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Rating=1406292 vote

creator=Jonathan Nolan

Interstellar is a movie starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Chastain. A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival


rating=8,8 of 10 stars

directed by=Christopher Nolan

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This movie is legendary.
Im listening this amazing soundtrack and trying to understand. I dont understand many things but especially life. Some people live and they dont think about sense of their existence. They just live. In very simple, casual way they dont overthink about things we cant do anything with. What is the sense of life? Why people born, educate for years, learn how to live, fall in love, have family and everything what they have, they worked for it and deserve it. Why after all that, we die? Does it mean we are useless? Why we will loose everything we tried to get so hard. If life is so short why are we wasting our time? In school, in work, sleeping. What is our life? Its just like blink in the eternity of universe. Its one second long comparing to never ending space. If youre reading this, im truly glad. Our life is short and in your last moment of living i wish you to have, i had amazing life” to be your ending thought. We have good and bad times in life, but the point is never give up. You wont get second life, when you loose your first. It cant be bad all the time, it will get better. Appreciate your life.

I had expectations of an excellent thought provoking scientific drama based on reviews and the overall rating of this film (8.9 stars as of today) but they were dashed minutes into the film.

First the audio is horrendous it frequently alternates between the quiet mumbling of Matthew Mcconaughey's character to deafening sound effects and music, usually drowning out more dialog. And Mcconaughey truly does mumble his entire dialog (unless he's crying. I do not know many pilots that mumble unintelligibly let alone the best astronaut in the world as the script implies.

The "Science" of the movie is pure fantasy. The original blast off from Earth requires the equivalent of a Saturn V to launch into orbit, yet the ship is able to blast it's way off the water world orbiting deep in the gravity well of a black hole with no booster at all. The water world itself is about 2 feet deep yet has mile high waves which are impossible in only a couple of feet of water. The gravity required for a 7 year/hour time dilation would have crushed Mcconaughey to a fake tan orange spot. There are many more problems with the science but you get the idea.

Kip Thorne, an American theoretical physicist, may have consulted on this, but Christopher Nolan had final say on this piece of. I imagine Thorne was looking to enhance his retirement account because it has surely not helped his reputation in the physics community. Maybe I should not be so hard on Thorne, perhaps he kept a magic beans scene out of the final cut.

The story is thin and characters are poorly developed, yet I would estimate 15 minutes of the film is spent with these weak characters crying and sobbing, and babbling a Dylan Thomas poem, yuck.

The specials effects are average. The worm hole scene has been done many times yet it is dragged out. The exotic exoplanets are puddle world, rock and ice world, and palm springs sans palms & springs, boring. Finally the robot looks like four or five Lincoln logs nailed together. I think when they got to doing the special effects for the robot they had run out of money. It was probably all spent on the fake tanning spray and hair dye for Mcconaughey.

If you want to watch a truly inspiring performance in Space, Google Chris Hadfield's performance of "Space Oddity" on the international space station and skip Interstellar.

I can not say enough bad things about this heap of fecal material. Don't waste your time or money. When I am dying on my death bed I will have one regret, that is having spent 3 hours of my life watching Interstellar.

When his son changed from a young boy to a killed my heart.
Watch full length interstellar 2016.
Watch full length interstellar season.
4:08 the emotional level at this point is soooo intense.
Watch Full Length interstellar marines.
Watch full length interstellar hd.
3:03 an uncanny resemblance to Bufford Mad Dog Tannon when he's trying to remember how to count.
Son: Thanks dad.
1:16 the fact that Cooper knew he might passed out showed that he understand what he was doing (or about to do) but did it anyways. BRAVEST ASTRONAUT EVER.
25:00 Nice transition.
I have never cried at a movie. Not once. Not even when I saw simba watch his dad die as a kid. This scene though, which I saw with college friends, gave me a tight feeling in my throat, and tears falling from my eyes. So did they.I guess it comes down to loving your parents, and all the shit they went through to get you to this stage, and no matter how much you fought with them, threw venom at them, or didn't agree, how much you'll miss them when they're gone.

Jorge, do you have the Dr. Mann's coward/betrayal scene? When he asks, Do you see your children as Cooper lay there gasping for air up till Dr. Romilly's death. Would you kindly post it.
I would still be stuck in the 5th dimension if that were me. We would all be doomed. Haha.
Watch full length interstellar full.
Watch Full Length interstellar.
Goosebumps every time i watch this scene.

Watch Full Length interstellaires.
Watched this movie all alone with my earphones on, the feeling i had for the next few days changed the way i perceived about anything... i mean anything at all! This movie tops my all time fav list...
There must be something built-in in our brain because when I realized that he missed the entire life of his kids, I felt like they were my kids and It was me who missed it. when I watched this scene for the first time it was like if someone used my heart as boxing bag. and I dont even have kids yet.

I would have loved to see a better goodbye with his son, he also suffered and was the only to keep sending videos to him.
Watch full length interstellar 2017.
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
It sure is beautiful... Nolan is an artistic genius.
I wish I could erase this movie from my head AND watch it ALL OVER again. SUCH an AMAZING and POWERFUL movie.
When she says EUREKA! I broke down in the dark of the theater. I was struggling so hard to not to look like a whiny girl! Fortunately the audience screamed around me during that moment and I let out my joy like a huge canon filled with infinite amount of happiness! This movie has give me the best cinematic experience so far in my life.

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He did thehard job and they did nothing to him.
Watch full length interstellar cast.
Watch full length interstellar film.
Watch full length interstellar video.
These scenes give me goosebumps every frickin' time.
This movie is the reason i wanna know whats out there.
I'm watching this over and over I don't know why.

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