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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



The Age of Understanding Begins, Part 68, Verses 1-8
...《Spiritual Word from Amaterasu who has protected and nurtured the land of Japan (7)

Section 7: Declare, "I will make the earth a planet of love," and show it by your actions.
...When you have a new experience that fun and joy are what promote the evolution of the soul...
...from "Gintiku: Words from the Heart" (excerpt)
... "Message from Amaterasu (5)"... (Revealed on January 1, 2022)
(1) In Heaven, it is common knowledge that "the world changes by itself.
(2) You were born with the desire to live in this age.
(3) Think of your ideal society in your hearts and realize it through your deeds.
(4) If things continue as they are, nuclear war will begin. This is not a threat, but the truth.
5) Declare, "I will make the earth a planet of love," and show it to me.
(6) It is time to change to a new experience that fun and joy are what promote the evolution of the soul!
It is a common sense that "the world changes by itself.
(Ginchiku: Happy New Year, Amaterasu! I look forward to working with you again this year.)
Happy New Year, Gintiku-san. I look forward to working with you again this year. We are relying on you and your team. Now, I will talk to you.
(GINCHIKU: Yes, please.)
Yes, I am Amaterasu. Gentlemen, I am Amaterasu. I am the one who sits right in the middle of Japan and watches over all of Japan.
As the year 2022 dawns, it is my earnest wish that this sacred land will shine more brilliantly this year, just like the morning sun that rises from the sky.
Let us create a new wave of change in the world, and let us change society and the world with the "power of love," which is the most human of all human beings and the very spark of life itself.
Do you believe that this world will never change? It is a common sense that the world changes by itself. In order to realize the world that you truly desire and wish for, you yourself must become a manifestation of the inhabitants of that world. That is what it means to "change the world yourself.
From the very beginning of the creation of Japan, it was clear that Japan should be a special place among the existing world.
Japan is a country that was created in such a way from the beginning as a place where Maitreya appears now and offers his salvific intention.
The people who live there are the same. A people with a high spirituality, gentle, obedient, harmonious, and generous in thought, which is the characteristic of the people of this country, and the spirit of the universe, which is not found in other countries, is in their souls.
(2) You all volunteered to live in this time, and you were born by yourselves.
And, I would like all of you who exist now, who exist in this country now, and who are receiving these words of mine, to listen carefully. You, my dear ones, have volunteered to live in this time period, and you have been born yourselves.
If you look at this world, it will appear to you as darkness. It is an illusion that you are seeing. Originally, this world is driven by the power of love.
The fact that I am talking about this world now is also love from me to you, heavenly love.
But why does the world today look as if it is devoid of love? It is because we have mistaken what humanity desires and what each of us desires and manifests.
People of Japan, you who are there, receiving my light, receiving the blessings of the dragon, you who are being guided, it is time to let go of the desire in your hearts to be happy only for yourselves and yourselves alone.
You must be happy. The soul of the Creator, which was created by the will of Heaven, was divided and became the "divided soul," and that is your life.
To be happy is to repay your debt to the Divine Spirit, to show filial piety. But that is not enough. On earth today, people think, "It is enough if I am the only one who is happy. The earth today is full of people who think, "All I want is to be happy, and I don't care about anyone else.
Japanese politicians are a good example. Look at them. They pretend to think of you, but in fact, all they care about is their own self-preservation and lining their own pockets. They do not care about the people who are suffering from the disasters and the corona disaster. You would know that if you had seen them, and if you had seen their ad hoc politics with no way out.
If such people are allowed to manipulate this country forever, neither the heavens nor you can help but feel anger, let alone annoyance.
That is why we are here at last to change this society, to ask what happiness means to people, and to ask you to take action yourselves.
We are here to ask you to take action...
Please think of your ideal society and realize it through your actions.
You talk about how an ideal society should be, but you do not make the slightest effort to change your actual lives. You just criticize politicians, just like I just did.
Then, think about what kind of society and what kind of people you can say is the ideal society, and by embodying it yourself, you will change your world. No one often does this.
Listen to me carefully. Now, I am not asking you to do anything like the members of this project.
Those who become members are born with a decision and a commitment to their souls, so it is not necessary for us to tell you that they have the intention of salvation and will inevitably become members.
What you are not doing is to "change your behavior" so that your society will be a place where you feel happy and where the people around you are also happy.
Smile and greet everyone you meet, pick up trash around your house, give directions, make a donation, help someone with a job or task, do something to help children in faraway countries, love animals and take care of nature, think about the environment and reduce wasteful spending, etc.
I would like you to show your kind heart for people, things, and the environment to the outside world, and to show your own thoughts as "deeds". That is the activity of love that we desire.
Let each one of you try to do it. Your thoughts of love will affect the hearts of those around you one after another, inducing them to become thoughts of love, which will eventually reach far beyond the sea from Japan, and you, the people of Japan, will eventually arrive at the act of changing the earth as well.
Do you think what we are saying is impossible? Even though we can already see such a world of love spreading over the future earth?
If we go on like this, nuclear war will begin. This is not a threat, but the truth.
We, you know, we all want to change this earth into a planet of love and save the earth from nuclear war and other damages. If you, the greedy people of countries other than Japan, go on like this, you will surely drop nuclear bombs that will destroy the earth itself to pieces.
This is not a threat, it is the truth. I am not talking about the extinction of the human race. This earth will be gone, and it will disappear into space. Not only that, the energy from the nuclear bombs will drift out into space and affect the universe itself, leaving damage to the universe as it exists today.
If you, the human race, do not stand up now from Japan and stop it, you will have a tremendous impact on the universe and destroy the earth and the universe.
That is why we are showing you the way to avoid it and asking you to steer us in that direction.
If you don't make a move of love by this time, nuclear war will surely begin on earth.
5) Declare "I will make the earth a planet of love," and show it to me!
So, I really want to speak to you today and tell you this, because Mr. Ginchiku called me here at the beginning of this year.
This year, from Japan, let us transform the earth into a planet of love. This is, you see, the aspiration for this year that Mr. Ginchiku spoke to us last night as the year dawned.
Of course, the heavens and everyone else have no other thoughts than that. Heaven wants only one thing. The earth you live on, which is your home, and all earthlings are your soul brothers and sisters who share the same soul with you. Please protect and love that earth yourselves and transform it into its beautiful true form.
I wish that this year will be filled with your love all over Japan, and that is why I am speaking.
If you come to visit the shrine, please be sure to declare, "I will make the earth a planet of love. And show it to me.
Do not forget to do it as your own deed. Be sure to speak to me of your love for the Earth. I look forward to seeing you and your people again at the Shrine.
You can change this Japan with your power. Believe it wholeheartedly this year and turn it into action. Let us not only make ourselves happy, but also make others happy. All you have to do is to put out your kind heart. There is always a kind heart within you. That's what I mean when I say that you are the separate souls given to us from heaven. Don't forget that.
(6) It's time to change to a new experience that fun and joy is what promotes the evolution of the soul!
Well then, Mr. Ginchiku, your success this year depends on you. The heavens are watching your growth, and now everyone is enjoying and watching with interest. This year you will show more and more your power as a Maitreya and bring your words of love to all of Japan.
The heavens and the Dragon Gods are both firmly protecting you and not letting anyone else get in your way, so rest assured, have more fun than ever and take good care of yourself. Your mind and body are your capital itself. Please take it easy and look forward to working with you this year.
(Ginchiku: Yes, I understand. I will try to have a relaxed mind and take it easy on my body. (Thank you for always watching over me.)
Yes, please take care of me. And Mr. Yamato, as a representative of us Shintoists, you have been loyal to us this time and have organized the team.
I am sure you have learned a lot yourself. It is a time when people's time is changing from the experience of enduring pain and hardship to a new experience where fun and joy are the key to the evolution of the soul.
I hope you will continue to watch over your members this year and help them so that Ginchiku's urging of love can reach as many people as possible. Take care of yourself and don't overexert yourself. Best regards.
Finally, to all the members, I hope the beginning of this year is filled with a very bright and positive atmosphere. I have bright visions and images coming down to you as well, Mr. Ginchiku.
I hope that you too will enjoy this year, but please do what you have to do, without neglecting to take care of yourselves. It's a bit of a nod if all you focus on is self-promotion. You guys joined us to be project members. Please focus on the activities properly.
Don't mistake enjoyment for fun. You must not forget Terra's thoughts even for a day. Please control yourself there, and this year, be sure to take care of your own mind and your own activities. Well, I am leaving now.
To all of you in Japan, I wish you a happy new year!
...Continue to "Section 8: In Heaven, it is common knowledge that the world changes itself.


最終更新日  2022年07月22日 11時48分49秒
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