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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…




A Message from Jesus Christ
【God and Love】
8. Figure of Love Itself Is the Figure of the Children of God Themselvesー②
You are the children of God of the subconscious and are united as one as the children of God of the deep psyche. In the present spiritualism, the term "oneness" might be used.
But you may not use such a difficult word. You are the children of God and you are united as one in the consciousness of the children of God. The persons here might have any blood relation. But as a friend, all are being close together and share the same thought. You are being connected by an invisible force.
Expanding it much larger, to the ones outside of friend, or to the ones who abuse you, you are, in some sense, being connected as the children of God.
And all over this Japan, throughout this world, the earth, and to its other side, it is being connected more than you can imagine. On the earth, there are animals, plants, minerals, and the ones called natural spirits, whom you might not know, such as the sea gods ruling the oceans, dragon gods, gods of the mountains, and gods of the sky. Going into stars, there are natural spirits called sprites of the air who are guarding the air. There is a sprite of flowers for the flowers. All of those are the children of God.
All of the children of God take hands and create the yarn of this ground and this universe as if these were a picture scroll. It has been resounding throughout the universe, like a symphony of God.
It is the love of God itself, and it is that which God is wishing for.
God has created this universe, and in this love he has been going to express the own wish of love and this universe through this grand universe.
For that purpose, we have been separated by a split and created as the children of God. We have to know its figure and stance in the end.
Accordingly, in the infinite eternal time, we are going to practice the possibility of our own divinity, and if we exist in such a standing point, you have to love our neighbors and share with each other in evolving and developing infinitely in eternal time.
You have not to be indifferent to those children who are starving in the desert. They and you are being connected to each other. Their consciousness and your consciousness are by all means connected through these weaving threads.
So, be kind to others, give love, and be tolerant of your neighbors. Love is that which is given.
Never ask for a reward.
In continuing to give and give and give, and in continuing to forgive and forgive and forgive, the fundamental principle of love lies.
In such a way, we have been made alive and protected by the God of the grand universe, and could have been living up till now, couldn't we?
Amor (Jesus Christ)
Channeling message by Amarie
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)


最終更新日  2023年01月08日 07時05分02秒
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