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Directed by Taika Waititi
runtime 1 Hour 48 Min
Jojo Rabbit is a movie starring Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, and Scarlett Johansson. A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home
Tomatometer 8 / 10
Country Czech Republic






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This movie is great. A perfect example that Comedy can be spiced with history. Of course there are things that are 100% imagined by the director like Roman-like suit or a gatling gun or a bunch of aryan clones in the hitlerjugend Headquarters. And there is historical innacuracy, like the Panzershrek rockets exploding with a rather big radius (until it hit a ammo storage. kids using REAL M24 grenades for TRAINING, and surviving a blast from one thats half a meter in front of you (im not kidding, it only resulted in a minor leg injury and a bunch of scars on your face, even it the grenade has barely any fragmentation effects. Other than that, the movie has only a few sad parts. The boy talks with imaginary hitler, they burn books and stuff. This movie wont make you laugh very loudly but rather make you smile more than usual. Great representation of volkssturm and Hitlerjugend or Jungvolk as in the movie. Female hitlerjugend having problems with using a MP3008. Ms bertha strapping grenades to kids and telling them to hug enemy soldiers (xD) or telling Yorki he got "promoted" and gives him a pistol. I got a little bit triggered with the MG42 carried by Bertha. The firerate is waaaay to slow and she just doesnt give a crap and hip-fires it. Of course, No recoil. Good to watch with your family.



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To start off, going into this movie I really did not expect it to be as good as it was. Based on the film's advertising and marketing one would think the film is a feel-good comedy movie. However, the film is less of a comedy film and more like a dark comedy dram or dramedy.

The film it self is about a German boy who is apart of the nazi party and his view on the war, current way of living, and view on the Jewish race. Keep in mind the film is being told from this child's perspective so if there is any thing that appears a bit too silly or out of place of the typical World War II movie this is why. There have been some reviewers that despise the movie for it not always being too serious but I believe this is the film's greatest strength.

In terms of the acting department this film would get a 10/10. The child actors Roman Griffin Davis in the lead role and actress Thomason McKenzie both give convincing and at times dramatic performances. The film also stars Scarlett Johansson( won best supporting actress) as Jojo's mother and praise goes to director Taika Waititi in portrayal of Adolf Hitler.

Lastly, the film in my opinion is good just for being so clever and original. The film somehow manages to be this thoughtful and sometimes shocking World War II film and balances it out with some comic relief. Luckily, the timing of the comic relief is just right not being to much or being too cheesy. Altogether, I highly recommend everyone go see Jojo rabbit with my score of 9/10.

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Last updated  2020.10.23 03:39:33
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