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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 75, Verses 1-8
...《Message from Amaterasu who has protected and nurtured the land of Japan ③》

Section 3: Do you love Japan and are you proud of Japan?
... "Ginchiku: Words from the Heart
... "Message from Amaterasu"...(March 19, 2020 revelation)
1) There is cause and effect in what is happening.
(2) I am the light that supports free thinking.
(3) I am always close to you all.
(4) Faith is something that can be done alone
(5) Do you love Japan and are you proud of Japan?
Mr. Ginchiku, good morning.
(Ginchiku: Good morning.)
I am Amaterasu. I am the one who is in charge of your country, Japan. Please give me your regards.
(Ginchiku: Please take care of me.)
(1) What is happening has cause and effect.
...《It is important to grasp (know) one's true feelings》.
I have been asked by Mr. Ginchiku to come here today. I am also deeply moved by what is happening in Japan and around the world today. I do not want you to be troubled or saddened by what is happening in Japan and around the world today.
However, there are actually causes for such things. It is actually your own thoughts and actions. Everything has a cause, and the result is based on the cause.
I am sure that you are seeing what is happening now as something that has nothing to do with you, but rather as if you are the victim.
The mind has many more layers of thoughts than we think, and it is very important to look into our true heart to get to the root of who we really are.
(2) I am the light that supports free thinking.
There are very few of you who can truly do that. People have various ways of thinking, and they are free to do so. However, in this world, there is a light that supports free thinking, and as a symbol of this light, I am the god of light, or the sun, which is actually the same thing as the light within you all.
Light is the light of the heart, the sun of thought, and the love of the universe. The light that flows throughout all of us and fills us, that is my form that watches over Japan.
To bring light to you, to illuminate you, and to send light into your hearts and guide you to where the light is, that is my role and the meaning of my existence.
(3) I am always close to you all.
The Sun Gods that exist throughout the world and I have the same meaning, but I believe that I am closer to you. I am connected to your hearts, and when you call my name, I appear, and my spectra are always present in the altar of your home, and my light is dispersed in shrines near you, sharing the same power.
Mr. Ginchiku, who is writing this now, often went to the shrine. Whenever he felt lost, he would go to the shrine, which was his family's shrine, and just sit there for a while, basking in the sunlight.
Mr. Ginczyk likes to be alone. He thought that the dialogue between himself and God was what would be effective as a way to clear away the wanderings of the mind. Thus, he communed with us heart to heart and let his soul rest in our light.
He was a man who had a great deal of faith.
Faith is something that can be done alone.
It was an act of "faith," an act of feeling the light with God within oneself, feeling one's own God within oneself, and manifesting that one's own God is with God.
Faith is something that each of us can do alone. It is completed only by connecting with God there. If only your heart is with me at all times, then it is complete. Do you understand what I am saying now?
Just look into your heart. We will speak directly to each one of you, pouring the light of love into it, enveloping, illuminating, and filling you with light. Feel us truly, and feel that there are eight million gods in this Japan.
This mantra is sent down only here in Japan with such meaning.
⑤ Do you love Japan and are proud of Japan?
(5) Do you love Japan and are you proud of Japan?
Do you love Japan? Its heart, its spirit, its culture, its people's way of life, its proud country and yourself as one of the people living there.
Let yourself, who love this land and step on this soil, connect with me and love all. Take love to your hearts and moisten Japan with the fountain of love.
Let the beautiful mountains and rivers flow through you. Draw into you the love that is me, the light of day that fills all life that breathes in its depths, and connect directly with me. Let each one of you and I be a family of the heart.
My light, my love, is immortal. It will not disappear after it is poured out. Seek and bask in the light. I will illuminate and love you with more light.
Feel me in everything around you. Look up to the sky and call my name. Know now that I am always there. It is really the power of the unseen that holds this world together.
I continue to send you my love. Thank you for today. I will come back again.
[Gintik, postcard]
Currently, the "Phoenix Project," a plan for the salvation of mankind and the ascension of the earth, initiated by the gods, and the accompanying revelations that I am publishing on this blog, have been sent down only here in Japan, even in the world.
This is because the people of the heavenly realms have chosen this place, Japan. There is not a day that goes by when the light of Amaterasu does not shine down on all places and people in Japan.
This is what we must remember and believe now.
...Continue to "Section 4: We are travelers on a journey to give love to others and raise the quality of our souls.


最終更新日  2022年07月22日 03時18分46秒
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