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Writer - Kate Schaefer
Biography: Hats, databases, gardening, Icelandic sagas, Roman ruins, grandchildren, financial analysis, Clarion West. It's all stuff.

Average ratings: 6,7 of 10

genre: Drama

cast: Peter Dinklage

Reviews: Three Christs tells the story of an extraordinary experiment that began in 1959 at Michigans Ypsilanti State Hospital, where Dr. Alan Stone treated three paranoid schizophrenic patients who each believe they are Jesus Christ. Dr. Stone pioneers a simple, yet revolutionary treatment: instead of submitting the patients to electroshock, forced restraints and tranquilizers, he puts them in a room together to confront their delusions. What transpires is a darkly comic, intensely dramatic story about the nature of identity and the power of empathy


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I'm just a huge fan of Peter Dinklage.
I mean Call of the Wild the dog definitely doesnt stay with one human for much of the story.
Three Christs tells the story of an extraordinary experiment that began in 1959 at Michigan's Ypsilanti State Hospital, where Dr. Alan Stone treated three paranoid schizophrenic patients who each believe they are Jesus Christ. Dr. Stone pioneers a simple, yet revolutionary treatment: instead of submitting the patients to electroshock, forced restraints and tranquilizers, he puts them in a room together to confront their delusions. What transpires is a darkly comic, intensely dramatic story about the nature of identity and the power of empathy.
Plot Summary
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Motion Picture Rating
Rated R for disturbing material, sexual content and brief drug use
Release Date: 3 January 2020 (USA)
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Also Known As: Three Christs
Box Office
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $36, 723
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Did You Know?
Peter Dinklage and Charlotte Hope both appeared in Game of Thrones. See more ».

Looks amazing.
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On July 1, 1959, at Ypsilanti State Hospital in Michigan, the social psychologist Milton Rokeach brought together three paranoid schizophrenics: Clyde Benson, an elderly farmer and alcoholic; Joseph Cassel, a failed writer who was institutionalized after increasingly violent behavior toward his family; and Leon Gabor, a college dropout and veteran of World War II. The men had one thing in common: each believed himself to be Jesus Christ. Their extraordinary meeting and the two years they spent in one another's company serves as the basis for an investigation into the nature of human identity, belief, and delusion that is poignant, amusing, and at times disturbing. Displaying the sympathy and subtlety of a gifted novelist, Rokeach draws us into the lives of three troubled and profoundly different men who find themselves "confronted with the ultimate contradiction conceivable for human beings: more than one person claiming the same identity. ".

I can't wait. This was always one of my favourite stories.
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All the CGI and over the top action. Ugh. sorry Jack London.
Straight to VOD trash.
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Would love to see it. Love Juliana Marguilles ! The book is incredible

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Looks good to me as a kid, forget about the CGI. Imagine using a real dog with that kind of stunts.
I thought Peter dinklage would of Took a role in a better movie then acting in a movie with 3 schizophrenic people.
What if jesus actually came back would people think hes insane, just a thought not very holy myself but ya know.
At last! A CGI movie that makes The Lion King look alright.
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Where quiboloy at.
"Three Christs" was a last minute choice of mine at the TIFF. As a big Dinklage's fan, and considering that it was a world premiere, it was easy enough to go check it out. I'm glad I did. This movie is one about the brain and its struggles, but it does so with a big heart. It's funny and touching with a good balance, and the acting is top notch (I'm actually a bigger Dinklage's fan after the movie. The underlying themes about psychiatry as science and its potential negative effect on personality, the nature of identity, the complex interaction of desire and fear are inhabiting the film and are as relevant today as they were at the time. In summary, a great entertaining movie with a deeper layer. and a stellar Dinklage.

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About time i get to see Gere age, not like Hatchi.
Surprise ending - one of is the real jesus.
Peter Dinklage is obviously the one and true Christ.
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The only pity is I probably know the ending dog dies! Looks a nice movie though.
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Delusions The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: A Narrative Study of Three Lost Men.
by Milton Rokeach.
Knopf. 336 pp. $5. 95. The book opens with a promising epigraph. “Every man would like to be God, if it were possible; some few find it difficult to admit the impossibility. ” This pleasantry of Bertrand Russell's obviously is used by Dr. Rokeach to refer to the three Ypsilanti madmen each of whom thought he was Christ. It also colors the first page and a half of the exposition in the “Prologue”: as Dr. Rokeach describes what he did to these madmen, it seems that he is recognizing that he too (“every man, ” Russell said) wants to be God. He makes it clear that he had the three delusional Christs brought together in the state hospital without their knowledge or permission, in order to see what would happen when they were confronted with one another. Splendid, says the reader, an act worthy of a godling. The fact that Rokeach the writer gives Rokeach the character a human-sounding justification for thus manipulating these three helpless men is altogether suitable. “My training is in social psychology and personality theory, and it is this background that led me to my meeting with the three Christs. ” Wonderful: that a godling should be represented in a story as wearing the false face of a behavioral scientist is a brilliant narrative stroke. Surely Rokeach the storyteller knows what he is up to and can be held to the highest narrative standards—though a wary eye must be kept on any writer who can say he is led by his background. As the Philosopher said or implied, in metaphor begins intelligence. Then the confrontation of the three Christs occurs, in eleven pages of stunning narrative. The first madman is described. He introduces himself.
My name is Joseph Cassel.
— Joseph, is there anything else you want to tell us? —
Yes. I'm God.
What economy! Then the second madman.
My name is Clyde Benson. That's my name straight.
— Do you have any other names? —
Well, I have other names, but that's my vital side and I made God five and Jesus six.
— Does that mean you're God? —
I made God, yes. I made it seventy years old a year ago. Hell! I passed seventy years old.
What about that personless voice that speaks only in italics, is never described, and consistently poses the most intrusive and troubling questions it is possible to ask these men? Yes, indeed, Rokeach the narrator knows which of these four characters thinks he's really God. (One of the things which Dr. Rokeach, a reasonably perceptive man about some things, points out later in the book is that each of the three delusional Christs knows that no one else believes he is Christ and knows that other people believe he is a hospital patient with a human name and history. ) Then the third madman speaks, in one of the liveliest self-introductions since Jacobean drama.
“Sir, ” Leon began, “it so happens that my birth certificate says that I am Dr. Domino Dominorum et Rex Rexarum, Simplis Christianus Pueris Mentalis Doktor. [This is all the Latin Leon knows: Lord of Lord, and King of Kings, Simple Christian Boy Psychiatrist. ] It also states on my birth certificate that I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I also salute, and I want to add this. I do salute the manliness in Jesus Christ also, because the vine is Jesus and the rock is Christ, pertaining to the penis and testicles; and it so happens that I was railroaded into this place because of prejudice and jealousy and duping that started before I was born, and this is the main issue why I am here. I want to be myself. I do not consent to their misuse of the frequency of my life. ”
Those last two sentences—Dr. Rokeach may not be able to write good prose, but he can transcribe noble rhetoric when he's taped it. Then the god-from-italics agitates the three Christs by asking them why they think they have been brought together.
— Are we all in agreement that there was just one Christ who was resurrected? —
“By God Almighty, that is correct, ” Leon answered.
“ I'm one—not you, ” said Clyde. “There's something wrong with you. ”
“I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, ” Leon said. “My birth certificate says so; my habeas corpus says so. ”
— Is it possible that there is more than one reincarnation of Jesus Christ? —
“There is only one that I know of, ” Leon stated, “and I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I was baptized as such, sir, and I have my baptismic certificate, sir, and it's also in Dr. Yoder's office if you care to look at it. I believe the others are instrumental gods, the hollowed-out person who became a Jesus Christ through being hollowed out as such. ”
“He is a rerise, he is a hick, ” Clyde said. “He is next to me. ”
That last is one of the great responses in narrative dialogue. Then comes chapter one of the body of the book, “The Problem of Identity. ” The first sentence is promising. “Let me emphasize at the outset that my main purpose in bringing the three Christs together was scientific. ” Surely Rokeach the narrator is a fine ironist who understands that Rokeach the character recites the litany of scientific purity of motive in order to protect himself from realizing that he is playing god with three unhappy madmen. But no. No. Alas, it is not so. In no time at all it becomes clear that Rokeach the writer is as unaware as Rokeach the character of what is going on. What is wrong with this book is a problem of identity, all right—the identity of the writer. If only the writer had not confused himself with the character, the entire narrative could have continued at an ironic elevation worthy of the opening. _____________ For the action retains the power to delight and surprise. After a year of daily meetings, things are slowing down badly. Rokeach the character conceives and executes the notion of entering into the madmen's delusions by sending two of them a series of letters signed by persons toward whom each of the two has enormous respect. (Clyde is too far gone to be interested in anybody else. ) Joseph views the superintendent of the hospital as a good authority; one set of letters purportedly comes from him to Joseph. The other is from Leon's supposed wife, Madame Yeti Woman, who he at this point thinks is God. Now this is a situation of high comedy, and some of the letters and responses are literarily worthy of the macabre occasion. But clearly Rokeach the narrator does not appreciate how thoroughly Rokeach the character, in the flimsiest of disguises, is playing godling. Instead, the narrator gives to the reader the same justification which the character gives to himself for unironically deceiving the madmen this way: he is said to have done it as an experiment, out of pure scientific interest, and also out of a humane desire possibly to help them as patients. In fact, neither of them is helped, and, though the narrator assures us that this intrusion into their utmost privacy has yielded a genuine contribution to science, he is rather vague about what this contribution is. Cervantes knew all about it: anyone who has read Don Quixote already knows pretty well that trying to undelude a madman by deceitfully assuming the identity of one of the persons in his crazy system yields little enough good to him, though a lot of fun for the deceiver and his audience. In the introductory theoretical chapter, Dr. Rokeach (no longer narrator or character but would-be scientist) outlines his theory, what in his own terminology is called his belief-system. Each person has four classes of beliefs; three of these are varieties of what is commonly called beliefs, but, according to Dr. Rokeach, what one learns through the senses and by direct intuition, which most of mankind calls and always has called knowledge, is really primitive belief. Since I share most men's opinion on the subject and not Dr. Rokeach's, I find this sentence of his quite as amazing as any of those uttered by the three Christs. “ I believe this is a table is the statement of a primitive belief about the physical world which finds complete social support. ” Still, if defining knowledge as socially supported primitive belief is part of his epistemological game, all right, as a reader I am willing to suspend my disbelief in order to see how the system works out in the story. Unfortunately, the system works best as a way for Rokeach as writer and as character to disguise his goddy propensities from himself. As a way for Rokeach the writer to disguise these qualities from the reader, the system works poorly. And as a scientific explanation of the human psyche, it is awful. Dr. Rokeach believes in the religion of Science. The fundamentalist cult of which he is a learned doctor is standard contemporary Behavioral Science, American social psychology branch. Aside from the fact that Dr. Rokeach's belief system is the chief agent in the ruination of this potentially good story, I have two main objections to it. One is that it produces more banalities than any other system now flourishing, along with gleams of surprising insight. (To a non-believer, the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology is the most unsettling magazine in the world. ) For example, Dr. Rokeach solemnly assures us that “the concern with beliefs involving a sense of identity is of even wider scope, having application to normal people no less than to schizophrenics and to other persons suffering from pathological states. ” He spends pages adducing arguments and authorities to support this platitude. My God! Again, a few pages later, he takes the opening idea of The Divine Comedy (“In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself in a dark wood where the straight way was lost”) and makes a pomposity of it by quoting an “authority, ” another behavioral scientist named Norman Cameron, on the subject.
Some time toward middle age, when a person turns thirty, thirty-five, or forty, comes the dawning realization that his life span actually is limited. With this recognition may also come fears that his lifelong hopes, overt or latent, will never be realized.
Isn't there anything these men can assume and then go on to something interesting? My other objection to this belief-system is that it is self-deluding and timid. “There is no knowledge. What you think of as knowledge is really an uninspected primitive belief, ” he roars like any radical skeptic. Yet, in the last sentence of the book, he smuggles knowledge, along with humanism, back into the cloisters of Science.
This study closes with the hope that at least a small portion of ignorance has here been dispelled, and with the faith that as knowledge gradually advances, the incurable conditions of yesterday and today become the curable conditions of tomorrow.
This is said in another tone altogether, in a devout murmur: “ There is no knowledge except for us true believers. ” No, sir. You can't have it both ways. You may have a better belief-system than the three Christs and certainly a lot of people nowadays share it with you, but your belief is not a godlike knowledge permitting godlike interfering in the souls of inferior mortals, any more than theirs is. What a happy day it will be when no one can justify his poking around in other people's souls by saying, to the satisfaction of himself and of the rulers of our society, that he is doing it “in order to make a contribution to knowledge. ” O Thou who speakest only in italics, I would feel better about what Leon justly calls Thine impositions if Thou hadst already made a greater contribution to Thine own knowledge. Doctor, know Thyself. “I do not consent to their misuse of the frequency of my life. ”.

Where's lieutenant Dan.

More MCU actors in the same flick outside MCU. 👍🏼😎.
I cant even take how much you hated this one, ahahahah. feel like I have to go watch it now.
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Hello chat am new And am going to love this one.
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Divine Madness.
Hmmm. Im torn. I looked up this review because I was looking at this film in iTunes as I need something to watch while I paint today.
Three Christs.
Its full of A-listers.
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Three Christs Theatrical release poster Directed by Jon Avnet Produced by Daniel Levin Molly Hassell Jon Avnet Aaron Stern [1] Screenplay by Eric Nazarian Jon Avnet Based on The Three Christs of Ypsilanti by Milton Rokeach Starring Richard Gere Peter Dinklage Walton Goggins Bradley Whitford Charlotte Hope Kevin Pollak Julianna Margulies Music by Jeff Russo Cinematography Denis Lenoir Edited by Patrick J. Don Vito Production company Brooklyn Films Highland Film Group Narrative Capital Distributed by IFC Films Release date
September 12, 2017 ( TIFF)
January 10, 2020 (United States)
Country United States Language English Box office $37, 788 [2] [3]
Three Christs is a 2017 American drama film directed, co-produced, and co-written by Jon Avnet and based on Milton Rokeach 's nonfiction book The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. It screened in the Gala Presentations section at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival. [4] [5] [6] It was released in theaters and on VOD by IFC Films on January 10, 2020. [7] TCM has a release date of 2018. The film is also known as: Three Christs of Ypsilanti, The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, Three Christs of Santa Monica, and The Three Christs of Santa Monica. [8]
Premise [ edit]
The film is an adaptation of The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, [9] Rokeach's 1964 book-length psychiatric case study of three patients whose paranoid schizophrenic delusions cause each of them to believe he is Jesus Christ. [10]
Cast [ edit]
Richard Gere as Dr. Alan Stone
Julianna Margulies as Ruth
Peter Dinklage as Joseph
Walton Goggins as Leon
Bradley Whitford as Clyde
Kevin Pollak as Dr. Orbus
Charlotte Hope as Becky
Stephen Root as Dr. Rogers
Jane Alexander as Dr. Abraham
James Monroe Iglehart as Benny
Julian Acosta as Dr. Francisco
Danny Deferrari as Neil
Chris Bannow as Louis
Kathryn Leigh Scott as Victoria Rogers
Christina Scherer as Carolyn
Nancy Robinette as Mrs. Gabor
Ripley Sobo as Molly
Production [ edit]
Three Christs began filming in New York in the summer of 2016. [11] Three short scenes, shot in downtown Ypsilanti, were included in the film.
Reception [ edit]
Critical response [ edit]
On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 43% approval rating based on 46 reviews, with an average rating of 5. 17/10. [12]
References [ edit]
^ "Three Christs" Toronto International Film Festival. Retrieved 2017-09-19.
^ "Three Christs (2019)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
^ "Three Christs (2019)". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. Retrieved February 7, 2020.
^ Pond, Steve (August 15, 2017). "Aaron Sorkin, Brie Larson, Louis CK Movies Added to Toronto Film Festival Lineup". The Wrap. Retrieved August 15, 2017.
^ "Toronto According to … Exec Daniel Levin" The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2017-09-19.
^ "Washington, Chastain, Gyllenhaal, Cumberbatch, Garfield & More Look For Oscar Boost At Toronto" Deadline. Retrieved 2017-09-19.
^ Reimann, Tom (2019-11-25). "Watch the New Trailer for 'Three Christs' Starring Richard Gere and Peter Dinklage". Collider. Retrieved 2019-12-07.
^ "Turner Classic Movies - Three Christs". Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved 2020-02-05.
^ Siegel, Tatiana (May 9, 2016). "Cannes: Richard Gere to Star in Jon Avnet's 'Three Christs ' ". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 27, 2017.
^ "Julianna Margulies in Talks to Join ‘The Three Christs’ With Richard Gere" Variety. Retrieved 2017-08-10.
^ Perkins, Tom (August 8, 2016). " ' The Three Christs of Ypsilanti' starring Richard Gere filming in New York". The Ann Arbor News. Retrieved March 27, 2017.
^ "THREE CHRISTS". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved 16 January 2020.
External links [ edit]
Three Christs on IMDb
Three Christs at Rotten Tomatoes.

Sounds like a great movie, love Walton Goggins he's a great actor.

When will we be able to view it.
“ The Three Christs of Ypsilanti is more than the record of an experiment in the outermost reaches of social psychology. Among other things it represents, in an unpretentious but remarkably vivid way, what institutionalized madness is like. ” —Steven Marcus, The New York Review of Books “A rare and eccentric journey into the madness of not three, but four men in an asylum. It is, in that sense, an unexpected tribute to human folly, and one that works best as a meditation on our own misplaced self-confidence. Whether scientist or psychiatric patient, we assume others are more likely to be biased or misled than we are, and we take for granted that our own beliefs are based on sound reasoning and observation. This may be the nearest we can get to revelation—the understanding that our most cherished beliefs could be wrong. ” —Vaughan Bell, Slate “ The Three Christs is part meticulous log-book, part intriguing commentary and part high-voltage play as Rokeach recreates the men's interactions over 25 months. Rokeach's aim was to force them to confront ‘the ultimate contradiction’ of believing they were the same being.... Reissued for the first time in over 25 years, it comes with a pithy and sensitive preface by Rick Moody, foregrounding both changing attitudes to institutional care and the problems and possibilities of Rokeach's experiment. ” — The Guardian "It... seemed to me, aged 16, that The Three Christs of Ypsilanti contained everything there was to know about the world. That’s not the case of course, but if resources were short, I’d still be inclined to salvage this book as a way of explaining the terror of the human condition, and the astonishing fact that people battle for their rights and dignity in the face of that terror, in order to establish their place in the world, whatever they decide it has to be. " —Jenny Diski, London Review of Books.

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And then I met CGI.
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This looks sooooo bad. I can't believe Harrison Ford agreed to such a shitty movie. He doesn't need the money. I'm confused.
Quiboloy should have been one of the casts. 🤔.
That horrible CGI had me rubbing my eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.





最終更新日  2020.04.03 13:08:59
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