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いいね! --/--
Jul 25, 2006

A Summary of an Article Titled "Compassion and Understanding as the Same Human Beings’" (「同じ人間 共感と理解を」 日本経済新聞7月20日夕刊)

What would you like to be done if you are in their shoes? The base of international support is compassion.

“What makes human beings feel relieved? When we cry or laugh, the hope to recover is growing. What makes us cry or laugh? Quite small things do; the first one is interaction with others; the second one is the feeling we are on an equal footing.” Michiko Inikai wrote in her latest book “こころの座標軸” like this.

Michiko Inukai is an ex-prime minister, Tsuyoshi Inukai’s granddaughter and a Catholic; she had studied and lived in western countries for a long time; her life work is the activities of “Michiko Inukai Foundation” to support refugees.

Now, the international society has accelerated the speed of globalization; on the other hand, regional conflicts never end. What has a staunch cosmopolitan, Michiko Inukai been thinking about that?

All starving people crave for is a glass of water and some food not any lofty theories. We should consider at the most fundamental level. The English word “understand” is translated into “理解” in Japanese; it also means to stand on the same horizon as needy people’s. However, after gaining strength a little bit, they come to desire to learn; they come to aspire to win other's esteem; they come to long for others to treat them as equals. When we face others as equals each other, it breeds something; support is never almsgiving.

The society in which we live is extremely complicated, so in Japan, we should raise people who will have compassion and common sense, be able to observe with their own eyes what is happening and be able to determine what they should do.

Michiko Inukai has had a severe attack of sickness; as she is in her 80’s, she is weaker than in her youth. However, when the Indian Ocean earthquake occurred in 2004, she tried to prepare to go there; unfortunately, her illness prevented her from doing so. She said, “I’m really sorry that I’ve lived being surrounded by a superfluity of things and services.” “I think I derived adversarial quality and the teaching that I should be out of power from my grandfather.” At the end, she said, “We should know that our individual potential can be developed to its fullest by interaction with others. In addition, all we know is a quite small amount. I would like to be humble.”

(415 words)


Last updated  Jul 25, 2006 11:53:36 PM
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