossed in the narrative.

Chapter 7: Lights Out

"Lights Out" serves as a turning point in the game, propelling the story into uncharted territories (pun intended). The stakes are higher than ever as Nathan and his companions face unimaginable challenges, including intricate puzzles and intense firefights, all in pursuit of their ultimate goal.

Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery

As the adventure reaches its zenith, "The Grave of Henry Avery" thrusts players into the heart of the mystery surrounding the legendary pirate Henry Avery. With stunning visuals and a compelling storyline, this chapter exemplifies the Uncharted series' commitment to delivering an immersive gaming experience.

Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy

"Those Who Prove Worthy" brings the game's themes of trust, betrayal, and redemption to the forefront. Players are presented with moral dilemmas and heart-wrenching choices that shape the outcome of the story, making for a truly engaging and emotional gaming experience.

Chapter 10: The Twelve Towers

"The Twelve Towers" takes players on a breathtaking journey through picturesque landscapes and ancient ruins. This chapter showcases the game's remarkable attention to detail and offers ample opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight

In "Hidden in Plain Sight," the plot thickens, and players must rely on their wits and resourcefulness to progress. With stunning set pieces and ingenious level design, this chapter keeps players on the edge of their seats.

Chapter 12: At Sea

"At Sea" immerses players in the world of high-seas adventure, complete with ship battles and breathtaking vistas. As the story hurtles towards its conclusion, this chapter delivers adrenaline-pumping action and unforgettable moments.

Chapter 13: Marooned

"Marooned" is a testament to the game's ability to balance action and storytelling. It offers players a brief respite from the chaos while delving deeper into the characters' relationships and motivations.

Chapter 14: Join Me in Paradise

As we near the end of our epic adventure, "Join Me in Paradise" cranks up the excitement and danger. The pursuit of treasure and the clash of motives propel the story to its thrilling climax.

Chapter 15: The Thieves of Libertalia

"The Thieves of Libertalia" immerses players in a web of intrigue, deceit, and high-stakes confrontation. This chapter is a rollercoaster of emotions and revelations, setting the stage for the game's dramatic conclusion.

Chapter 16: The Brothers Drake

In "The Brothers Drake," the destinies of Nathan and Samuel Drake intersect in a climactic showdown that will leave players breathless. The bond between the brothers is tested as they confront their shared past and uncertain future.

Chapter 17: For Better or Worse

"For Better or Worse" brings the narrative to a crescendo, with players facing the consequences of their choices and actions throughout the game. This chapter delivers heart-pounding action and emotional depth, making it a memorable part of the Uncharted 4 experience.

Chapter 18: New Devon

"New Devon" takes players to the final battleground, where all secrets are revealed and ultimate truths are unveiled. The tension is palpable as players engage in intense combat and unravel the mysteries that have driven the story.

Chapter 19: Avery's Descent

In the penultimate chapter, "Avery's Descent," players descend into the heart of darkness, facing treacherous terrain and formidable adversaries. This chapter serves as the final buildup to the game's epic climax.

Chapter 20: No Escape

"No Escape" is the culmination of the Uncharted 4 journey, delivering a breathtaking and emotionally charged finale that will leave players in awe. As the threads of the story come together, players must confront their greatest challenges yet.

Chapter 21: Brother's Keeper

The final chapter, "Brother's Keeper," is a tour de force that brings the epic adventure of Uncharted 4 to a satisfying conclusion. Players will be riveted by the game's stunning visuals, gripping storytelling, and the emotional resolution of Nathan Drake's character arc.


In Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, players are treated to a masterful blend of action, adventure, and storytelling. With its 21 captivating chapters, this game offers a truly immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Each chapter contributes to the narrative in a unique and compelling way, making Uncharted 4 a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike.

So, there you have it, a comprehensive list of all 21 chapters in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. We hope this guide has not only satisfied your curiosity but also piqued your interest in embarking on this unforgettable adventure. Get ready to join Nathan Drake on the quest of a lifetime, filled with thrills, twists, and treasures waiting to be discovered.


最終更新日  2023.10.09 18:26:25
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