



Scroll down to find English version いや~!今週は忙しかったよ~!気付いたら今週、何も書いてないじゃんアタシ!いや、で、明日は土曜でまた『定休日』じゃ~ん! 見捨てないでねっ! また来週遊んでねっ! で、去年の3月にMRIやって、そこで子宮筋腫と子宮腺筋症になったっつーのがわかったのね?で、ホルモン注射で半年間、月例止めてたんだけど、治療が終わっても月例の時の痛みってぇのが あんま変わんねぇ 検査の数値だけ見ると、すっごい調子いいハズなんだけどなぁ~。でも痛いのには変わり無い。ホルモン治療も何回もやるとトシとってから骨が脆くなるらしいんだわ。ソレはソレで大問題じゃん?でも何とかしたいじゃん!?で、まず考えたのが 作戦その1冷え防止! 足ってさ、厚着出来ないじゃん?ジーンズの下にレッグウォーマーつけてても寒いと子宮に『ぴきっ☆』っと痛みが走るんだよね。 で、寝る時は靴下はいて、レッグウォーマーでスネも温めて、その上からNightmare Before Christmas柄のフリースのソックス履いてパジャマの裾突っ込んで、足元ガッチリガードして寝てたら、朝になって布団蹴飛ばして『足が冷えて子宮が痛い』っつーのが無くなったよ~! 作戦その2☆漢方! 桂枝茯苓丸料(けいしぶくりょうがんりょう) って漢方、前は『月例の最中』にしか飲んでなかったんだけど、今は真面目に飲んでんだよね!家と会社に1ビンずつ置いて、朝・昼・晩って・・・たまに忘れたりもしてるんだけどね?(^0^;) でもやっぱり続けてると違うわ! 作戦その2☆豆腐! こないだ、めぐみくんに会った時に『豆腐、過去半年くらいずっと食べてるんだけどアタシは調子いいよ!』って教えてもらったのよ!そっからほぼ毎日 コレよ! アレコレ工夫して食べてるからけっこう飽きないし、去年の11月から今まで3ヶ月がんばったんだけど、今月はすんっごい楽だったのあと大豆イソフラボンのサプリ飲んだりもしてて、ドレがどう効いてんだかわかんないんだけど やっと撃沈しなくなったよ~! ミナサマに励ましてもらったり、、自分の体験話してもらったり、心配してもらったりしてホントにありがとうだよ~!これからもがんばるよ~! Fighting the monthly visit of the beeyatch The Beeyatch comes around every damn month. The Beeyatch absorbs all my energy and leaves me completely powerless. I have to spend at least 1day in bed but the Beeyatch wouldn’t let me sleep because the Beeyatch pokes at me every time I doze off. Damn you Beeyatch, damn you!!! That’s it, Beeyatch! I’ve had it with you! I’ll find some help and you’ll be history, got it!? BAH!!! [Mar. 2007] The Beeyatch has been bothering me quite some time and I finally mustered the courage to seek help. I visited one office, and paid monthly visits and 100 bucks (for each visit) to keep that Beeyatch away from me. The problem seemed to be least until November. [Nov. 2007] THE BEEYATCH IS BACK!!! Damn you Beeyatch! You knew those guys will not be around to guard me and made your way back! GUYS!? GUYS!? Sure, you guys told me that they can only guard me for certain period of time and there will be no extension because there’ll be bigger price to pay! But can’t you work something out!? I NEED YOU GUYS! I went back to the office, and frantically, I urged them to guard me again, but all I got was this cold reply --- “There’ll be bigger price to pay and you’ll be sorry” Damn you guys! Damn you!!! I begged them for help and they gave me a magic spell that temporarily gags and binds the Beeyatch. Then I thought to my self --- Without high heels and a whip, it’s less useful than a dominatrix At the same time, dominatrix never came in handy because I’m a female, so is the Beeyatch, and the Beeyatch and I have no desire for that kinda naughty stuff. Whoa, finally something in common. Anyway, the spell is not enough to keep the Beeyatch away for good, I gotta find some permanent solution! I don’t know where to start but I shopped around and found spiffy kickas* boots to kick that big ol’ butt of the Beeyatch’s, Chinese voodoo potion to shrink the Beeyatch day by day, and to boost the effect of the potion, I called in Japanese square-ish white night. It’s a long shot, I have to keep the boots on every night, in my bed, because without it, the Beeyatch drops by just to taunt me. The potion and the knight are working together every day to shrink the Beeyatch, so I can squash the Beeyatch between my fingers, push the Beeyatch down the drain, and turn my garbage disposal on for a good measure, and make sure the Beeyatch won’t find her way back to my house EVER AGAIN. Alright, the Beeyatch, as you might or might not have guessed it, is cramps. The office I visited was an ob-gyn. I used to get hormone injections to stop monthly crimson tides but I cannot continue more than 6 months because I’ll suffer osteoporosis when I grow older. What’s osteoporosis? Your bone marrow turns spongy, makes your bones really fragile, and in severe cases, your bone marrow turns neon yellow, and starts wearing square pants... okay, I lied about neon yellow and square pants, but it sure is scary enough. The 3 weapons I acquired are: 1) Spiffy kickas* boots --- warm fleece socks to keep my legs warm (I kick my comforter every darn night and I used to wake up with pain), 2) Chinese voodoo potion --- Chinese herbal medicine 3) Japanese square-ish white knight ---tofu (isoflavone contained in soy beans are really good for female) The Beeyatch used to be mucho grande 7’10” but now shrunk to 5’2” that I can carry on my back. So, I’m doing good. How ‘bout you!? I mean, not cramps, life in general. ココで言った通りコメントスパム対策のため、『http://』を含むコメント・トラバを受け付けていません。お手数ですが、URLを入力する際には『http://』の部分を消してからコメントして下さい! Like I told you HERE, I am not accepting comments that include "http://" to keep those frickin' spammers away! If you want give me a web address, be sure to delete "http://" before you post your responses!


