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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



Put your life on the line to make a difference on this planet
~My life has been a life of no regrets.

 I think that today's political situation, economic culture and the educational system for young people are contradictory, and that young people who have lost hope and need to learn the true value of life and what it means to put their lives on the line are not being educated in a way that suggests that they should burn their own lives and put their own souls on the line, in a way that is merely education- and knowledge-driven. The young people who need to learn what it means to live their lives by putting their lives on fire and their souls on the line, are not being given such a suggestive education.
This is a frustrating and regrettable situation, whereby we are wasting our time and resources, letting talented people rot in our society and not using them as a force for the development of our society.
 There is no future for a society that does not have a strong youth force, youth power, and education.
In politics today, the power is in the hands of a generation of people who, in our time, would be considered old men and women who have long since retired.
 How was it in our time? Ryoma, Masaru, myself, those who came to me and those who were students of the Matsushita Murakami School were still in their 20s or late teens in those days. When these young, ambitious people were studying hard, working hard and thinking about new social changes in order to change the future of Japan, the world was moved. Japan itself moved.
 During the centuries-long Tokugawa regime, people accepted their natural status as samurai, farmers, artisans and merchants, and gave up living in that status, feeling comfortable with their lives. It was a society that did not allow for the slightest dream of shining one's life, taking on challenges, fulfilling one's destiny, and using one's life to change society.
 If they thought of such a thing, they were immediately cut down and killed. Because of this, young people always gave up, always gave up on their own dreams in life because of where they came from, whether they were a low-ranking samurai or a member of a warrior clan.
 I thought that such a thing was wrong. I thought that the true purpose and essence of a Japanese boy's life is to make his life shine, to make his life shine with all the effort and sincerity of his life, and to devote his life to making society happy for the happiness of all, beyond the happiness of one person. I kept that dream alive. I taught the young members of my school about that dream and told them about it.
(From Yoshida Shoin, The Emperor of Heaven's Deliverance)


最終更新日  2022年06月16日 14時43分46秒
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