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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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【It is the children of God themselves who will reform the third dimension.】
You who are on earth have physical bodies.
It is you, the three-dimensional beings who have physical bodies, who have the power in concrete form to color the material world of the three-dimensional world.
However, you are also the ones who have lost much of your memory, more than 90% of your memories, and have left without knowing the purpose for which you came to earth or the original purpose of your practice.
Therefore, in order for you not to fall into the pit that you have fallen into, your guardian spirits and guiding spirits are in charge of your practice to make it the most effective and wonderful content throughout your life.
We have all the memories of our past. And we also have the wisdom of the heavenly world. But we do not have a physical body.
It is the children of God, who have descended to the third dimension, who will reform this third dimension by their own hands. This is the original purpose of our practice.
The future of the earth will be determined by how hard you, the three-dimensional beings on earth, will work to receive the help of our guardian spirits and guiding spirits.
You may think that this third plan is just like any other plan that has existed until now.
But this plan will be the final, conclusive, and final means to the end of this series of plans by Shinji Takahashi and El-Ranty. It must be considered as such.
With this, we must ask ourselves how humanity has truly learned about the will of the heavenly realm, wisdom, and love, and what kind of results we have achieved. That is what is truly being questioned.
And how will you respond in the hell world as well?
Recognizing the fact that your thoughts are being pulled into the earthly material world and are now supplying hell with a tremendous and unlimited supply of energy, how do you want to purify this earth, how do you want those of us in the third dimension to work hand in hand to resolve this problem, and how will you respond to this problem? We would like to see how you, the people in the third dimension, will work hand in hand to resolve this issue.
Our message has always been conveyed from God's world through the mouths of prophets since the time of the Old Testament.
But how to bring it down to the earth and how to implement it concretely on the earth, that has been the process of growth, development, and learning of mankind.
And now that we are at the climax of the last stage of this civilization, how will you feel the messages from the heavenly realms and how will you apply them in your lives?
Thinking about the future of the earth, each one of you must recognize and encounter the divinity of your own soul, search for the work you can do, and then develop a plan for such a wonderful global project that you cannot do alone, but that you can do together if you work hand in hand. We can do this by ourselves, but if we work together, we can do something wonderful.
We humans on earth can do that too.
There are already musicians and others who are planning global-scale concerts of great harmony on the earth.
In addition, there are many other high-level spirits on earth right now who are working in reality and through politics.
By becoming aware of these people, by working together, joining hands, and cooperating with each other, a time of global awakening, a time of revolution in consciousness, will appear, and the people of the earth, both the weak and the strong, will help each other, and as people recognize happiness, life, and God among themselves, they will be able to realize the true nature of the universe, the true nature of the universe, and the true nature of the universe. In the future, there will be a moment of dramatic transformation, when many people will recognize that they have the will to live together with God and will return to their original stance as children of God.
But will we be able to take it that far or not?
Archangel Michael 
From "The Last Plan of Mankind"
Translation by DeepL


最終更新日  2023年03月12日 07時00分09秒
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