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Duration: 169 m

writer: Jonathan Nolan

Star: Matthew McConaughey

directed by: Christopher Nolan

Countries: Canada

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No Sing Up interstellar without sign up INTERSTELLAR Watch*Interstellar* 2020) Streaming viooz high definition Watch Full...
Free Watch interstellaires.
The most beautiful movie ever.
I found that this ending kind of ruined this movie. 1. They would be much more respectful towards him because he saved the human race 2. How would Madge even know about the girl left on the planet by herself? To all she knew she could have been dead. 3. No mention of the son. Even if he was dead (which is very likely) I'm sure that Cooper would have liked to know what happened to him. It feels almost rushed.

Even in 2019. Always though.
Final Agenda for Starship Congress 2019 is presented below.
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Posted by Richard Obousy on 06/22/2019
Icarus Interstellar is proud to announce Starship Congress 2019. In this article we'll detail the theme of the conference, and include links to register and submit a paper!
Posted by Andreas Tziolas on 12/30/2017
agLuna A robust mix of indigenous Alaskan plants traditionally used for tundra soil remediation is explored, to understand the conditions needed to condition lunar regolith and combat desertification in Africa.
agLuna experiment testing the ability of peas and nitrification bacteria to build up root spheres enriched with NH4 and NO3 to enrich Mars soil with nitrogen.
Posted by Colleen Damon on 11/16/2017
Posted by Andreas Tziolas on 10/13/2017
A great quick video about Icarus Interstellar and how our mission addresses grand challenges.
Posted by Andreas Tziolas on 07/31/2017
Speaker schedule and Activities for Starship Congress 2017
Stay tuned for the official program, hotel information, etc in this space.
Posted by Andreas Tziolas on 07/01/2017
Read more.

Hans Zimmer is such an amazing composer literally every single one of his pieces is jaw dropping and hooking and playing with you emotions just though vibrations Im proud to be from the same country as him.
Best science movie science seemes to be so tis commemt if u got amazed at the wormholes and black holes scenes.hatsoff favourite lines from the movie' Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Mankind was born on Earth. it was never meant to die here. Brand: There's the mountains! Brand: Towards the mountains! Cooper: Those aren't mountains, they're waves.

It was me Murph, I was your ghost I know, People didn't believe me, they thought I was doing it all myself, but I knew who it was. Nobody believed me, but I knew you'd come back How? Because my dad promised me With this music, what a powerful movie.
Lockdown: We: It's not possible The government: No, it's necessary.

I need to watch this movie again some time

Is there any way to delete this movie from my memory and watch it all over again like the first time.
Chris and Hans are master manipulators with audio and visuals. Cheers to them for this masterpiece. My fav film up to date.
I feel sorry for the people who didn't get the chance to see this movie in an Imax theater.
This soundtrack is my ringtone, my alarm clock in the morning, hell-its the track of my life.

I haven’t reviewed any trailers for this film because they don’t really show anything to talk about, and they all looked pretty much the same, McConaughey crying, corn fields and Christopher Nolan’s name in massive bold letters. But this trailer looks pretty cool, got plenty to look at without spoiling anything. The visuals and style of the film looks like it is Nolan in space which is what we all wanted from the film, acting looks solid, and we should be seeing plenty of SCI-FI shenanigans. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.
“Well we got this far. Farther than any human in history”
“Not far enough! ”

My Score: A-
Release date: 7 th November 2014
When a wormhole (which theoretically can connect widely separated regions of spacetime) is discovered, explorers and scientists unite to embark on a voyage through it, transcending the limits of human space travel. [1] Among the travelers is a widowed engineer (McConaughey) who has to decide to leave behind his two children to join the voyage with the goal of saving humanity.
What I liked
#6. Downed Drone
Some question marks with this shot. An educated guess is that the drone was used for surveillance research and got clogged up with dust in the frequent dust storms we see. Clearly the world is suffering from the effects of climate change, which often just makes weather conditions more extreme. If you have a dry climate it gets dryer and if you have a humid climate then it gets more humid to the point where it is uninhabitable.
#5. Brilliant Wormhole Effects
I love the twisted mirror effects used to present a wormhole because scientifically you shouldn’t be able to see a wormhole or a black hole, they don’t emit or reflect light they absorb light. Am sure I’ll get plenty of nerdy visuals to enjoy come November.
#4. A Space Odyssey
This film definitely takes a few queues from classic space science fiction and this shot especially reminds me of 2001 A Space Odyssey. This design seems to be some kind of base which stays in orbit like a space station whilst the centre detachable ship launches to the planetary surface.
#3. Minecraft Helper Thing?!
I originally thought this was some kind of alien thing that attacked them based off of older trailers, but I have heard that this is some kind of experimental robot assistant. Not quite sure how it could possibly move, its way of walking is somewhat defying my understanding of physics. It also looks very CGI which might be on purpose, could be some kind of artificial holograph helper.
Honestly am a little stumped on this one. Any ideas what this thing is or how it works?
#2. Look At Whatever That Thing Is!
No idea what that is, looks cool though. There clearly a planet nearby so it isn’t a supernova or black hole forming, that thing would have been wiped out way beforehand. Maybe a solar flare being deflected by something? Don’t really know about that one. Any ideas?
#1. That Ain’t No Mountain
That be a wave! Haha I love lines like this in movies. I especially loved the shot closer up as the camera just kept panning up and up and up. It’s the kind of obstacle that you just have to sit back and say “Well Shit”.
What I Didn’t Like
Not got much really. Am sure this film will be stellar (ha puns). Oh actually there was a scene where they say “now we will leave are solar system” which is fine but then the other guy says “and our galaxy” got to add a super nerdy comment about that. Interstellar travel is where you travel from one star system to another within the same galaxy. Intergalactic travel is where you travel from one galaxy to another galaxy within the same universe.
Now travelling through a worm hole could theoretically do both that’s not my point. This is with the title, better be Interstellar travel if you’re calling it Interstellar. Watch out Nolan because me and five other nerds are watching.
New Poster
Well that’s my views. Now what do you think about this newest trailer?
Tags: alien planets, Anne Hathaway, Bill Irwin, Christopher Nolan, Ellen Burstyn, Found space travel, Hans Zimmer, Interstellar, Interstellar (Final Trailer) Review, Jessica Chastain, Jonathan Nolan, Matthew McConaughey, Michael Caine, Poster, Review, space, Storm, Trailer, trailer 4, Warner Bros. Pictures
About Tim The Film Guy
Very opinionated about films!

Since the movie was released from now it has been 53 minutes in Miller planet...
Dermatologists hate him.
Cooper, what if she never came back for it? She will. She will. How do you know. Because I gave it to her. Murph takes the watch.
This movie is seriously underrated.
This is the first Interstellar Docking Scene titled video I have seen, that actually has the Interstellar docking scene.

I'm gonna have a word with the CEO of onions.
At 0:40 honestly first time I saw that was like oh shit it's a side colony from the Gundam series...
Don't let me leave Murph! moment makes me wanna cry every single time.
Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying - Arthur Clacke.
How do you know? Because I gave it to her Holy, what the, I give up Roger, dot dash...
The best movie of all time: INTERSTELLAR.
Allow me to preface this with "Interstellar" is now the second head- scratcher in C. Nolan's impressive and growing portfolio which leaves me feeling doltish. The other, Inception" where I sought of got the gist and plot particulars, even as his rather implausible imagery, intimately imprinted upon my imagination, scrutinizing the science or pseudoscience, and even now I'm a bit movie murky; but that's the beauty of sci-fi, things don't have to add up, you're not bound by empirical laws and temporal themes. I was a scientist in a past life teaching HS science for years and armed with a science background does little to nothing to quell Nolan's pleasantly perplexing and benignly baffling movie magic. I could smatter on about the film's many glorious incites to be gleaned, but then it would sound like I'm sucking him off there, wouldn't it?

The quote, Death is birth into another dimension" might as well have been ripped from the movie poster log-lines, and could very well be the literal inspiration for the Nolan brothers.

Interstellar was just that…stellar! Stellar was the site, superb were the sounds, and sonic boom the experience! Wow, man this bitch ripped right into the regret and remorse, love and loss, science verse paranormal, the unexplained element(s) of soul/emotion/faith and so forth, and above space-time (Einstein's mind-bending, once theory all but law now, concept that the two independent forces/entities of Space and Time are not separate, but fused together. His unifying construct of space and time became the 4- dimensional structure called space-time. I'm far from an authority on this, I still can't wrap my head around 80% of it, but roughly speaking and in the most rudimentary terms, a profound link between space and time exists, and the more you have of, the less you have of the other, i.e., motion through space affects the passage of time. Theoretical physicists, quantum engineers, and all particle people, please hang me !

An early criticism, the dialog felt unnatural, involuntarily coerced to establish obligatory plot parameters as relationships and passed doings. I'm not sure, but if took a swig of Jim Beam every time he said his daughter's name (I dare not say it) you'd be getting the old stomach pumped or thawing/freezing at the morgue. The gravity' of taking this to task would be grave (stone) Don't do it for Murph's sake! The early contrived dialog nearly contaminated this grain of sand from becoming the pearl that she is! She is stupendous and for reasons beyond my 2D understanding.

It's peppered with personal peccadilloes that I won't bother mentioning save for the contrived talk trying to scaffold the plot. Who/where/what/when is globed on us by a giant ladle and we need to gorge it down quick. Once you do and take it with "Its" grain of salt, the constipated flow is acceptable because of the many story layers and tremendous amount of setting necessary to get up to speed. It could have been coyer and not so blatantly blunt.

I'll refrain from commenting on the film aesthetics, for it's a Nolan and being as he pretty much prides himself on being a visual virtuoso and rare are the naysayers, so yeah, it's f'ing legend, smashingly vivid man!

Score: 79

*To see the rest need to request, reached word limit.

This is Murphy Cooper we're talking about - such a great line. All the background you needed.
Let's make the best movie ever. Everyone: It's not possible. Nolan: No, it's necessary.
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Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
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Motion Picture Rating
Rated PG-13 for some intense perilous action and brief strong language.
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Did You Know?
The robot personalities were inspired by Douglas Adams ' universe ("Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"), where the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation created the Genuine People Personalities ("GPP"), which imbue their robots with intelligence and emotion. The most recognized example in Adams' universe is Marvin, a depressed android. See more »
In one scene where the older Murph takes the watch outside the box in her room, a boom mic is being reflected in the glass of the watch. See more »
Dr. Mann:
This is not about my life, or Cooper's life; this is about all mankind!
Crazy Credits
There are no opening credits, except for the title. See more »
Alternate Versions
The 70mm IMAX version is two minutes shorter than the regular 70mm, Digital IMAX, 35mm, and digital projection versions. This is because the end credits are played in an abbreviated slide-show form (rather than scrolling from bottom to top), due to the size capacity of the IMAX platters, which can hold a maximum of 167 minutes of film. See more »
Referenced in PWN: Best of 2016: PWN #12 (2017)
Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night
Written by Dylan Thomas See more »
Frequently Asked Questions
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Release Date: 7 November 2014 (USA)
Also Known As: Untitled Steven Spielberg Space Project
Box Office
Budget: $165, 000, 000
Opening Weekend USA: $47, 510, 360,
9 November 2014
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $677, 471, 339
See more on IMDbPro »
Company Credits
Technical Specs
See full technical specs ».

I have never seen such a good sci-fi movie.
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Took the 2nd time around to appreciate the vast concept of this film. 2001 has its successor! Wonderful, thought provoking enhanced by Hans Zimmer's music.
Hans Zimmer is a MASTER of emotion.
Based in the year 2019. I am very disappointed in reality now. damn. Merry Christmas to you All! Dave.
Heads up before renting: this is the Theatrical Release which is considered inferior by many. There have been several different cuts of the film released over the years - most people seem to prefer the Final Cut or the Director's Cut. This version contains narration by Harrison Ford, un-remastered scenes (from what I hear most people actually like the remastered and edited scenes in this film - it's not a case like the Star Wars edits) a different intro sequence to explain the story to audiences, and an ending which Ridley Scott didn't like and which is changed in the recent cuts. If you just want to watch a film for a quick, sit-down viewing then this version might be sufficient; but if you want the full experience and to see the film how it was intended to be seen, most fans seem to recommend finding one of the other cuts.

I love how they had dust bowl survivors describe what will happen to us if we dont wake the hell up.
Tears are running in my eyes but not falling down.
Watch interstellar free reddit.
Best movie I've ever seen in my whole i have seen other great movies like Shawshank redemption, Schindler's list, forrest gump, saving private ryan, inception, pulp fiction, HP, LOTR, the hobbit, shutter island, avatar, dunkirk, memento, the dark knight, the godfather, the prestige and the list goes on and i don't know why only this movie touches me to the core of my heart. .

Amelia: Cooper what are you doing? Cooper: Docking. Amelia: Shocked Pikachu face.
Audience : You should re release this movie in theatres Theaters : It's not possible Audience : No it's necessary.
Free Watch interstellaire.
Download Interstellar Streaming Full Full Movie Online.





Last updated  2020.05.14 03:57:41
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