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PowerPoint is without a doubt the most capable presentation programme available today. However, it is possible for it to become really boring, as we all know!

If you've ever sat in front of a boring presenter who goes on and on about his topic, you've been a victim.

If your eyes have ever glazed over while watching a PowerPoint presentation, you have witnessed 'death by PowerPoint.'

While your eyes were glazed, you were probably thinking about how the presenter could have done a better job.

For instance, you may have considered how the presenter could have found some truly fascinating PPT presentation samples by conducting a simple Google search!

On the Internet, there are literally thousands of attractive, free sample PowerPoint presentations.

Understanding how to create effective ​PowerPoint templates​ can make the difference between success and failure.

We have all been victims of 'death by PowerPoint' at some point in our lives. Memorize the following things to avoid giving PowerPoint a bad rap!

1. Begin by creating an outline for your presentation.

While you are free to wing it with your presentation, if you want to save time, it's preferable to establish an outline before considering the styles and colours you want to use in your PPT.

With an outline, you can note the major themes you want to address as well as the language you'll use to describe those ideas throughout your oral presentation.

An outline prevents you from wasting time revising your slides back and forth simply because your ideas do not flow from one presentation to the next!

2. Limit yourself to one concept or tale for each slide.

You do not want to pack ten concepts onto one slide. That would imply an excessive amount of text, which could result in glazed eyes from your audience members.

A more effective approach would be to show concept #1 on slide #1, concept #2 on slide #2, and so forth.

Don't simply display the raw text of the concept you're about to convey on each slide. Utilize images, attractive typefaces, and animations to bring your concept to life. You want your thoughts to be understood.

Utilize the appropriate impacts to assist them in fully comprehending your ideas.

3. Increase the amount of graphics and decrease the amount of text.

If your audience desired to read, they would visit a library. They are not going to glance up at your PowerPoint presentation and read it. Not at all.

If each slide contains a hundred words, eliminate 90 of them and leave only ten (or fewer) of the most critical ones!

As noted in principle #2, keep each slide to a single storey. The fewer words on a slide, the more engaging your presentation will be.

Icons, vector pictures, and other graphics help bring your presentation to life, while also making it distinctive and captivating.

PowerPoint is an excellent stand-alone graphics programme. While PowerPoint will never be able to compete with Photoshop, if you know how to use it, you can create some really nice visuals with it (remember, you can use it to create infographics!).

4. Make liberal use of white space

Avoid stuffing your PowerPoint slides with text, photos, and graphics. Rather than that, make liberal use of white space to emphasise the subject you're covering or discussing.

You can use white space to draw your audience's attention to specific content or pictures.

White space does not have to be pure white.

Depending on the style or subject of your slide, you may use any colour as long as it does not make the slide appear 'too busy.'

5. Consider the venue for your presentation.

This is critical, since if you do not know where you will be presenting, your presentation may be inappropriate.

For instance, if you know you'll be speaking in a huge room in front of a few hundred people, you'll increase the size of your typefaces to ensure that those in the back can read as well.

If you're presenting in a small room, medium to large font sizes are acceptable.

6. Make minimal use of animations and slide transitions.

PowerPoint includes a plethora of animations and transitions. However, this does not mean you should incorporate them all into your presentation.

If you're considering using five distinct animations on a single slide and a separate transition after each slide, you'd be wise to reconsider your presentation!

While you may find it amusing, I guarantee that your audience will despise it. Utilizing an excessive number of animations and transitions is a surefire method to earn your audience's wrath.

If you want your audience to pay attention to your presentation, avoid using animations and slide transitions.

7. Use stories to elicit an emotional response from your audience.

Create a connection with your audience through your presentation. If you're presenting to a group of middle-aged professionals, keep your design simple.

Avoid using lingo that is more appropriate for teenagers than for those in their 40s or 50s.

Stories aid in conveying your message. To ensure that people remember your tale, you must establish an emotional connection with them. Deliver a joke at the appropriate time. When feasible, include a pertinent quote.

8. Maintain constant eye contact

If you're afraid of making eye contact, it's helpful to practise speaking in front of a mirror and looking into your own eyes. Consider it as peering into your audience's eyes.

When you feel comfortable practising with others, invite family members or friends to sit in front of you. Solicit their advice and feedback in order to help you better.

When the time comes for your presentation, you may be amazed at how effortless it is to look your audience in the eye with confidence.


最終更新日  2021.05.22 20:47:32
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