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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 75, Verses 1-8
...《Message from Amaterasu who has protected and nurtured the land of Japan ④》

Section 4: We are travelers on a journey to give love to others and raise the quality of our souls
...《Gintoku: Words from the Heart》...
... "Message from Amaterasu (2)"...(May 28, 2020 revelation)
(1) We are travelers on a journey to give love to others and improve the quality of our souls.
2) Let's start our contribution to Ohm Universe-sama with the love that is close to us.
(iii) Live your life realizing that the amount of love in your soul is your true wealth.
(4) After death, you will be asked to discuss your life with the heavenly beings and decide whether to proceed or not.
5) Recognize yourself as an alter ego of Ohm-sama's love and think about this life.
(6) Love for others comes from loving yourself.
(7) Question from the soul
(1) We are travelers on a journey to give love to others and improve the quality of our soul
Good morning, Gintiku.
(Ginchiku: Good morning.)
You look sleepy (laughs). Can I go now?
(Ginchiku: Yes, please do.)
Then let's begin. Ladies and gentlemen, I am Amaterasu, the God who protects this country. For many of you, you probably meet me often at shrines.
I am sorry that I am not able to visit you at the Jingu Shrine in Ise this year due to various reasons, but I am always thinking of you in this way. Please believe in that.
We, the heavenly beings, are now telling you every day to remember the love in your hearts, let it overflow, let each one of you make yourself happy, and let the overflow create a chain of love for others.
And I remind you that you are truly a shining, glittering light, which is the divided Spirit of the Aum Universe that possesses eternal life.
I always tell you that you are on a journey to improve the quality of your soul by evolving your eternal soul, reborn on this earth to contribute as much as you can as energy to this universe, and sharing your love for others. This is really important.
If you don't know this, if you don't think about it, if you just live your life lazily as you want to, you will end up not improving your soul, even though you went through a lot of hardships and sorrows after you were reborn.
(2) Let's start our contribution to Ohm Universe with love that is close to us.
If you can give even a little bit of your love to the people around you in your life, even just a little bit, you are already making a contribution to the universe of Aum. You are living in accordance with Aum's will.
I am not asking you to do something big for the world or for others. It is enough to do things like picking up lost items, thinking of the person who dropped them and delivering them, smiling and saying kind words to those around you every day, and so on.
That is the power of love that is generated by Aum's energy and love within you. When you leave this world and return to heaven, you can no longer take your money, your car, your house, your nice brand bags, or anything else with you, but only your soul, and your only property is the quality of love in your soul. Do you understand?
(3) Please live your life realizing that the quantity of love in your soul is your true property.
You may finish your earthly life, but you will not die. You will only leave your body as your true form, your soul, and your life will continue forever.
When you return to heaven without a body, without possessions, titles, or honors in this world, what do you think you can boast to yourself when you know that you, without anything, without a name, are the true you?
All the material values you have now in this world do not represent your worth. You already possess the property of love, the measure of your true worth, which is given without end to all the worlds of life.
Love is the true property of all of us who are rational minded beings with lives and souls, and the amount of love in our souls is the true property of all of us.
You must realize this now, and show it by your actions, precisely in this living, physical life in which you can act.
You must realize it now and show it by your actions in this life that you can act with your body.
After death, you will be asked to discuss your life with the heavenly beings and decide what to do with your life.
When you end your life on earth, you will be ordered to look back to heaven. You will be commanded to look back to the heavens to see how you have conducted yourself in all the lives you have lived.
You are already in the form of a soul at that time, and you must objectively judge how you lived your life while you were in the body with the eyes of your being, which is love itself. They will then discuss the results with the heavenly beings and decide how to improve their soul's performance and the quality of their love, as well as what they will do in the future.
At that time, can you look back at yourself and say that you are worthy of talking to the heavenly deities?
I am not saying that you should choose to be like Mr. Gintchik who is writing this now. Before Mr. Ginczik chose this life, he already had a life with a higher quality of soul in the form of that Maitreya Bodhisattva, and that is where this life started.
So, you see, the quality of love is already different by this point. So, he has already chosen to be born with a life that is dedicated to the service of others.
5) We are born with the love of Aum.
(5) Please recognize yourself as an alter ego of Ohm-sama's love and think about this life.
Then, fill yourselves with love until it permeates your entire body, and then take a step toward the next stage of filling others with loving actions and loving words. Please use this life to think about taking the next step.
Please don't just spend your life given to you by Ohm-sama, but think about what you, as an alter ego of Ohm-sama existing in this universe, can do to use her love.
It is not about spending your life, but about increasing the wealth of love in your life.
Your life is not a physical, finite thing. You live this life, and when you die, you realize immediately that you are still alive, even though death has come and you have taken off your body.
At that time you will exist without even a penny. Can you find something of true value in yourself now that you can boast of to the heavens? We say let love go, because it will be your true wealth.
(6) Love for others comes from loving yourself.
You cannot die. It is eternal life. And when you return to heaven, depending on the degree of your love, the world in which your soul lives will differ even within heaven. For example, I am in the seventh dimension. This is where Ginchiku's soul will return later.
You have left your three-dimensional bodies and exist as souls in the invisible worlds of the fourth dimension and beyond. The lowest world is the hell world. Those who go there are those whose hearts are possessed by darkness, so no one who is reading this now will go to hell unless they have a very good reason.
(7) Question from the soul
Some of you may not be interested in raising the world of the soul. But, those who wonder what they are, why they exist, are actually questions from the soul, hoping that they are a being that contributes to something.
Rather than finding the answer, first of all, love yourself, and love and care for yourself for simply existing in this way. Then you will have love for others.
Then you will realize that you are beginning to awaken in this way. Then, according to that, you should gradually give out love to others without overdoing it.
Don't sacrifice yourself. Mr. GINCHIKU has been pushing himself too hard because of his mission, but now he has started to slow down a little. Otherwise, your mind and body won't be able to handle it.
Our heavenly plan has been in the works for years. We need you to continue to work on it and contribute in different forms, so don't overdo it.
Everyone, please take your own pace. Slowly nurture love within yourselves and let it go. This will improve the quality of your soul's radiance.
I talked about the "truth of life" this time. The time has come for all of you to think about life from the perspective that your life will continue forever, not from the perspective that your life is only for this life. Please know that.
Well, that's all I have to say for today. I will come back when you call me again. Thank you very much for your time today.
Thank you very much.
GINTIKU Postcards
I don't remember how many years ago, but when I went to the Jingu Shrine in Ise, I was waiting for my turn to visit the main shrine in the photo above, when I felt something like a warm mass of air passing back and forth between me and my friend.
It is as warm as if it were hitting a bonfire from a little distance away. We looked around for a moment to see if there was a fire burning somewhere, but there was no sign of it, and when we finished praying and headed back down the path to the exit, I felt another warm mass of air several times, and it was so warm that my friend blurted out in the middle of the path, "Is that air conditioning wind?
And again, just like at Izumo-taisha Shrine with Susano-no-Mikoto, no one around us seemed to notice such a thing.
On another visit to Ise, as I was walking along the approach to the shrine on my way home, a leaf fell from a tree on the approach and landed on my head with a thud. My friend said to me, "You're turning into a doron! My friend said, "You've turned into a doron! It was so beautiful that I walked around for a while to show it off.
I think I had told him that when Susano no Mikoto came for the first time, when Amaterasu came for the revelation, he would know the reason for the revelation again.
I don't want to be bothered by Hanahara, but it's also somehow not enough that he doesn't bother me. grass, grass, grass, grass
...Continue to "Section 5: You are all an expression of Hoa's love


最終更新日  2022年07月22日 08時10分08秒
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